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  • Jul 30, 2006, 10:24 AM
    I hate myself
    I'm so insicure about about everything
    I think I'm ugly fat and stupid and I just don't want to be around anymore
    I always think that everyone would be better off without me
    And that I'm just in the way of everyone
    I feel like my life is nothing but a big screw up
    And that I'm useless
    I just don't know what I'm doing in life anymore
    I feel lost and alone
    I just don't know how much longer I can take being here
    And always being hurt
    I just want to be someone else
    I hate feeling this way and I don't know how to get over it
    And overcome all my feelings
    I'm to insicure
    Everyone says I'm pretty and skinny but when I look in the mirror I see nothing but a fat ugly usless person and I don't know what to do anymore
    Can anyone anyone please just help me
  • Jul 30, 2006, 03:24 PM
    You did not say your age, that can make some differences.

    We all, and I mean all go though stages, where we feel bad about ourself, that is where having someone to talk to, a friend, a parent, a pastor or rabi or other religioius leader. Even someone over the internet who can listen.

    The idea of looking fat when you are not really ( you did not give height and weight) is a medical issue that far too many people go though. A proper body size by eating proper means and getting good exercise is very important
    So go see a medial doctor and get a check up, see if your weight is right, or if your body chemistry is OK.

    And you want to be someone else, what about doing something else, do volenteer work at a nursing home or homeless shelter, get invoved with other people..

    Not sure about your looks, go get a make over change your hair design or even color.
  • Jul 30, 2006, 05:57 PM
    Time may help you more than anything, which is a cool thing because it means it happens automatically, no work, yeaaa! Fortunately, teenage feelings change over time. Its part of all the genuine angst of getting to know yourself while growing up. Many kids your age are going through the very same thing. Do you have girlfriends who you can share these kinds of things with? It always helps to have company on the difficult parts of the journey, and it helps if that company can totally relate. Get with friends, get involved and it will help you to get out of yourself. It does get easier, I promise.
  • Jul 31, 2006, 05:41 AM
    Not to be harsh but having read your previous post, and there are many you should talk to a professional starting with a doctor. Your obsession with boys tells me you need a lot of attention and you have a poor body image and low self esteem. Please see a doctor and be honest about your feelings as you have been with us. Good Luck!
  • Aug 1, 2006, 01:19 AM

    Originally Posted by cutie08
    im so insicure about about everything
    i think im ugly fat and stupid and i just dont want to be around anymore
    i always think that everyone would be better off without me
    and that im just in the way of everyone
    i feel like my life is nothing but a big screw up
    and that im useless
    i just dont kno what im doing in life anymore
    i feel lost and alone
    i just dont know how much longer i can take being here
    and always being hurt
    i just wanna be someone else
    i hate feeling this way and i dont kno how to get over it
    and overcome all my feelings
    im to insicure
    everyone says im pretty and skinny but when i look in the mirror i see nothing but a fat ugly usless person and i dont kno what to do anymore
    can anyone anyone please just help me

    I think the big question to all of your issues is :-
    Why do u feel like this?
  • Aug 1, 2006, 09:16 AM
    Yes, why do you feel like this?

    I think we all go through stuff like this. I know being a teenager is very difficult. Hormones and trying to figure out where you belong is very hard. You aren't a child nor are you a grown up... this can be very challenging if you don't have a strong idea of who you are. You are not alone in feeling like this.

    I think it's important for you to get some sort of counselling. Everyone has these days once in a while, but it's not good to feel like this too often.

