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  • Feb 16, 2006, 01:33 PM

    Once you have truly denied Him, you will never change your mind. Maybe because the conviction is that strong or maybe because God has removed His hand from your heart.
    I couldn't comment on DrJizzle's reply but I think he is right on. God is so simple but also there are complex parts to His laws because we are humans and can only comprehend so much. I believe it is to the point where your heart is so hardened against God you won't truly go to Him.

    Romans1:20-32 is an example of someone hardening their heart to something against God: Romans1:20-27, 29-32 is the abckground of what they did (I am not quoting the whole scripure for the sake of space).

    Romans1:28 read:

    And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting
    Even though those things they did still won't keep them from Heaven if they repent from it, it is what is in their hearts as never wanting to.


    If you DO change your mind then you must have held Him in your heart still... even if it was in the deepest recesses of your heart.
    I believ this to be correct also.


    I think suicide is really wrong, and very tragic. But I personally think that most people who commit suicide are actually not in their "right mind" at the time. I mean usually they're very distressed, depressed, desperate, psychotic, etc, and therefore not thinking clearly. In those cases I believe they don't really want to die; they're just using death as a very extreme way to get out of what they perceive as a hopeless situation.
    I think your right. If the person had the love of God in their hearts and committed suicide, they would still go to Heaven, however, their rewards would be taken away (as it talks about in the bible).
  • Feb 20, 2006, 10:50 PM
    I believe that the only unforgivable sin is rejecting God, Jesus, Holy Spirit the three as one. Even suicide can be forgiving. People who are so sick like little children will not be turned away. As long as they believe and ask for forgiveness.I have never read anything about Judas going to Hell. Christ had a predetermined mission from God. Someone had to sell Jesus out for the mission to be complete. So was it his will or not ?
  • Apr 29, 2006, 07:42 PM
    I read somewhere that the only unforgivable sin was to claim a state of sinless (which is often the theme of ultimate evil in literature and history) and although it seemed pretty lame at first, later after I had turned it over and over in my mind, I realized it was a pretty good checkmate to blocking out any sunlight of the spirit... just a thought?
  • Apr 29, 2006, 08:13 PM
    I agree with those saying that the unforgivable sin is plain and simple, rejection. I think it is final on judgement day when everything is before you, God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost and you still deny them. I think that is the unforgivable sin. Until then as long as we are sincere, all can be forgiven. As for the suicide thing. I think only God or Jesus can judge that one. I think people who do commit suicide are obviously not in their right mind and I think only He or They can decide what to do in the end.
  • Apr 29, 2006, 09:29 PM

    I agree with you when you use the word REJECTION. Only insofar as it pertains to the Holy Spirit. That is what it says in the Bible. " But blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven"

    When you say" on judgment day ", I think it's too late at that point for anyone who hasn't already accepted God, Christ, and the H.S.
    Those people will be judged anyway based on their sin, and will go to eternal damnation. Whereas believers will not be judged on their sin because of Jesus who already paid the price for our sins. Believers will be judged by their works. The ones who did well for the Lord and brought Him glory will have special positions and recognition in the " new life".
  • Apr 30, 2006, 01:26 AM
    First, I'd like to stress out that my answer IS NOT RELIGIOUSLY connected, but is only a moral point of view.

    In regard with the debate here, I would like to quote our national poet, the late Mr. Chaim Nahman Bialik:

    "even the satan has not yet invented the revenge for a little child's blood"

    I'm sorry I can't translate it in a poetic way, but I hope the idea came through.
    So, blood shed of innocent victims, especially infants, could be considered as "the unforgivable sin"?

  • Apr 30, 2006, 06:04 AM
    love and be loved

    Originally Posted by letmeno
    The only unforgivable sin that I beleive is suicide.

