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  • Apr 13, 2016, 03:02 AM
    How do I get my stepbrothers to stop copying me?
    Okay so my two step brothers, 11 and 14(I am also 14 but older than the oldest step bro) keep copying me in whatever I do. 11 wants to be a gangster and listens to rap, and 14 likes pop music and looks at himself in his camera phone every two seconds and makes faces.

    I like anime and drawing and can play the violin. I move in with my dad (where they live) and suddenly 14 gets an electric violin and starts drawing crappy drawings. 11 watches every anime I watch and says stuff like 'senpai' or 'awe kawaii'over and over. Literaly he'll go 'senpai, senpai, senpai, notice me, senpai, don't leave (because at that point I get up and leave) senpai, senpai' or something like when I'm watching anime on the TV and something ship worthy happens he goes 'ship ship' like you say choo choo. 14 doesn't really watch anime that much anymore.

    How do I get them to stop? Its really getting on my nerves because I know they don't like that stuff. Don't say 'oh well they just admire you' because I don't give a if they admire me or not its so annoying and I want them to stop.
  • Apr 13, 2016, 04:33 AM
    The more you let it bother you the more they are going to do it. If you just ignore them they won't get the attention they want so they will eventually stop. This is something ALL siblings do. It won't last forever.
  • Apr 13, 2016, 04:35 AM
    I guess you are starting to notice that Life Is Unfair. Given the horrors that go on in the world, this is a cakewalk.
    Use brains, wit, cleverness. You can think of something!
    The first idea that pops into my mind is to pretend you have a new interest, and pretend to try to keep it a secret. Something pathetically stupid, but not so stupid that they catch on right away.
    Any ideas?
    Second idea is to work on being the best anime artist in the world, and get published. Maybe do a graphic novel. Not only will you be able to immerse yourself in it without them, but they can't follow you!
  • Apr 13, 2016, 04:46 AM
    Welcome to the land of BIG BRO, and as annoying as it is you have invaded their territory, and this is the way they show it. You cannot control them, nor should try to, so change your approach by changing your attitude from annoyance to recognizing this flattery. For that you must figure out WHY are you annoyed, and WHY you have no patience for younger siblings.

    I assume you have visited your siblings before, and are familiar with them (And they you) on some level, so I ask if you were annoyed before? Regardless don't lose PATIENCE during this transition period, as things will settle into a more normal routine eventually, and you won't be the new kid in the house. Let them get use to you living there in their own time.

    For sure if you get irritated, and act so, then it will continue, but if you show no irritation, and go about your business, then they will tire of this annoyance. Comes down to you not letting them push your buttons so easily, or at least not letting them know that they can. So just be cool and ride this out with maturity they don't seem to have. When the newness of this situation wears off, you all will start fitting in as you learn each others ways, and expect some sort of sibling rivalry and conflicts, that cannot be avoided, and is common among kids especially 3 boys under the same roof.

    What? You had no siblings at your moms house? Do you resent living with your dad? How long have you been there? Imitation is said to be the best form of flattery, and like it or not it's mostly the truth. So maybe you are taking their action the wrong way, and that's something you CAN control.

    Try it. In time you all will adjust to each other. Be cool until then, even when they aren't. Questions?
  • Apr 13, 2016, 05:57 AM
    There are a few things you can do, to try to set boundaries (yes, even at your age).

    Learning to communicate effectively, and honestly, will go a long way toward trust- and if you and your brother's learn to trust each other's word, you will have a lifetime with solid relationships with them. And in the future, down the road, with weddings, and babies, and all the trials and tribulations of just getting through life. You will be fortunate indeed in the long run, if you set the foundation now.

    Try talking to them, everybody at the same place, on the same page. Tell them that you aren't crazy about this behavior or that behavior, and if they wouldn't mind just cutting it out.

    Maybe you bother them, and they wonder why you leave the room sometimes. Give them an opportunity to talk as well.

    You could enlist the help of your parent, to just sit in and listen- not mediate- so that everybody gets a sense that what is being said is important.

    Try to engage them in activities all of you might enjoy- like a game of road hockey, or basketball, maybe go see a movie together etc. The more you know them, and the more they know you, things you enjoy in common may very well be the solution to the things you don't enjoy- like the annoying things they do now.

    Best of luck.
  • Apr 13, 2016, 06:05 AM
    Tal, pretty much covered the questions I was going to ask so I am going to take a slightly different route.

    How do you know they don't 'like that stuff'? How did you become interested in violin, anime, etc.? It could be that they are at least trying new things instead of bashing what they haven't tried like so many people do. It may be their interpretation of your parents' instructions to try to help you feel part of the family/fit in.

    Without more information, I am going to guess that you are trying to keep anime, etc. as 'yours' as a way to distance yourself from them. It is something you know and feel comfortable with in a world that probably feels turned upside down. The thing is we cannot tell others not to like what we like. We make our choices and let them do the same. Sometimes sharing hobbies can be a way of making friends or finding common ground for interacting with others.

    What do you do to try to get to know them? Do you try to share their interests or do you try to stay away from them? Do you talk to them? Perhaps, you can find common ground that the three of you can share and keep your individual interests your own? You might even ask your dad for advice and ideas.

    You could try embracing the 11 year olds interest in anime. Teach him about the characters and plots. He could turn into someone you can talk to about it or he might get bored and leave you alone. Offer to watch his favorite shows with him, if he controls himself while you watch yours.

    As for the 14 year old, if you are a better artist, instead of calling his drawings crappy (are they really or are you finding fault in everything he does?), why not offer tips on doing better? I bet your pictures are better now than when you started.

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