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  • Oct 25, 2009, 09:39 PM
    Is my girlfriend pregnant after having sex with her two times and coming in her
    I would like to know if she is pregnant after having sex with me. In the shower
  • Oct 25, 2009, 09:49 PM
    Do you mean this girlfriend?

    There are too many factors to be able to give you accurate advice on the probability of pregnancy occurring, Birth Control, where in her cycle she is, etc. Only a pregnancy test might be able to tell. It may be days or weeks after the fact for a final negative or positive result. Just read the Pregnancy board and you will understand.

    Does she think she is pregnant or are you hoping she is so that maybe you have a hold on her?
  • Oct 25, 2009, 09:56 PM

    If you don't understand the dynamics of conception you have no place putting your penis in a vagina!
    Get educated and get real!
    After reading the other post that Cat supplied (thanks cat) I can see you are obsessed with this girl,if in fact it is the same one!
    Stop playing Russian roulette when it comes to sex.
    There may be a baby And Then What?
    People who are not ready or able to be parents make horrible parents and the cycle continues.
    Wrap it up!
  • Oct 26, 2009, 05:29 AM

    Originally Posted by artlady View Post
    If you don't understand the dynamics of conception you have no place putting your penis in a vagina!
    Get educated and get real!
    After reading the other post that Cat supplied (thanks cat) I can see you are obsessed with this girl,if in fact it is the same one!
    Stop playing Russian roulette when it comes to sex.
    There may be a baby And Then What?
    People who are not ready or able to be parents make horrible parents and the cycle continues.
    Wrap it up!

    Couldn't have said it better.
  • Oct 26, 2009, 05:59 AM

    Remember that if she DOES get pregnant, she can STILL leave you---and then stick you with child support.

    You're not ready to be a parent. Either quit having sex, or start protecting yourself and her. If you really DO love her, you will do this because it's best for HER.
  • Oct 27, 2009, 05:13 AM
    I realized a point that I forgot to mention and haven't seen others mention yet.

    You DO realize you can get her pregnant if you only have sex once and DON'T ejaculate inside her?

    It only takes ONE of the little devils to find its way and a lot are getting a jump start long before the last minute rush for the door.
  • Oct 30, 2009, 12:29 PM

    I'm didn't mean to get her pregnant because I want her... it just happen... but I'm scared I have... cause she was in her period... sooso I'm really scared I have gotten her pregnant...
  • Oct 30, 2009, 12:46 PM
    You are obviously very young... you lust for her, you don't love her yet.

    In time the difference will become clear to you. Maybe you got lucky... but you will find out soon enough either way.

    Consider this an important lesson in life IF you get lucky and she isn't. And get ready to raise a kid and pay for it if she is, Married or not, You bought the package... you WILL have to pay for it. Usually until they complete college or 18 if they choose not to go.

    That will wake you up, won't it.
  • Oct 30, 2009, 02:19 PM

    Originally Posted by alexbeltre View Post
    im didnt mean to get her pregnant becasue i want her ... it just happen ..... but im scared i have ..... casue she was in her period ... sooso im really scared i have gotten her pregnant ........

    If she was having her period when you had sex,it is unlikely that she was ovulating at the time.
    Do you know anything about conception and contraception?
    Being old enough to have sex means knowing more than just what goes where.
    Please educate yourself.
  • Oct 30, 2009, 07:25 PM

    All you can do is wait and see now. If she is pregnant, man up. If she is not DO NOT have sex anymore without protection. If you do, she WILL get pregnant, and you will be sorry.
    Please, get into a sex ed class somewhere.
  • Oct 30, 2009, 07:31 PM

    OP, you need more help then anyone on this site can give you.

    You are obsessed with a woman that has told you she wants space. You won't give it to her, you send flowers, buy gifts, text her over and over again and when she (she also needs help) calls you because she wants a bit of slap and tickle, you rush on over without giving it one thought.

    You're 20, please tell me you know how babies are made!

    Sex = babies. Is that simple enough? If you have sex, especially unprotected sex, it can and will cause pregnancy. You're playing with fire, with a girl that's stringing you along.

    Seriously, keep it in your pants, hope for the best this time, learn and move on, get psychiatric help and live your life.


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