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  • Aug 9, 2008, 11:42 PM
    Growing things
    OK so this is my story:
    Ever since I have been born a was large(tall and fat) so right now I am 13, 230 pounds and 6'2.

    Lately I have been talking to my friends and I've been telling them how I want to be taller(they were shocked because I'm the tallest in our school) and I've been wondering how tall I am going be when I stop growingdoes anyone know what height I can grow too??

    So earlier this month I was watching a medical diary and it said that doctors in canada have found away to make you taller( apparently they can streacth your bones so you can grow only up too a foot) and the surgery is about 1000.00 dollars and I will be bed ridden for around 1 month. I've been wondering if it's a good idea??

    Feel free to send your opinions no matter how mean they are.
  • Aug 9, 2008, 11:58 PM
    Ok. At 13, you're still growing, so you won't be able to undergo this kind of surgery. Also, by the time you stop growing, you could easily be 6'7. But even if you stay 6'2 for the rest of your life, it's still pretty tall.
    Why would you want this operation?

    Also, at a guess I would assume that they're either stretching your bones (which takes years, not months, is intensely painful and CANNOT be done until a person has completely stopped growing) or giving you a bone graft (which also takes years to heal, is intensely painful, cannot be done until you've finished growing AND will take away potential bone grafting materials for people who need then for genuine medical purposes).

    So no. Don't do it.
  • Aug 10, 2008, 12:07 AM

    Originally Posted by Mrcuddlesworth
    i've been wondering if its a good idea?????

    No, it's not. First of all, you could get taller yet before you're finished growing (around age 21), plus doctors would not perform this procedure on you simply for money or because you want it. They do this kind of thing for people who are born with some imperfection in their bones or who have Crohn's disease or who have not gotten taller for some reason. If you lost some weight, you would look even taller. Are the men in your family a lot like you, tall and big?
  • Aug 10, 2008, 01:08 AM
    No I'm the tallest in my family and everyone else is skinny]

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