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  • Apr 11, 2012, 05:35 PM
    What should I do if my ex girlfriend doesn't talk to me?
    Hey my name is Bryan. I'm 17 year old I love in Florida and this is my story and I need your help please?

    I was with this girl for 4 months , she's 15 years old she's a quite girl she's very shy she moved to Florida 10 months ago I met her in the library and we were dating behind her mom's back and also she sometime she ditched me and stuff.. well you will say wow is just a short term but our relationship was kind of special.. . so I was with her for 4 months but in the 2 months everything was perfect we talked a lot we did a lot of thing together and even sexual things (we didn't have sex) so in the third month she kind of starting to change with me, by the end of the third month she asked me for a break, I was shocked because I was thinking what did I do wrong? And then she told me that she kind of felt attracted to one guy in her geometry class... so I kind of got mad and we kept talking about that but I always wanted to make her happy no matter what then I accepted to take a break but she told me that we still could see each other and kiss and talk like normal. But by the end she was like I don't want to hurt you so I'm not going to take a break. Then I got happy for that decision that she made so we forgot about that but still like every day I kind of ask her if she was thinking about that guy and she told that a little... so like by the end of the third month she started to act really cold towards me... so one Thursday she was like breaking up with me.. In that day I gave her cellphone to text each other that day but she barely text me instead she was talking with one friend of her. That she knew since she was little and that guy moved to Florida and she was living in massashutsets or whatever you spell that. So they knew each other for kind of a long time but the didn't talk too much because my ex she's a girl that doesn't talk too much u have to be the one that has to talk so they didn't talk too much in that day they were talking and they used to go to the beach since she moved to Florida ( like 10 months ago ) so in that they were going to the beach (she had my cellphone ) so they went to the beach and they kissed... I figured that out because in the same day in the night she was breaking up with me so I was like really sad but mad at the same time she was asking me to be friend but I over her so much that I was like I don't want to be friends so I asked her to give my phone back immediately so she was like that she was going to give it back the next day I was like no give it back now I'm going to your house ( she lives like 8 minutes away from my apt ) so I told her to leave my phone outside of her house so I would pick it up... then before I was going to pick up my phone she told me that we need to talk.. So when I got back home we kept talking. But I checked my phone and she left her fb open so I looked because she talks with one friend that she has in California and I wanted to see why she was acting cold towards me because I knew she tells everything to him so while we were talking that's when I saw she told him she cheated on me then after that I told her that I can't be friend with her because she cheated on me.. Then after that she begged me to take her back and I did take her back but still I couldn't fully trust her my trust for her was broken. And I asked her to stop seeing him but she said she wasn't going to do that because that was his friend for years and her friend's mom was the best friend of her mom. So it was kind of hard for her to stop seeing him, so we like argue like almost every day for the same thing and I tried to leave her like 4 times but she begged me to not do that then I told her that at least stop texting him when were together but one she kept doing that and that pissed me off so in the 4 times I tried to leave her she promised me she won't to talk to him for more than 2 hours... because when me and her met.. we used to talk a lot for like 8 or 9 hours per day and when it was night when we were talking on fb like around 10 she told her friend whoever she was talking with she was going to sleep just to talk with me.. But she stops doing that she kept talking with other people and me. So I was getting tired of her talking with the guy she cheated on me with then the 4th time I tried to leave her she got tired and said. OK I'm done if that's what u want then were done , in that moment I regretted saying that because I was expecting that she was going to beg me to not break up with her.. So I started to beg her to take me back but she said no that if I want to do something with her it was going to be a friendship I kept begging her but she said no. so that night I was so desperate that I went to her house I was outside expecting to talk to her but I was outside and her mom was around