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  • Apr 14, 2008, 02:27 PM
    For the sake of my babies and there Hero.Pa Pa
    I have 2 children with a father that choses to see them when it is convent for him. He has been locked up for most of there lives. My family is moving back home to California after 17 years. I want to move with them for my children know there pa pa as a father figure. My father has been there since day one and has helped me finacally and mentally. I brought up the matter with the dead beat and he says he really don't care where the hell I move with "those" kids(crushes my heart, "those kids" are my babies) as long as he doesn't have to pay child support no more.. What do I do my kids don't have a dad but they have a Pa Pa that would pick up and die for his grand babies. The Dead beat says that paying child support is like buying a new car but never getting to drive it? HELP
  • Apr 14, 2008, 02:31 PM
    Sorry about your luck in picking that one.

    Don't do anything that will let him off the hook to support the children he created!

    I understand the situation with Grandpa, but, is Grandpa going to be able to provide for them until they turn 18? Maybe? There are no guarantee's in life and he has the responsibility to support these children even though it is a blessing that Grandpa is willing to fill the gaps.

    I'm sure there are ways for you to make this move, going through the court system, and without letting that POS off the hook.
  • Apr 14, 2008, 05:51 PM
    Tell him wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which he gets first!
    He doesn't want to pay child support but DID YOU get anything you wanted (other than your kids of course?)
    I don't want a lot of what comes my way either but that is life!
    Why worry about what he wants and doesn't want--wish life was that simple!
    Go to child support and get the order!
  • Apr 14, 2008, 10:27 PM
    I would get the child support, even if you never see it, it will build up usually with interest and it will get him one day... my father and mother were also there for me and my daughter and it is so nice to have family that loves and cares for you and your children. Always do what is best for the kids. And does moving mean he does not have to pay child support anymore?

    One day you can get to the point where you do not need his support or help and you can terminate rights if that it what is best. I would move with your family, since they have been your support and with children that is important. That is what I would do.
  • Apr 22, 2008, 02:38 PM
    It sounds as if a child support order has been established and he's been paying... GOOD! You can move with your family - where you live has no bearing on if he pays support or not. He pays support because he is the children's father. If he doesn't like that, too bad - so sad - cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it.

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