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  • Mar 11, 2012, 02:04 AM
    Information about the bible
    I was wondering if someone could help me out. I am trying to get more into religion, or at least trying to figure out what I believe(I am having difficulties with that), and I am reading some books and have decided to look more toward the bible. My boyfriend suggested I start reading some proverbs, so I have been reading some the past couple nights before I go to bed. At this point I don't really believe in god, but I am trying to figure stuff out. Just a little background, I was raised catholic and went to church all the way through college. I was in ccd as a kid but didn't pay attention or something, cause I don't remember like any of it. In college I was in intervarsity, a christian group, and went to church and bible studies, but I never really got much out of them. So, as a result, I don't know much about the bible. I started reading some and then I got to thinking, and started having questions, and decided to come here cause I have used this site before and found it helpful. So here are some of my questions, and sorry if I ramble, and sorry if these are answered in the bible or somewhere and I haven't found them yet(I was having trouble reading with all these unanswered questions)...

    Who decided to write the bible? Who wrote the books that arnt about a person? How did they know all that happened like in the beginning? Or with proverbs that I'm reading, how did they know all that? And did the ones about people write their own? Who decided who all got to be in the bible? Who put the bible together? How did they know when to stop? Like, why are we not writing more?

    Sorry about all the random questions, but those were all roaming around in my head and I had to get them out to ask someone. Sorry if they don't make since or anything. I probably have more, but that is enough for now. Also, if anyone has a recommendation on the order that the bible should be read, that would be helpful, like should I read it cover to cover or in a different order? And also I currently am having trouble believing in god, so if anyone has any books they recommend, that would be greatly appreciated. I currently have the books, the god questions, made for more, christianity: the faith that makes sense, and the christian athiest(the book my boyfriends bible study is using) Thank you for anyone's help! I really appreciate it!
  • Mar 11, 2012, 05:17 AM

    Originally Posted by stacky1 View Post
    My boyfriend suggested I start reading some proverbs, so I have been reading some the past couple nights before I go to bed.

    Your boyfriend has advised you well. Many years ago I started much in the same way. (Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.)


    Originally Posted by stacky1 View Post
    At this point I don't really believe in god, but I am trying to figure stuff out.

    We have all started somewhere along our life. However a few scripture verses may help you understand, God Willing
    (Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.)


    Originally Posted by stacky1 View Post
    Who decided to write the bible? Who wrote the books that arnt about a person? How did they know all that happened like in the beginning? Or with proverbs that I'm reading, how did they know all that? And did the ones about people write their own?

    All that is written was put in the hearts and mind of selected men, selected of course by God. An example of that is written in (Deu 31:19 Now therefore write ye this song for you, and teach it the children of Israel: put it in their mouths, that this song may be a witness for me against the children of Israel.) This scripture verse was God speaking to Moses telling him to teach God children the Song of Moses which is written in Deu 32. In the book of Revelation it is said that those going through the gates of heaven will be singing this song.(Rev 15:3)

    I believe you have to be the seeking child of knowledge and there is scripture to back this fact.. (Matthew 7:7 Luke 11:9)


    Originally Posted by stacky1 View Post
    Who decided who all got to be in the bible? Who put the bible together? How did they know when to stop? Like, why are we not writing more? .

    This scripture should answer your question.. God sent HIS begotten Son Jesus. (John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. )

    I will also include a link which gives you some knowledge as to how the scriptures were kept. The Massorah is called "A Fence to the Scriptures," because it locked all words and letters in their places.

    The Massorah. - Appendix to the Companion Bible

    Please remember this example: (Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.)
  • Mar 11, 2012, 08:39 AM
    Which translation are you trying to read?
    I would suggest that you look around and pick a translation that you can easily understand and start reading that one. There are dozens of bibles on line for free. So you do not have to go out and buy one.
    Once you pick a translation you can easily understand start a reading plan.
    Personally I have been reading youversion on my smart phone for a couple of years. They have literally hundreds of versions and translations. Some also are read by people so you can listen while following along with the text. It is a great way to get a little different understanding of the text.
  • Mar 11, 2012, 09:42 AM
    My dad, a Lutheran minister, liked to boil it down like this: The Bible is made up of two sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. Both are an SOS --

    the OT SOS = Shows Our Sin (lots of stories about people who sin and fail, do a sacrifice to show their remorse, and God forgives them)

    the NT SOS = Shows Our Savior (tells the story of Jesus and how he became our Savior, our one-time sacrifice)
  • Mar 11, 2012, 09:46 AM
    I got a nook for christmas and just found an app on here that has about 20 different versions. I think I ended up deciding to read the NIV one. But I also have a new american bible hard copy that I use.
  • Mar 11, 2012, 10:07 AM

    Originally Posted by stacky1 View Post
    I got a nook for christmas and just found an app on here that has about 20 different versions. I think i ended up deciding to read the NIV one. But i also have a new american bible hard copy that i use.

    The NIV is a good one, very easy to read and understand. Another one that makes lots of things much clearer is The Message. It's more of a paraphrase than a word-for-word translation, but it's faithful to the original languages and fun to read.

    For the New Testament, I'd start with Luke. It's about the most complete of the gospels (stories of Jesus).