    I am sry but I believe that IS TOTLE BS

    Why the**** would that the unforgiveabel sin

    Some times people are so diprest that they feel they have no other choise

    Have you ever meet some one who had so much sadness in them that they felt killing them self was there only choise

    Well I have had meny people very dear to me feel that way and I do not believe they have sined at all not even the ones that are dead now from actually committing suicide

    I believe people who feel they have no other choose then that have not sined but have been sined apone so meny times that they want it all to end

    Suiside: when some one killes them self

    In the literel sense that is true but I believe that suiside is not killing yourself but when the people around you are so crule that they have killed you inside and there for it is almost like them who has killed the person

    And of you think that people who have to resort to that are bad people or don't deserve to live because they took life for granted well then you must not know any one who's life is so misseribel that is is not even like you are living inside any more your body is moving but your mind and heart are alredy dead

    And if you want to go around thinking they are bad people then you can go **** yorself because you are then the most inconsiderite unfeeling A**H*** I have ever meet (I am sry is I have afended you in any way but I have to exspres how I feel)
  • Apr 30, 2006, 07:26 AM
    Wow Dude pretty harsh words!! I can only speak for myself. If you go to the Psychic section on this site & check out What Next ? You will see in my life I have lost & suffered more then most. Being Bipolar, with a Deperssive Personality Disorder pretty much sucks!! I have been on the EDGE many times. ONLY GOD knows FOR SURE if taking your own life is a true SIN. But straight up it is a F_____g sellfish thing to do. My wife offed herself in Feb. 2004. The affect it had on me is beyond words. Grief does not come close!! Also the affect on her Daughter, Mother, Friends, are horrible.The only reason I have not gave in & DONE MYSELF is my strong faith in God. Hoping tomorrow will be better. And most the time it's NOT BETTER!! Also the affect it would have on my 76 year old mother, who I help take care of. ONLY PERSON in my family that will. Also the affect on my best friend my cat Baby. I am not trying to feed you any SUGAR COATED CRAP. It's Freaking SELLFISH thing to do, for others who are still here. This is just me, but this site is for DISCUSSING ISSUES. You don't have to like or agree to what anybody says. Sounds like you take it a little to personal. So if I have offended you OH WELL! Go F____k Y______F!! But still I will always tell you God Bless! And mean it!! Oh, BUMMER .guess you didn't see spell check on this site. Also I used to Took through life. Just to old now. Hard on the lungs & to expensive!! :)
  • Apr 30, 2006, 07:52 AM
    love and be loved
    even if you don't give c*** if you ofended me in your anser I am sry if I ofended you

    and I say god bless you right bad

    but you are all stating how you feel on this subjeckt I believe I should be abel to also

    I may have a habit of getting pissed off about that kind of stuff easyer but this is just my vuw

    and also my vuw that you should never try to hert some one mentely or phisicly that is why althow I am very strong with my opinyon I am sry if it herts any one

    althow I do believe that it does hert the people around you and that is why I will never do that ether I do believe that some people relly do care about the people who it herts they relly think they are not loved or relly I don't know how to exsplane it but relly are suck and feel it is the only thing they can do

    althow I did not tell you people at first because I don't like to talk about it I will now

    but I am only 13 my father killed himself two years age and althow it relly herts me inside that he could not linve not even for me I saw him prake in to peces when I was only 7 years old it was just me and my dad around and he started to cry harder that I had ever seen any one cry before I know he was truly sad and he need to move on and althow he did that to me I still love him and pray for him every night ask god to have him be happyer were he is now then on earth

    I also ask god for his forgiveness of what my father has done because this isn't the first time I have heard it called the unforgiveabel sin and I can't stand the idea of my father being heart again to this day two years later I always pray for him because I love him and althow he left me and my sister I know he lived me more then anything

    I will not tell you what happened to my father to make him so sad but trust me there are things in life that can hert enuf to make some one want to die

    I hope your wife (I think you said she was you wife)was forgived by god to and I truly hope I have not hert any one thank you
  • Apr 30, 2006, 08:01 AM
    love and be loved
    I said bad I meant to say back *I say god bless you right back
  • Apr 30, 2006, 10:00 AM
    love and be loved
    By the way I know I am a bad speller forgive me and most the time people can know what mean on school stuff and thing I spell chaek and if bothers you here I will but I think you kbow what I mean so I don't always see the point in spell cheaking
  • Apr 30, 2006, 02:09 PM
    Life is harder for some then others. My dad got blown away (shot) over nothing when I was 10. As far as my wife. She suffered from Chronic Depression for years. At 37 she was still very much a child. I do & must believe God does forgive people who are very sick (mental) & children. My wife even at 37 was both. For me I have to look back at my life. I was a raging Alcoholic/ Drug Addict for 33 od my 49 years. Even before I was 19, I had been shot, stabbed, and got Hep C. Since then I have been close & should have died many times. Herion overdose, DT's Alcoholic seziures. Having 100's of unprotected sexual encounters. Putting needles in my arm with other peoples blood in the syringe. Cooking up dope using toilet water. And NEVER CONTACING AIDS The list is long. But my faith in God is strong. I believe Stacey (wife) died so I could live. God does have a plan for me. So I keep fighting to live now. Even though many days I don't want to, being in black depression. Life is a trip, 1 day at a time. Only being 13 life is just starting for you. But you MUST KNOW. Your actions in everyday life will have a profound effect on the final outcome. Only you can direct it by making the right turns in life. So do the best you can before making that turn. Think before you make that turn. Should you go left or right, in the roadmap of life. Take this from a old guy who made many wrong turns in life. But by the grace of God, I am still here to write this. God Bless!! :)
  • Apr 30, 2006, 02:53 PM

