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  • Sep 24, 2018, 02:52 PM
    No longer called Borking ......
    The unfair and unproven character assassination of a SCOTUS nominee will now be called a 'Kavanaugh'. The apparent narrative is that this guy who has had an unblemished record for 30 years of public service was a big drinker in High School who led a ring of sexual assaulters when he wasn't attempting rape and exposing himself to helpless female students .None of his accusers have offered the tiniest sliver of proof ;and have all but admitted to faulty and incomplete recollection of the events ;and cannot produce collaborative witnesses.

    In fact ,the NY Slimes investigated the Ramirez claim and decide there was not enough corroboration to report it . Not that it stopped sleaze bags like
    Ronnan Farrow from slandering him. The Slimes interviewed over 2 dozen people who were at the college party ;and none can recall the incident
    What’s extraordinary is that Ramirez herself admits that she hesitated to come forward because there were such large gaps in her memory; and only came forward after a week of coaching from her lawyer .

    Yet Senators are taking these charges seriously and giving them more weight than 6 different FBI back round checks Kavanaugh has had .Over 200 women encompassing his years from high school to the present have signed letters supporting him and his character .

    Senator Feinstein should be brought up on ethics violations no matter the outcome . Her withholding the charge until the 11th hour was disgraceful. Knowing this ;Senator Grassley should end this charade Thursday and have his committee vote on the Kavanagh appointment ;and Yertle McConnell should fast track the full Senate vote and get it done in time for the start of the October SCOTUS session .
    If you have a son, it should terrify you what Dems think should happen to him if he becomes so successful that the only way to tear him down is to just accuse him of the worst.
  • Sep 24, 2018, 03:07 PM

    If you have a son, it should terrify you what Dems think should happen to him if he becomes so successful that the only way to tear him down is to just accuse him of the worst.
    If you have a daughter, it should terrify you what Repubs think should happen to her if she.... (fill in the missing words).
  • Sep 24, 2018, 04:08 PM
    You don't find it strange that the victims want the FBI to investigate, but the GOP and Kavanaugh don't? What should we expect from a dufus who brags about assaulting women and dismisses it as locker room talk yet gets elected, and supports his rich pals that have assaulted and harassed women for years. The good old boys always circle the wagons for their own and we all know its about the power.

    The GOP has sunk to a new low not unlike the Clarence Thomas appointment. The sad part is that you have seen little boys raped by priests and nobody knew for many years if ever, but you don't give the girls the same benefit of believing them. You guys are sick!
  • Sep 24, 2018, 04:10 PM
    I have a daughter and I fear nothing for her from conservative positions . And the preponderance of real evidence suggest that Kavanaugh has been nothing except an ideal example of a father .
  • Sep 24, 2018, 05:24 PM
    Just remember the vengence of women knows no bounds
  • Sep 24, 2018, 06:02 PM

    You don't find it strange that the victims want the FBI to investigate, but the GOP and Kavanaugh don't?

    no not particularly . The FBI vetted him and none of this came up . The accusers cannot corroborate . Give a sliver of evidence for the charges besides drunken memories .

    What should we expect from a dufus who brags about assaulting women and dismisses it as locker room talk yet gets elected, and supports his rich pals that have assaulted and harassed women for years.

    What you think of Trump is irrelevant . Where is the proof of these slanders against Kavanaugh ?

    The GOP has sunk to a new low not unlike the Clarence Thomas appointment.

    That is a valid comparison since Thomas was slandered with no evidence except from the words of the accuser also .

    The sad part is that you have seen little boys raped by priests and nobody knew for many years if ever, but you don't give the girls the same benefit of believing them. You guys are sick!

