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  • Mar 24, 2008, 10:18 AM
    My blonde hair has gone silver/purple after using purple shampoo
    Im hoping somebody can help me as I've had a bit of a hair disaster recently!

    Basically, my hair was fine as it was, and I hardly had any roots yet I like that feeling after you have just had your hair done, there's more life to it. As I was going out that same night I didn't have time to go to a salon, so I thought I would use a home highlighting kit. After I rinsed it out I noticed some brassy tones, which you would obviously expect after doing it yourself! So I put on quite a bit of this silver shampoo which is a dark purple colour. To my horror after I washed it out my hair is a horrible, silver/grey/violet colour. It is awful and is worse on the top on my head

    So I would just like some suggestions?

    I haven't really found many dilemmas like mine on the internet

    Im thinking... put a blonde colour on top? Or a light brown? Or are there any home remedies that can get rid of that awful purple tone? Or shall I bleach it?

    Any help would be great thank you :(
  • Mar 24, 2008, 10:30 AM

    Originally Posted by Blondie89
    Im hoping somebody can help me as ive had a bit of a hair disaster recently!

    Silver shampoo is made to remove the "yellow" out of grey hair.
    All you can do is let it grow out of your hair. In the meantime you can color rinse it.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 11:07 AM

    Originally Posted by Credendovidis
    Silver shampoo is made to remove the "yellow" out of grey hair.
    All you can do is let it grow out of your hair. In the meantime you can color rinse it.

    Oh no your kidding. There is no way I can wait that long. I don't even want to go out the house it's that bad! What do you think would happen if I put a maybe dark blonde colour on top?
  • Mar 24, 2008, 05:00 PM
    A silver shampoo revitalizes gray or white hair and makes it brighter. You don't use a dark purple silver shampoo on blonde hair unless you're going for a purple-gray effect. In order to counteract the brassy tones in blonde hair such as yellow, red or orange, you have to use a violet, blue or green-based toner. A violet-based toner is used to neutralize yellow tones. If your hair is red, a green-based toner will tone down the red tones in your hair. To neutralize the orange tones, you can use a blue based toner. Since your hair has a purple-gray cast, you will need to use a gold-based hair coloring product to neutralize the unwanted cast. Using a dark golden blonde hair color can help neutralize the purple-gray and bring you closer to blonde shade. These types of hair coloring products can be found at a beauty supply store in the hair care aisle.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 05:05 PM
    Quick answers in this post, I like it lol

    So do you think if I buy like a golden blonde dye it will get rid of it? My best friends sister is a hairdresser and she said I need to put a toner on it? But I can't see that making much difference. So should I be avoiding ashy blonde colourants?

    It does actually say on the bottle its for grey hair and also for blonde hair to get rid of brassy tones. I definitely won't be using it again anyway!

    Thanks for the advice again I appreciate it
  • Mar 24, 2008, 05:31 PM
    Gold-base hair colors contain yellow-orange in them which will help counteract the purple-gray cast. Avoid using an ash hair color, it will only make matters worse. A toner is another name for hair color.
  • Mar 25, 2008, 03:34 AM
    Oh OK :D I shall give that a try! Thanks for your advice, I'll post soon with the results, wish me luck lol
  • Feb 7, 2009, 07:53 AM
    blue eyed devil

    Basically your hair is so porus its soaked up the colour, I take it you have tried washing it in a harsh shampoo to help strip it out? In all my years of hairdressing and using silver shampoo on bleached hair have I known it to stay permanatly within the hair. I wouldn't advise colouring it again as this will just damage the hair. In the mean time try either a semi, or a colour mouse as that will help condition your hair. Have you tried ringing your salon, they will be able to remove this so easily for you, most probably without high cost or colour!
  • Feb 8, 2009, 09:04 PM

    Silver shampoo is made for grey hair (to get the dingy yellow/gol out) the problems was your hair must have been pouros (Dry) in areas soaking up the purple pigment like a spounge.. I would suggest (AT HOME REMEDY) wash it with some dawn dish washing liguid a few times then condition it really good Hope this works:)

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