she got really mad I texted her I was outside she was like go away and I told her I need to talk to u I want u to take me back but she said no she told me to get away using bad words and stuff.. then I leaved and she told me that I was a jerk for trying to threatened her like that to take me back and risking to get caught and I made her cry.. And hurt me a lot... so after that day I kept begging her and stuff for a week and going every morning to her house before she goes to school but nothing worked. But in that week I begged her and she finally said that she was going to take me back but she wasn't happy at all even I asked if she was happy she was like not really... so the next I told her that I can't force her to do something that she doesn't want to so I was like I can't do that to u so I had a flower that she gave to me ( that was the only thing that gave to me during our relationship ) but that flower was really special for me that I wanted to give it to her because it was going to hurt me a lot because we broke up.. So at first she didn't want to accept it back but the second time she took back... and that day was the last time I beg her to take me back. Then I stopped talking to her but she still say "HI" to me and we kind of talk but like I said she's one girl that doesn't talk a lot I was the only one that talks.. then it was a weird conversation we barely talk then she was like that u need to talk then I told her well I was the only one that talks it's your turn to talk then started to asking random stuff but like 2 questions and that was all then the next day I ignored her for a whole day she kept sending me messages saying "hi" but I didn't reply the next day and she was like I need to talk to I thought she wanted to talk about going back together (but like 1 month she let borrow a comb to because hair it was for my sister ) then I answered about what ? She was like about stuff then she asked to give back her comb that was all then she said she had to go in the same day she said "hi" again I didn't answered because I was out then she told me to sop ignoring her or she was going to delete me from fb then I told her I was out with my mom. Then when I got home we kind of kept talking but when we said bye she was like form now on u have to say hi first otherwise I won't say hi first... then I ignore her the whole week and she started to send me a message after 3 days I started to ignore her asking me for her comb saying that she need it back that please give it back and please respond her stop ignoring her and stuff so one Saturday she stopped sending me messages and then I was doing that tactic of ignoring her so she will miss me but it wasn't working for me so the following Monday I was waiting for her to give back her comb.. so she was kind of surprised when she saw me but she was like upset at me I asked her why she was upset and she said she wasn't upset, but I knew she was then.. I said hi on fb first and stuff but then she asks me why I was talking to her then I told her she that she told me so. Then she said all right. All right but I told her why she ask me that and she was like I don't know and also I asked why she was upset and she told me that she was upset because we broke up and I was mean with her (probably I was kind of mean with her like prohibiting thing to her and stuff and being jealous that was all but I was acting like that because she cheated on me)... then I told her if she wanted to talk to me, and she was like that whatever things aren't going to be the same.. And she told me even tough if I wasn't mean with her. Her feelings changed. She was going to break up with me anyway, so I asked her if she would have left me. She said I don't know , and that day when we talk I wanted to fix things with her not trying to say that I wanted to go back with her I just wanted to be cool with her not to leave things like they are right now but she was upset and stuff for her everything was like whatever I don't care... so man what should I do I want to talk to her and don't want to be like this with her we had so many memories together I don't want to end things like this... my story its kind of confusing but I hope u can understand it... and please reply u need your advice I don't want to end things like this
  • Apr 11, 2012, 08:18 PM
    Homegirl 50
    Leave the girl alone. How many times does it take for you to realize she does not really want to be with you. A 4 month relationship and this much drama?
    Leave her alone!
  • Apr 12, 2012, 05:35 AM
    I think her maturity level is too low for the kind of relationship you are looking for. You are going to have to back off Bryan, this will not go anywhere.
  • Apr 12, 2012, 01:40 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    I think her maturity level is too low for the kind of relationship you are looking for. You are going to have to back off Bryan, this will not go anywhere.

