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  • Dec 12, 2006, 03:25 AM
    Throbbing sensation around the kidney area lower back
    Hi Guys, does anyone know what may be the cure or cause or what is my situation. I have a throbbing sensation in my lower back region. It is not severe but it is a feeling like blood is pumping the same as my heartbeat into the area. More prominent at night.

    Thank You... :confused:
  • Dec 12, 2006, 03:28 AM
    Sounds like a lower back strain... or sore muscle in lower back;) ;)
  • Jan 2, 2011, 02:48 PM
    I have the same problem and have had at intervals for years. Mine is located in my lower spine. It is a hard pulse that usually lasts for only a few minutes, sometimes only seconds, but it is painful. It is most likely to occur if I have been sick and when I change position. Right now I have pneumonia and the pulsating has been occurring several times a day. I cannot find any explanation for it. Does anyone have any idea what causes this? All I've found by trolling the internet is that lots of people suffer from it.
  • Jan 6, 2012, 10:34 AM
    Back Pain or Kidney Pain

    Back pain in kidney area due to kidney diseases is often severe and throbbing as opposed to a dull pain originating due to normal back pain. The pain resulting out of kidney diseases is termed as renal colic and it occurs in waves. The severe throbbing pain comes, stays for some time and then subsides on its own, whereas the normal back pain is persistent, plaguing you with a dull ache. Back pain, especially the lower back pain in kidney area mostly stems from an injury to the muscle, ligament, even vertebral discs located in that area.

    Causes of Pain in Kidney Area

    Kidney Stones
    Kidney stones is a painful condition in which crystals of calcium oxalate or other minerals accumulate in urine to form hard stones. When these kidney stones move inside the urinary system, they cause excruciating pain. The pain is mostly induced due to the lodging of these stones in ureter, a thin tube connecting the kidneys to the bladder. Sometimes, the pain is so severe that it may cause nausea and vomiting. Kidney stones can be removed surgically or they can be dissolved to pass through urine. More on kidney stones treatment.

    Kidney Infections
    Kidney infection or pyelonephritis refers to the inflammation of the kidney tissue. Kidney tissues are very sensitive and its inflammation stretches this tissue to cause a sharp aching pain. A slightest touch in the flank area can induce tremendous pain. Nausea, vomiting and fever are some other symptoms associated with kidney infections. Kidney infection is a serious condition and needs immediate medical intervention. It can be treated with intravenous antibiotics which prevent the spread of infection through blood stream.

    Kidney Cancer
    Kidney cancer rarely generates pain that is similar to back pain in kidney area. The pain is only induced when the tumor becomes so large that it stretches the kidney tissues or involves nerves.

    Polycystic Kidney Disease
    Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease in which kidneys enlarge over the period. The enlargement of kidneys induce dull pain, mostly in the front and not in the back. It can be sometimes confused with abdominal pain.

    Blocked Urine Flow
    Urine flow may get obstructed due to several reasons. It may happen gradually, unlike in kidney stone, which leads to sudden blockage of urine. Blocked urine flow may lead to burning pain in kidney area.

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