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  • Aug 16, 2007, 10:55 AM
    Electrocute red squirrel
    How can I adapt a furnace transformer to electrocute a demonic red squirrel without burning down my house? This squirrel has been chewing my wiring and trashing my kitchen; it is immune to poison and it laughs at my traps.
  • Aug 16, 2007, 11:13 AM
    I feel your pain but I don't think it would be wise to fool around with your furnace transformer. Have you figured out how he is entering the house? Have you set the traps at the entry point? What kind of trap are you using and what have you used for bait?
  • Aug 16, 2007, 12:11 PM
    Thanks for replying. I have built successful box traps and have bagged 2 of these devils in the past. The current resident has chewed his way out of my newest trap. He'll eat anything. I use peanut butter laced with mega-dose heart meds on which he thrives. He has ruined several Tupperware storage containers to get at my dog's biscuits and food, has gnawed the tops off bottles and has decimated at lease one run of house wire that I'm aware of and an entire power cord from a 3/8 drill. He is truly possessed.

    The shock therapy seems like a fitting challenge for the little fella.
  • Aug 16, 2007, 12:14 PM
    Lol. I would rather take a chance with an animal control person rather than my transformer... lol... I feel your pain though... I hate the little suckers.. good luck.
  • Aug 16, 2007, 12:25 PM
    Have you tried getting a cat?

    We bought a house that was squirrel city when we moved in. After they realized my cat loved squirrel steak tartare, our problem went away.

    You have to get a good, experienced outdoor cat, though. Fat, lazy indoor cats are clueless.
  • Aug 16, 2007, 12:35 PM
    Okay, so you have a little Houdini who has the mark of the devil on him. Evidently the box trap isn't working for this one. AND, I hope it is only one and you don't have an additional one on your hands. I have seen "gangs" of squirrel infesting one small area! I know that you want to kill the guy but I think you need a regular trap rather than your homemade one. The squirrel can't chew his way out of that trap. Do you have a local Humane Society or ASPCA? Another source for a trap would be your State Fish & Game or Wildlife dept. These places I have mentioned usually will rent out a trap to people in need. The peanut butter is the best bait. Personally, I haven't used any medication. LOL. I spread a couple of ritz crackers with PB and they go straight to it. You didn't mention if you have figured out how they are getting in. You need to find that source opening and close it off or else you will continue to be plagued with problems in the future. You will probably need to use a very heavy gauge piece of metal sheeting to secure the opening, finish it to match the surrounding wall area. The State F&G dept, if they aren't too busy, may be willing to send someone out to help you figure out how they are getting in. If they can't, they can give you a list of pest control companies that handle this type of problem and not only will they find the entry, they will catch the crazy rodent, and tell you what you need to do to secure the opening to avoid this problem in the future.

    Sorry I can't give you direction on hooking up an electrocution device. Maybe someone else will drop by with step-by-step instructions. I am just very afraid that you could really hurt yourself. I have terrible visions of someone lying on the flood and a squirrel sitting on his chest laughing.
  • Aug 16, 2007, 12:39 PM
    Emland, I didn't see your cat suggestion. Yes, that does work. There are also products out there that sell a repellent that you sprinkle at the opening. Supposedly it is crystalized or powdered fox urine. Scares them away. John, you can do an internet search on it by typing in Squirrel Repellant and see what pops up. I can't verify that it is effective. Haven't used it myself.
  • Aug 16, 2007, 12:53 PM
    I have heard that plastic owls work as well... but squirrels are smart, and they may catch on...
  • Aug 16, 2007, 01:43 PM
    Question is where do you live because if it's the UK you can't hurt it there endangered!
  • Aug 16, 2007, 04:14 PM
    Have you tried a pellet gun, or a shotgun, these have almost 100% effectiveness. And the little critters taste pretty good too. Our squirrel season is going to be opening the 4th Sat. in Aug. too bad your not close by , I could solve your problems. And to the anti hunters, see why we need to help control their population?
  • Aug 16, 2007, 04:42 PM
    When your kitchen is ground zero for a wild squirrel with attitude, you get back to me and I'll walk a mile in your sandals. Are you a PETA officer?
  • Aug 17, 2007, 05:08 PM
    Whom are you referring to as asking if they are a peta officer??
    Hmmm, I got a phase for peta, "Squirrel Dumplings taste great."

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