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  • Oct 18, 2011, 12:22 PM
    My friend does bad stuff which makes me upset!
    I have this friend whose name is Jenna. She has had a pretty bad life. Her mom and dad both abandoned her at a young age, so she now lives in foster care. She is pretty stressed with her home life and such. She goes to parties and drinks and gets high. She admitted to me today that she cuts herself. Now the thing with me is that I cannot handle suicide attempts or stories well at all. They really make me uneasy and difficult!

    This situation really puts me in a bad place because I do not know what to do. I have asked for some suggestions about telling her foster parents, but for me, I do not think that is a good idea per se just because I wouldn't want her to be uncomfortable.

    I have asked her to see her counselors and talk to them, but she is scared that they would tell her foster parents for which I don't blame her. I did suggest to say that her FRIEND was having this problem, so that she can still talk about it with them.

    What do you think I should do, because I am lost, and I do not want her to do anything she regrets or anything that will kill her!
  • Oct 18, 2011, 02:02 PM
    Her foster parents do need to be involved in this situation. If they are unable to help her or them knowing that she is having problems is going to make her uncomfortable then maybe she shouldn't be placed there. If she won't talk to an adult then it's time for you to talk to an adult, your parents, a teacher, or school counselor, yourself before she does get hurt anymore.

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