    There is a preponderance of evidence against the predatory priests and the bishops that covered it up . You make me sick because you would destroy the reputation of a man for the single reason that he has different political positions than you and at all cost you think he should be not be seated in the court . Yours isn't the rule of a civilized society . Yours is the law of the jungle . In your system of justice the accused has to prove their innocence instead of the accuser proving guilt .
    Christine Blasey Ford is a college professor . Yet
    she doesn't really recall how she got to the party. She doesn't recall the house that the party was thrown in, and she doesn't recall how she got home from the party. She has a fuzzy memory about the people that were there at the time .The one other person named says he was not there ;and her account of the event and the notes her therapist took does not match . I'm sure the boys you speak of have a vivid memory and can recall every sordid detail of the assault against them. The Ramirez account ? Well she admits that she was drunk;provides no witness ;had to reflect with her lawyer to square her account .Even with that there are gaps . The collaboration provided was a 3rd hand account by someone who allegedly heard rumors about
    the incident . Stormy Daniel's lawyer makes the highly improbable claim that Kavanaugh orchestrated gang rapes in high school . Don't you think it strange that after 30 years of public service and a series of FBI backround checks these stories never emerged until days AFTER the Senate Judiciary hearings ended ? Come on !You are not that naïve .
  • Sep 24, 2018, 06:17 PM

    Where is the proof of these slanders against Kavanaugh ?
    Proof, or the accumulation and preponderance of evidence? What about the entries in Kavanaugh's yearbook that refer to his sexual escapades, in particular the "FFFFFFFourth of July" entry?
  • Sep 24, 2018, 06:41 PM
    There is no amount of lying that democrats will not engage in so that they might achieve their political ends. He says he was never at the party. No one else at the party has any recollection of his presence at the party. Several dozen women have come forward to speak of Kavanaugh's high character. But he must be guilty because, after all, there are some posts in a yearbook. Dear goodness. It's insanity.
  • Sep 24, 2018, 06:46 PM
    I don't know what that means . Surely such debauchery would have plenty of witnesses who would've recalled these events when the FBI came a calling .

    If his year book is fair game then why isn't Ms Ford's year book from Holton Arms Girls School ? That year book was scrubbed Sept 17 from the web when she came out with her charges . According to rumors I hear the facutly of the elitist school promoted an environment of binge drinking and promiscuity . Numerous passages in the book refer to drunken keggers .Photos in the yearbook illustrate examples of minors drinking heavily ;beer cans piled up on the floor .I have seen the alleged pages from someone on the web who anticipated the scrubbing and took a number of screen shots . Beyond that I have no proof it is true. But hey evidently accusations need no proof .
  • Sep 24, 2018, 07:02 PM

    I don't know what that means . Surely such debauchery would have plenty of witnesses who would've recalled these events when the FBI came a calling .
    Haven't you seen and read all the recollections and quotes from Kavanaugh's former classmates? And read the excerpts from Mark Judge's books?
  • Sep 24, 2018, 07:25 PM
    and did you read Michael Judge's rebuttal of his brother's accounts ? Mark Judge spends some time in his fictional memoirs trashing the memory of his father . However Judge has vehemently denied Kavanaugh ever acting the way he is charged ;and Kavanaugh is not directly implicated in any of Judge’s writings. So how does that become a 'preponderance of evidence'? Not even close . In fact the only thing that comes close to implicating Kavanaugh of any mischief in his book is his accounting of a 'Bart O'Kavanaugh' puking in a car.
  • Sep 24, 2018, 07:31 PM
    Of course a loving brother would rebut! Kavanaugh's former classmates corroborate -- even elaborate and explain.
  • Sep 24, 2018, 10:43 PM
    What is it that after years of staying silent someone feels the need to ruin the career of a person considered upright in the community, where was this person when Kavanaugh was being confirmed as judge. What we have here is a politicisation of the process, after all who's early years can stand absolute scruitiny and if this is a false accusation then the redress should be to destroy the person making the claim
  • Sep 25, 2018, 04:15 AM