    Well yeah.. but you know that's what I thought that too.. but this girl is different because
    I know her very well and she isn't immature even she hates freshmen because she thinks freshman are immature and all I want is not to be like this like her being upset or something I want to fix ting.. that's why I'm waiting till she cool down and then I think I'm going to talk to her.. is that a good idea ?

    Yeah but I don't want to end like this her keeping a bad memory of me.. all I want its just to be like not in this situation I don't care if I get back with her(which its never going to happen ) but I want its to be like good friends with her


    Originally Posted by Homegirl 50 View Post
    Leave the girl alone. How many times does it take for you to realize she does not really want to be with you. A 4 month relationship and this much drama?
    Leave her alone!

    Yeah but I don't want to end like this her keeping a bad memory of me.. all I want its just to be like not in this situation I don't care if I get back with her(which its never going to happen ) but I want its to be like good friends with her
  • Apr 12, 2012, 05:57 PM
    What is the question? You want to preserve the relationship?

    Since she is upset, would she consider coming back to you?
  • Apr 12, 2012, 06:00 PM

    Originally Posted by sean_s View Post
    What is the question? You want to preserve the relationship?

    Since she is upset, would she consider coming back to you?

    So man what should I do I want to talk to her and don't want to be like this with her we had so many memories together I don't want to end things like this...
  • Apr 12, 2012, 06:18 PM
    She cheated, you guys broke up, now don't talk any more. Or do you want her back or something?
  • Apr 12, 2012, 06:44 PM

    Originally Posted by sean_s View Post
    she cheated, you guys broke up, now dont talk any more. or do you want her back or something?

    Well I don't know it just bothers me that we end up like this... and I want like have a good relation between me and her... now I'm waiting till she doesn't be upset with me and then talk to her... I don't know if it is a good idea
  • Apr 12, 2012, 11:21 PM
    Let this go guy and give yourself a chance to accept it, and get over it. You have to see how crazy it is to try and be friends with a cheater that dumps you. Leave her completely alone.
  • Apr 13, 2012, 03:00 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Let this go guy and give yourself a chance to accept it, and get over it. You have to see how crazy it is to try and be friends with a cheater that dumps you. Leave her completely alone.

    The thing to be able to get over her I just need to be everything OK with her that's all... I don't care about to get together.. all I want its to be everything OK with her
  • Apr 13, 2012, 08:00 PM
    That's the problem, its not your place to fix things after she has done you wrong. Not only is it foolish, but self destructive.

    She is the one to do the fixing, and she doesn't want to. You have been reject for love, and rejected for friendship, and disrespected. Don't you get it?
  • Apr 13, 2012, 08:10 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Thats the problem, its not your place to fix things after she has done you wrong. Not only is it foolish, but self destructive.

    She is the one to do the fixing, and she doesn't want to. You have been reject for love, and rejected for friendship, and disrespected. Don't you get it?

    Well actually when we broke up she asked me to be friends but I was like no I don't want that... and now I'm getting over her but the only thing that bothers me and won't let me continue with my process of healing it's that we ended up like this... so knowing that she's not upset with me that is going to let me get over her completely but the thing that is also bother me is that she got upset with me all of the sudden because she wasn't like that when we broke up even she was like talking to me... and in about one month after graduation I'm going in vacations and that's for sure I'm going to get over her... like now I want to give a chace to talk to her and see if she's going to be willing settle things out

    And if she doesn't want to... well I'm going just to let it go... and ill be happy knowing that at least I try to fix everything... and later she's going to see what she lost or not and see if it was the right decision about breaking up
  • Apr 13, 2012, 08:14 PM
    She is a 15 year old, my gosh man, have some dignity, and self respect.
  • Apr 13, 2012, 08:23 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    She is a 15 year old, my gosh man, have some dignity, and self respect.

    Well I know you're right... it just I don't know what am going to do with this feeling of thinking that we ended up like this and really didn't want to be like this with her
  • Apr 13, 2012, 08:29 PM
    You will leave her alone and do what you were doing before you met. You replace old feelings with new ones in time, IF you leave her alone.
  • Apr 13, 2012, 08:33 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    You will leave her alone and do what you were doing before you met. You replace old feelings with new ones in time, IF you leave her alone.

    Well thanks man.. this kind of helped and I just need to think clear but it just this feelings are giving me a hard time... once again thanks
  • Apr 17, 2012, 03:32 PM
    How do i make my ex talk to me?

    Well I broke with my ex about a month and almost one week... so we talked a few times but they weren't good conversations and the last time a talked to her I tried to fix things with her it kind of work but that much so... I want to know how to talked to her... I deleted her form fb so... I'm going to try to add her back.. so I was like did you deleted me from Fb ? Then she replied "no" so what would I say to make her add me so I can talk to her
  • Apr 17, 2012, 03:37 PM
    Maybe she is wanting to move on since the two of you broke up and doesn't want to talk to you. Maybe it is too painful for her and she finds it easier to heal from the break-up if there is no contact.

