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  • Jul 9, 2012, 03:42 PM
    You very well may be seeing shadows... but death is not an actual entity. God doesn't need spirits to ferry people to the other side. You're not crazy for seeing these things... but if you want these things gone, you may want to open your mind beyond the psychics.
  • Aug 4, 2012, 01:24 PM
    Lately, me and my family have been seeing black shadows walking around my apartment. My sister saw herself in the middle of our hallway and we don't have any kind of mirrors around. A few days after I saw a black shadow come out of my bathroom, look at me, and went back inside, I checked if anything was in there but nothing was there...

    I think something is watching me and my family

    Is this good or bad?
  • Aug 4, 2012, 01:27 PM

    Originally Posted by smile1234 View Post
    lately, me and my family have been seeing black shadows walking around my apartment. my sister saw herself in the middle of our hallway and we don't have any kind of mirrors around. a few days after i saw a black shadow come out of my bathroom, look at me, and went back inside, i checked if anything was in there but nothing was there...

    i think something is watching me and my family

    is this good or bad??

    And you should talk to a religious person
  • Aug 4, 2012, 01:32 PM
    It's bad... and yes, consult with a pastor or priest.
  • Dec 17, 2012, 07:09 PM
    I can't tell you an answer. But all things I know like saying death has many faces. I only seen a shodow three time and three time someone I know has passed away with in a week or a day. I come to know this showdow as death . But its last visit was interesting cause arch angel Michael showed up and stared right at the showdow. Few days later my foster mum died
  • Feb 17, 2013, 08:18 PM
    I had this happen to me for the first time ever in the beginning of November 2012. I was reading a new book during the day in broad light. I saw a very black shadow of a man with no hat, around 6 feet tall. Just stood there, I looked again it was gone. This happened twice that same 1 1/2 weeks. In daylight. Two weeks later I got a call one of my childhood friends died. I haven't seen it since.
  • Feb 25, 2013, 05:21 PM
    I have previous post on here its #14

    I have seen a few things in life at my age of 24, sounds ridiculous but its true, a very vivid memory I have was being around 1 or 2 and actually floating in the air in some green and silver like glitter mass, I've never really been able to understand what happened, I first started seeing things when I was around 6 we moved to wales and I was making some breakfast in the kitchen, when one of the chairs came sliding from under the table probs about 2 foot, no one there so I sat in front room, shut the kitchen door and heard really heavy breathing like literally someone was sat next to me, instantly ran up to my mum and dads room really scared and in shock, didn't believe me, then nothing happened for around another say 6 years one night I'm in bed with my cat, the cat actually woke me up with the sound of its bell he was at my face like pawing me which I thought whys he doint that really odd behaviour when I looked at my door which was open and there was a girl stood there aged around id say 6 or 7, I couldn't see her face as her face covered it, I froze under the covers, I was in shock and couldn't move it felt like I was paralysed. So I'm 12 now yeah now since being 12 I heard running down stairs,bedroom doors physically wouldn't open at one point, really loud bangs almost crashing type sound, when I say loud I mean really loud, but there was never anything out place, also had an experience in bed while I was trying to get to sleep I felt someone push me in the back, then nights later I awoke to a boot being tossed at me, and I literally woke up with it in mid flight, then the weird thing was a little black orb like shard thing flew out my room really quick it all stopped when I turned around 15 to 16, so 2 years I was working as a roofer and that fell through so I moved back to my roots to the north west, so I were asleep on the couch at my mum and stepdads house when the dog woke me proper acting strange like stood at the door kind of thing so I got up because it were like when a dog reacts as if someone's just knocked on the door so anyway this was around 2 to 3am so I got near the door then the handle started shaking so I went to look out the window right next to it because I thought it's a burglar when all of a sudden there was no one there and a black shadow quicky darted like through the window kinds thing I could see the outline as it had a pointy kind of robe hood, it was so quick, however I didn't feel threatened or anything I just felt a bit took back as to what the hell was that, so I told my mum what happened and then she was like really omg, me and ste heard like horses trotting around, I was like what the heck, anyway to cut a long story short I have seen this figure outside my previous work peering at me behind something then when I seen it it quickly darted back, then also once in work while I was stacking some shelves and I'm sure it was down one then when I went it disappeared, the last experience I had was when I was 23. I haven't had any for a while however I do sense the presence now and again, sometimes though I have crazy dreams and I know this sounds weird but I have a thing for magpies. I hope somebody out there
    Can shed some light on these experiences as I have found help no where and I just want someone to actually clarify that this does happen, and hopefully why it happens.

    Thank you for your time to read this post, and I hope somebody can help
  • Jan 23, 2014, 02:53 PM
    Are you still seeing the shadow? I found this page because I recently lost my boyfriend. The night before he went in the hospital for trouble breathing, he was coming back from the bathroom and told me the house was possessed. I asked him why, he said at night when he comes back to bed from the bathroom at night a black shadow comes toward him from the front door. I told him it was just his shadow... the next day he was admitted to the hospital and five days later passed away. He also would always say that someone had put a curse on him and he needed a chicken. He even said that at the hospital. I told him he needs to pray, not believe in voodoo curses. It has been a month today. I feel like I should have listened to him instead of blowing it off. I still believe God has power over all things although I don't understand why he would take him at such a young age leaving behind his young boys and ripping my heart from my body. Does anyone know more about the shadow of death and curses?
  • Jan 26, 2014, 08:53 AM
    You believe in God... yet I have a suspicion you don't spend too much time in the Word of God. If that were the case you would understand curses (and death). Life is not guaranteed to anybody... however, it's even more susceptible to death to those you have a demonic presence in their life. If your boyfriend was so sure that he had been cursed, and that he needed a chicken to aid in that... I'm guessing he was involved in aspects of the occult to begin with... or he at least allowed his beliefs to go in that direction. I'm sorry for your loss, and death is a pain to all... but according to the Word of God, ALL are accursed outside of Jesus Christ... and as humans, we all at some point will die.

    A side note, many demonic spirits can cause death and sickness... I doubt he was specifically followed by "death".

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