    To answer just one of your questions, how did they know what happened in the beginning? Well, clearly part of it would have been revealed by God. But also, it was common for families in those early eras to keep records of stories, genealogies and that sort of thing, and even nomadic tribes sometimes carried the family histories with them as they traveled. So a lot of specific information very likely came from such sources.

    Who wrote the Bible? Prophets wrote the Old Testament. When a prophet received a message, he would take it to the temple for the priests to examine and confirm it, and it would become part of the official record. Eventually these oracles, as they're called, were gathered into a compendium of the prophet's messages, either by the prophet himself or by someone close to him.

    Apostles and their companions wrote the New Testament. After Jesus' resurrection, as Christianity spread, a lot of people tried to put their own spin on it, and a lot of works appeared under the names of various apostles and their friends. A lot of them were frauds, so from about the second to the fourth centuries, church leaders combed through as much as they could, trying to determine what genuinely came from the hands of people who were there, and what came from other, fake sources. That's how we wound up with the New Testament that we have today.
  • Mar 11, 2012, 10:43 AM
    What is a prophet? How did they get chosen? How did a priest know if it was real or not? Couldn't people have just come with stories cause they want to be famous?

    Also, who put the bible together? How did they decide what to include?

    Sorry, I can't figure out how to quote from you on my nook. And sorry about all the questions, it just helps me understand better
  • Mar 11, 2012, 03:42 PM

    Originally Posted by stacky1 View Post
    What is a prophet? How did they get chosen? How did a priest know if it was real or not?

    Read Deuteronomy 13.. It definitely tells you about a prophet and what God foretold in warning.

    If and when you begin to study the word of God many of the questions will be answered. I would encourage you to pray and ask in Jesus name for help. Again when faith comes God has promised (Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. )

    A daily study of the bible can be found on the internet. One that I have heard is word for word scripture study known as The Shepherds Chapel. There is a list of archive broadband shows that offers daily studies.

    Welcome to Shepherd's Chapel - Broadband Files
  • Mar 12, 2012, 11:14 PM

    Who decided to write the bible?
    Bible is a compilation of various books, which form the Old Testament and the New Testament. No one decided to write an entire bible, the books in the bible were written by different authors, some to maintain a record of the past, some to give messages, other are letters(of Paul, Peter, John in the New Testament) written to an individual or a community.


    Who wrote the books that arnt about a person?
    The books as mentioned earlier authored by various people during the history.


    How did they know all that happened like in the beginning?
    This one's an interesting question. The stories in Genesis, about the creation, and Noah and the flood and all the others. Like Moses and his story in Exodus were initially passed on from father to son, mother to daughter. It's similar to your mother telling you the story of Cinderella and you in turn repeating to your own children. The authorship of the first five books in the bible(also known as the Pentateuch) is famously believed to be written my Moses. And I am sure his mother most have told him the stories while he was young :)


    Or with proverbs that I'm reading, how did they know all that?
    There were wise men in those time. And most of the sayings and teachings in the book of Proverbs are attributed to King Solomon, the wisest among the men of those times. So, Proverbs is again the compilation of sayings and teachings of King Solomon and other wise men of that time. The wisdom of Solomon came from God. This he knew all that.


    And did the ones about people write their own?
    The books written on individuals where both of biographical nature and of autobiographical nature, that is to say some where written by the individuals themselves as memoirs or personal journals, others were penned down as a biography of the individual. E.g. The book of Ezra, or some part of it, is believed to be written by Ezra himself. While the book of Joshua, is written by an unknown author as it includes the death of Joshua.


    Who decided who all got to be in the bible?Who put the bible together? How did they know when to stop? Like, why are we not writing more?
    When you ask "who all got to be in the bible" do you mean the people in the bible or the books? As for the characters mentioned throughout the bible, nobody cast them into the book. Like any books on history, these characters too came into the story because they were a part of the even occurring at that time. The books in the bible were carefully chosen, its called the Canon of The Scripture. The early church fathers put the books together in the bible.

    The Holy Bible is basically a spiritual and historical account of what happened from the beginning of time till the early Christians began their work. It's a book of inspired writings.

  • Mar 12, 2012, 11:21 PM
    Being new at reading the bible and exploring the faith, Proverbs is a good book to begin with. But I strongly recommend that you start reading the different gospels too. Too begin with the old testament books is not advisable for the starters, with the exception of Proverbs and Psalms.

    In my opinion, its good to begin with gospels, then the epistles of Paul and other disciples, leaving out the revelation, then go to the book of Genesis and Exodus, and trace it back to the birth of Jesus as the fulfillment of a covenant. Followed by the books Job and Jonah, and other prophets. The books on the Jewish laws like the Leviticus, and the books of history like Judges can be left for later deeper reading to build the knowledge about the early Jews and their relationship with God the Father.
  • Mar 12, 2012, 11:47 PM
    First I would you suggest you start with Luke. The Old Testament can be very confusing for the non believer so getting the basic story about Jesus right is a good place to start, Please realise that the Old Testament places things in context and points to Jesus. Once you have read luke you can look at the other Gospels, Matthew, Mark, John to see how other writers saw the events and then move on to Acts to see how the early Christians dealt with the world around them.

    Please understand that the Bible is a collection of Books, not necessarily arranged in historical sequence so starting in the middle may not be the best plan and starting with Genesis means you quickly get into parts where you are asking what this is about without knowing the plan of God. It is also useful to ask the Holy Spirit to inspire you and show you what it should mean to you.

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