    Respect her choice of not wanting to add you and talk to you. Since you broke up, it is time to let yourself heal and move on.

    IF she ever does want to talk with you again, she knows how to contact you.
  • Apr 17, 2012, 03:43 PM
    You can't force anyone to do anything. In fact the more you try to contact, the more she will push away. The best thing for you to do now is move on with your life.
  • Apr 17, 2012, 04:41 PM
    Have you noticed no matter how you reword, or re-ask this question the answers are the same?
  • Apr 17, 2012, 04:43 PM
    I know... I'm making a fool out fool out of myself
  • Apr 17, 2012, 04:45 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Have you noticed no matter how you reword, or re-ask this question the answers are the same?

    I think I'm losing my mind... and trying to get different opinion from other people... and everything is the same
  • Apr 17, 2012, 06:28 PM
    So now that you didn't resolve that issue, just swept it under the rug, you have yet another dilemma on your hands. If you are going to stay with this insecure, manipulative demanding female, you will have to walk the line between reassuring, and accommodating, as you have failed to work together to set boundaries, resolve issues to the benefit of you both, or even communicate.

    Seems you are faced with a decision you don't want to make, so talk or leave. Or be helpless as things get worse.
  • Apr 18, 2012, 01:30 AM
    Homegirl 50
    You are obsessing over something you cannot control and it's useless.
    You are young and have a lot of years and girls ahead of you. Get over this and move on.
  • Apr 18, 2012, 02:06 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    So now that you didn't resolve that issue, just swept it under the rug, you have yet another dilemma on your hands. If you are going to stay with this insecure, manipulative demanding female, you will have to walk the line between reassuring, and accommodating, as you have failed to work together to set boundaries, resolve issues to the benefit of you both, or even communicate.

    Seems you are faced with a decision you don't want to make, so talk or leave. Or be helpless as things get worse.

    Well I have a question ? And also I have to tell you other things that have been happened lately
  • Apr 18, 2012, 07:20 PM
    Go right ahead. Ask anything.
  • Apr 18, 2012, 07:23 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Go right ahead. Ask anything.

    Look.. I thought I was getting over her but I'm not this girl was really special for me... what if I let her alone till she get over me... like if I start all over again with her (well if she ever talk to me me again )... do you is there any chance to get back with her ?
  • Apr 18, 2012, 07:50 PM
    Those are a lot of what ifs, and I cannot say what will happen between you, but I can advise you to make a decision based on facts, and not just feelings, and for that, you both will need a clear head, and a lot of healing, and something else that you haven't shown in the past, a willingness to work together to resolve your issues to the benefit of you both.

    Right now, that's not happening is it, so leave each other alone, as feelings are never enough to make a relationship work, and this one isn't. Sorry, but you don't have a lot of good options here.
  • Apr 18, 2012, 07:54 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Those are a lot of what ifs, and I cannot say what will happen between you, but I can advise you to make a decision based on facts, and not just feelings, and for that, you both will need a clear head, and a lot of healing, and something else that you haven't shown in the past, a willingness to work together to resolve your issues to the benefit of you both.

    Right now, thats not happening is it, so leave each other alone, as feelings are never enough to make a relationship work, and this one isn't. Sorry, but you don't have a lot of good options here.

    You don't have like Fb or windows live messenger like we can talk in private.. because I see you know a lot of this stuff... because there is a lot of things I need like advices

    Personal info deleted for privacy and security
  • Apr 18, 2012, 08:47 PM
    Be here when you get back.
  • Apr 19, 2012, 01:53 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Be here when you get back.

    But I don't want to sound disrespectful or something , I know you have a life and stuff and you're probably busy... but when I reply you take like 40 minutes to reply and when you reply me its like around 11 or 12... so that's why I need to talk to you in private and get answer quick... sorry if I sounded disrespectful but I really need to talk to you about something

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