    And the beautiful thing about God's grace is how when you take Jesus as your redeemer, God has said in His word that the former sinful life is forgiven and also forgotten by Him. So we can forget also. And obtain healing and rest for our souls.

    God is the one who created hell. And He's the one who sends someone there.

    I believe as a Born-again Christian that for unbelievers in Christ- That this is the closest to Heaven they will ever experience. And that for believers- That this is the closest to Hell we are ever going to experience, With a large percent of us being extremely blessed also.
  • Apr 30, 2006, 03:18 PM
    love and be loved
    RUBLUE, I am glad god has blessed you and hope he helps you in hard times to come so you can be here to help people who need it
    Take care :) ;)
  • Apr 30, 2006, 03:26 PM
    love and be loved
    p.s. (to all who it may consern) don't exsept limitations be all that you can be don't just love with your haert when you can do so much more love with body, mind, and sole
    Love the one the who hates you, care for the one who has done you wrong, and pray for all who need it even thows who have done wrong, pray that they may be forgived and learn to love as you have

    I pray for you no matter who you may be
  • Apr 30, 2006, 03:43 PM
    I don't know Pumpkin. I to am a born again Christan. God is and creates all. So in sense I guess you could say he created Hell. But Satin as all evil spirits were falling Angels who rebuked God even before creation. But since nobody living knows for sure, we live on faith & hope. My motivation for faith is eternal life, to spend with my savior Jesus Christ. I do not believe Heaven is a place with big fluffy clouds, long white beards, and harps. But energy from our soul to flow in harmony with others from the being of creation. Persons who try the best they can to be decent, loving, caring human beings. No mental or physical pain. No sterss, drama. Just cruise in total peace with others FOREVER. And I so believe what you do in this life will have a profound effect on what happens when you exit this life. But that's just me!! :)
  • Apr 30, 2006, 03:57 PM
    Also Pumpkin remember I live the best as I can A Christian life. But as all, fall way short of what God intended. That is the reason for the good news of Jesus Christ. But I also Believe God will not condem all to Hell that don't know Jesus. They are good decent people who can not know Christ. There are many factors for this. One being a country as North Korea, China just to name a few. Where the teaching of Christ is not there. There are millions of good decent people all over the world who never herd the name Jesus Christ. It is not their fault. They have no control or say in the matter.
  • Apr 30, 2006, 05:04 PM
    RUBLUE: Not to disagree with you about Heaven but about your statement about" nobody knows for sure". To me that is only half believing." When the Spirit
    comes, he will lead you into all truth".

    If you believe in the Bible then you would state that Satan's rejection of God resulted in HIS judgment in this life and the next.

    From my own " God moment" or "Burning Bush" experience, I would say that Heaven is all you said,and without pain or tears, a BLISSFUL Spiritual/mindful existence where we worship God in the company of those we love, and are truly satisfied & happy.

    That is such a nice and generous thing to say! Don't ever change Buddy... The world needs people like you!
  • Apr 30, 2006, 05:58 PM
    And( love and be loved ) too! I meant you in the 1st place :p

    Reminds me of a song - - your screenname -
    My mother was a singer and she could sing... "There was a boy...a very strange enchanted boy" Those were part of the lyrics for a beautiful song - I think the name of the song is" Nature Boy".

    Well, I really think that that was a nice song.
  • Apr 30, 2006, 06:21 PM
    31 Pumpkin, I don't think you should hold God responsible when you say HIS judgement put them there. I think that God did what he had to do. He said this is the consequence and those fallen angels decided, so that was the consequence. He simply followed through, He had no choice. Those people were responsible for what happened to them. For example: the justice system doesn't decide just anybody goes to jail. People choose actions and put themselves there.

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