    Take care.
  • Aug 1, 2006, 08:13 PM
    I went through the same BS growing up. Turns out I was invisible. I looked just like everyone else. I was so stuck on fitting in, that I didn't realize I blended in. I can still picture the day I was looking into the mirror and stopped asking why and started asking how. How am I going to change, How am I going to break away from " everyone else" and stand out. Now I'm not saying I'm the best looking person in the world, or most out going, but I have no problems meeting people.
    Hope this helps
  • Aug 1, 2006, 09:27 PM
    You say all of those bad things about yourself and yet you use the nickname of Cutie08, That tells me that you got a little bit of self esteem and that the only thing wrong with you is that you are just like a large majority of the girls your age. Not a lot of people like what they see in the mirror unless they are so vain they can not see the real person in the mirror. So Cutie08 keep using that nickname and believe what it says hold your head up high and show people that you are so proud of who you are. If you go around with a good attitude about yourself people notice it and soon decide that you are a great to be around. So try to adapt this attitude and in a couple of weeks write us another note and tell us if anything has changed... good luck
  • Aug 1, 2006, 09:48 PM
    The FAT : meaning your are fabulous and talented; fine and terrific;the adjectives can go on and on. Think about it sometimes and use it... it will work for you... reverse of a negative word to a positive... for example, bad is good baby... you have a personality and confidence with whom you are... insecure will... we all feel that way sometimes... if we do not feel insecure some of the time we are not normal. The next time you feel unless volunteer for some project Homes for Humanity or some project that interest you... keep your mind off yourself for awhile... notice others... some one will need you and you will be there for them... you are useful... I donot know you... but you helped someone today... believe that
  • Aug 1, 2006, 10:40 PM
    Hun Get over it Everybody is Beautiful in there own way and think about it Yurr Unique* There is nobody out there like you and there is somebody out there that would want you so don't feel that way because everybody is different I'm skinny I'm 17 years old and I'm like 105 pounds I use to be called skinny when I was younger but then I use to be a model I styll got guys and I styll thought I was beautiful because God made me this way and this is what I shall be and if I feel bad about da way I look I do something about it make yourself feel pretty hang out with friends who really make you feel happy and are liking you for who you are and don't let nobody take Advantage of you because remember we are All beautiful =)
  • Aug 2, 2006, 12:01 AM
    If you feel bad about yourself within no matter how pretty you are you will still see yourself ugly!
    Concentrate on having more self confidence within (no one is perfect) and when you next look in the mirro you will say 'mmm not bad, not bad at all :D'
  • Aug 2, 2006, 09:40 PM
    Hi Cutie08,
    I know it can be hard sometimes, and there may be a lot of things going on, but if everyone tells you that you are pretty, why not choose to believe them?

    There is an old parable, about a king who lived high on a hill above his village. He was adored by his people, though largely remained in seclusion from his subjects, chosing to reside within the walls of his castle. One day a terrible plague descended up the village. There was only one well for the entire village, and soon, all who drank from the well went quite mad from the tainted water. In the ensuing weeks the king began to lose great favor. "Why does he say such things?" "What has happened to our king?" Fearing all out revolt, the king was forced to one day descend the hill in order to meet with his people. Tired from the long climb down the hill, the king as well drank from the unhealthy water. That day, the king's words never garnered such lofty praise. All the villagers crowded around their great leader and shouted, "Thank the gods, the king is cured!" :)

    Perception is a funny thing. And the more removed we are from outside influences, the more at risk we are of becoming fixated in our own beliefs. Who is to say who is right? In large part, as many people have said, we help to create our own reality. Please don't remain isolated from those who adore you. Believe firmly in what they say, and trust as well, that you truly are as beautiful as you are innately capable of believing you are. :)
  • Nov 16, 2006, 05:50 PM
    :) u are espesial in single ways
    I think that you are nice person
    U only see your outside of u
    U don't see the inside
    Who care about the outside!! The inside is that you have to care about
    Your friend say that you are pretty and skinny because they care about u
    They don't care if you pretty and skinny they only care about u
    And if you think tha everyone can live happy without u
    Your incorect
    There is many people who care about u
    U may don't know that but is true
    Your friend
    And a lot of people
  • Dec 18, 2006, 09:32 PM
    Your not alone... trust me
  • Dec 18, 2006, 09:46 PM
    Hi cutie, Sorry your feeling so down. You know I have been watching you and your post since you got here, and if I may offer a small suggestion I think you've been so focused on trying to be so grown up you have forgotten what is important to you. I know when your young there are many distractions, and we forget who we are and what we should be doing sometimes, and get caught up in the drama of boyfriend , girlfriends. And trying to be popular, and grown up. Slow down and leave that in crowd alone, and start doing the things you need to like getting an education, and being good to yourself. Only you can do that, not the friends you hang with. Slow down get out of that in crowd and just learn to be who you are. Your whole story is in the questions you have posted, so go back and see the picture of yourself you have painted, and see about where you can change it, and love yourself a little bit more.
  • Dec 23, 2006, 12:16 AM

    Originally Posted by cutie08
    im so insicure about about everything
    i think im ugly fat and stupid and i just dont want to be around anymore
    i always think that everyone would be better off without me
    and that im just in the way of everyone
    i feel like my life is nothing but a big screw up
    and that im useless
    i just dont kno what im doing in life anymore
    i feel lost and alone
    i just dont know how much longer i can take being here
    and always being hurt
    i just wanna be someone else
    i hate feeling this way and i dont kno how to get over it
    and overcome all my feelings
    im to insicure
    everyone says im pretty and skinny but when i look in the mirror i see nothing but a fat ugly usless person and i dont kno what to do anymore
    can anyone anyone please just help me

    Try to love yourself first don't look at negative things about yourself be more confident. Become friends with more and more people. More friends the more confident you feel about yourself
  • Jan 3, 2007, 09:01 AM
    Hey cutie08,

    Having another bad day? Im sorry things to get you down so often... Ive seen some of your other posts. The thing is that you give some good advice to others, and you sound so positive towards other, but you seem to think so negatively about yourself...

