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  • Jan 9, 2007, 08:33 AM
    My 6 year old son said he sees ghost they tap him at night when he is sleeping. They come in and out of his room through the walls. He said they try to talk to him and want to play. He sees men,women boys and girls.He has a bunkbed he said they go up there because he hears them on the ladder but when he turns on his flashlight they are gone but soon has he goes back to sleep they wake him up again. It only happens at night. He had this experience before when he was 2 and 3 years old but we cleansed the house. We bought this house August 2005. He had no problems until like 4 months ago. He don't want to sleep in his room. We have a baby to but I don't think she sees anything. My husband and I don't see anything. Could it be ghosts?
  • Jan 9, 2007, 09:18 AM
    I'm no expert. This is just my take on things.

    In a different room, does he still see them?

    If he has a very good imagination, I would check out what he was eating and drinking in the evening, what was in his room - are there too many stimulating colours, toys, stuffed toys, picture story book. Does he want a night light? Does he play up when it is time to go to bed? Does he get up in the night? Does he want to sleep in your bed?

    Perhaps he is trying to tell you about his dreams but may not have the vocabulary necessary to do so. Therefore he uses the words he knows to try and describe what happens.

    I really believe there is a logical explanation for this.
  • Jan 9, 2007, 07:59 PM

    Originally Posted by cutemelissa0901
    my 6 year old son said he sees ghost they tap him at night when he is sleeping. They come in and out of his room through the walls. He said they try to talk to him and want to play. he sees men,women boys and girls.He has a bunkbed he said they go up there because he hears them on the ladder but when he turns on his flashlight they are gone but soon has he goes back to sleep they wake him up again. It only happens at night. He had this experience before when he was 2 and 3 years old but we cleansed the house. We bought this house august 2005. He had no problems until like 4 months ago. He dont want to sleep in his room. We have a baby to but I dont think she sees anything. My husband and I dont see anything. Could it be ghosts?

    Maybe or bad dreams but give it sometime try and get him to see a doctor just in case its night mares but if it still follows him for a while he's probably a haunted person like how I'm now pretty sure I am
  • Jan 9, 2007, 08:11 PM
    It could be anything. I would keep an open mind. A lot of adults explanations of paranormal experiances is that it is imagination. I personally had some experiances that some people would think were my imagination. Does not mean it is not real. Children are more opened spiritually and that would mean they can pick up on other energies around them that adults might not be opened to.

    Question does he seem scared or is he opened to this experinace?

    Does he know that these things will not hurt him?

    I would always ask God to protect your son?

    Just to let you know in my opinion, people are becoming more aware, knowing things, seeing things that other people do not see. So Do not rule out anything.

  • Jan 9, 2007, 08:17 PM
    I will agree it can be anything, at 6 most children have all sorts of friemds they imagine and it can be merely that. And believe me they are as real to the child as a physcial person standing there.

    It can be a reoccuring dream or just a good imagination seeing shadows and other movements

    Or if could be something that some call "ghosts" some people are more open to see things than others, I do believe children can see angels at times when we don't see them.

    But all the questions asked so far are good ones. As would setting up a video camera in the room and see if there is a real interaction between him and "something" even if you can't see it, or does he just sleep though it and then wakes up thinking it happened.

    And a good house blessing can never hurt either
  • Jan 10, 2007, 03:17 PM
    You said he does not see them when he turns on a light. I would maybe suggest leaving the light on or buying a nightlight.
  • Jan 21, 2012, 02:53 AM
    Are You a Christian? As a Christian we have the power of God. You have the power to speak to the spirits and command them to leave. The bible says to speak to the mountain and it will move. The mountain is any negative thing in your life. In your home and in every room say the Lord's Prayer and then command the spirit to leave. "In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of His shed blood I command this spirit to leave." Joseph Prince, in Singapore, tells his church members to have communion in every room of the home that is haunted and the spirits will leave. I personally went to a friend's home and had communion in every room. She had moved and in the new home she saw a man sitting on the sofa who then disappeared. She was push out the shower by something not visible. The shower was in the bath tub and she hit the edge of the tub and broke several ribs. After have communion all the odd things stopped happening in her home.
  • Aug 28, 2013, 02:43 PM
    He may be having nightmares. Maybe let him see a doctor? I believe in ghosts, and this may be real, but maybe not.
  • Aug 28, 2013, 06:11 PM
    This post is also from 2007.

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