    What is it that after years of staying silent someone feels the need to ruin the career of a person considered upright in the community, where was this person when Kavanaugh was being confirmed as judge. What we have here is a politicisation of the process, after all who's early years can stand absolute scruitiny and if this is a false accusation then the redress should be to destroy the person making the claim.
    Pretty well sums it up. It might be different if there was credible direct evidence to back up the claims of these two women, but instead there is just nothing.
  • Sep 25, 2018, 05:01 AM
    Prof. Ford passed a polygraph, and went through therapy for nothing? That was before Kavanaugh was even considered for SCOTUS. Why would she put herself and her family through this hell for nothing? Why hasn't Kavanaugh called on the FBI, or someone to clear his name? What is he and the GOP afraid of? I'm not so sure the country as a whole is that sold on Kavanaugh, and rightfully so since the GOP foisted the Dufus on us and we know about his women problems that he denies.
  • Sep 25, 2018, 05:49 AM
    Yes. That always proves guilt. "I went through therapy, your honor, and I passed a lie detector test." That will get you nowhere in court if that's all you have. In fact, you won't even get to court. No witnesses. 35 years have gone by. Can't even remember what house this supposedly occurred in. But even if the allegation is true, are we really going to disqualify a man for doing something stupid in high school? If we are going to use that standard, then we won't have many people in the federal government. The FBI can't clear his name. What do you think they are going to do, to investigate and then come out and say this woman is lying? It doesn't work that way. It is up to the accuser to prove his guilt, and she is a million miles away from doing that.
  • Sep 25, 2018, 06:17 AM
    This isn't a court of law, it's a job interview for the highest court job in the land for life. Maybe dude was a party animal and a drunk and did a lot of stupid stuff back in the day, but you cannot ignore he may have traumatized a few people along the way with bad behavior, even if he can't remember or even cares. He denies everything.

    For sure his main sponsor and supporter has no moral compass he follows nor does his GOP advise and consent crew ever shown any inkling of gender sympathy, or have shown a lick of ever having one. Looks like a bully job by old entitled white guys to me... and most people.

    Maybe that's the REAL problem here as the Dufus led GOP appears to be the party of rich white guys who don't want to be scrutinized or held accountable and are entitled to the rewards that their power can bring them and they won't share it even with their own women. Maybe this is a partisan smear job in reaction to a partisan cover up and power grab.

    ITS ON!

    No impartial arbiters here!
  • Sep 25, 2018, 06:35 AM
    "Prove to me my accusations about you are false........."

    . . "Let the jury consider their verdict," the King said, for about the twentieth time that day.
    "No, no!" said the Queen. "Sentence first–verdict afterward."
    "Stuff and nonsense!" said Alice loudly. "The idea of having the sentence first!"
    "Hold your tongue!" said the Queen, turning purple.
    "I won't!" said Alice.
    "Off with her head!" the Queen shouted at the top of her voice.
  • Sep 25, 2018, 07:04 AM
    I would rather stick to the modern stuff,


    Avenatti says that he has a client who knew Kavanaugh in high school and accused him of setting up girls to be raped. "When the American people hear from her, they will determine, as I have, that she is to be believed," Avenatti said during a press conference Monday evening. Kavanaugh called that claim outrageous...
    But his yearbook page repeatedly referenced drinking and in a statement, his former Yale roommate reportedly described Kavanaugh as "a notably heavy drinker" who "became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk." The former Yale roommate James Roche admits he "did not observe" Ramirez's account firsthand but that he believes her.

    My question would be to him "What are the things you regret and made you CRINGE as a teen Mr. Kavanaugh?"... (Besides being a drunk virgin.).
  • Sep 25, 2018, 07:18 AM
    What a question. If the requirement to be a SCOTUS judge is to have never had a regrettable moment in your teen years, then I imagine there won't be any judges seated.

    When you say that the republican party is the party of "rich white men", in what way aren't you lowering yourself to the level of casting racial stereotypes? It sounds the same as, "I mean after all, you knoowwww how all those rich white guys are. They're all the same." One might hope we could get past that. But perhaps you had a different meaning in mind??

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