    As most everyone else has said here, we all go through that... I had an episode last week... ugh I was SO low, but through the years I have learned that these lows will come but that things ALWAYS get better, as long as look forward to it, and believe it will be there... I eventually pull through and can smile again.

    The thing is that you seem to be really down on yourself a lot... you should not feel like that so much. Have you talked to any adults or professionals about your feelings? Coming here is great for you to release your feelings and get advice, but nobody here really knows you, and nobody here can really reach out to you like someone else closer may be able to.

    You may be embarrassed about talking to an adult who knows you, but it could really help you out. I know you must hate feeling so sad and down, but there are ways to work through it, you've just got to give it a try.

    Are you able to talk to your parents, or a teacher or anyone else that is adult and you see often? I guarantee there are a lot of people around you that care about you and love you, but if they don't know how sad you are inside, then they won't know to help you, to give you a hug and reassure you.

    Seeking professional help is a good idea as well. There are a lot of people that have depression and anxiety among other emotional problems and sometimes it's the chemicals in their bodies that do this to them- they cannot control it. If you can see a professional they can evaluate you and see if you have any disorders which make you feel so depressed. From there they can provide you counseling to understand what your feelings are about and possibly even prescribe drugs to control your depression.

    I am personally not into mood emeliorating drugs, but I have had friends AND family that depend on them to be happy... and if that's what it takes to enjoy life, then it is necessary.

    You seem like such a sincere and nice person I would really hate for you to think you don't belong on this earth. You just got to allow yourself to think positive... tell yourself that you are strong, think about the person you want to be and picture yourself AS that person... seeing is believing.. if you believe then it is true...

    I wish you the best! Please let us know if you get to feeling better or worse... I know we all like to lend a hand to our fellow AMHD friends...
  • Apr 30, 2007, 07:38 PM

    Originally Posted by cutie08
    im so insicure about about everything
    i think im ugly fat and stupid and i just dont want to be around anymore
    i always think that everyone would be better off without me
    and that im just in the way of everyone
    i feel like my life is nothing but a big screw up
    and that im useless
    i just dont kno what im doing in life anymore
    i feel lost and alone
    i just dont know how much longer i can take being here
    and always being hurt
    i just wanna be someone else
    i hate feeling this way and i dont kno how to get over it
    and overcome all my feelings
    im to insicure
    everyone says im pretty and skinny but when i look in the mirror i see nothing but a fat ugly usless person and i dont kno what to do anymore
    can anyone anyone please just help me

    We all feel horrible at one point or another. I know how you feel... but please remember that nobody's perfect. We are all beautiful, don't let nobody bring your spirit down, not even you. Try thinking about what you enjoy. Do you need to read, go to a concert, take a bubble bath with incense, or watch TV to enjoy yourself? Do it! You are totally worth all the love in the world!
  • Aug 9, 2007, 12:43 PM

    Originally Posted by cutie08
    im so insicure about about everything
    i think im ugly fat and stupid and i just dont want to be around anymore
    i always think that everyone would be better off without me
    and that im just in the way of everyone
    i feel like my life is nothing but a big screw up
    and that im useless
    i just dont kno what im doing in life anymore
    i feel lost and alone
    i just dont know how much longer i can take being here
    and always being hurt
    i just wanna be someone else
    i hate feeling this way and i dont kno how to get over it
    and overcome all my feelings
    im to insicure
    everyone says im pretty and skinny but when i look in the mirror i see nothing but a fat ugly usless person and i dont kno what to do anymore
    can anyone anyone please just help me

    I understand how you 41 5ft 2 inch 11 stone an I hate myself . I feel I'm not god enough for my husband and he can do better than me .
  • Aug 10, 2007, 05:29 PM
    Hey.. I know how you feel your not the only one that feels like that!

    I used to think I was ugly useless and the world would be better off without me..
    So I wrote my feelings down and rip them up and say "bad be gone!" LOL.
    Well yeah it really helped me out a lot. It sounds cheesy but once you do it, you feel a lot better.
    And your not worthless god doesn't make junk and you are beautifull no matter what so don't let anyone tell you different!

    You sound like a sweet girl so don't give up on yourself! Not just yet..

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