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  • Mar 22, 2007, 03:02 PM
    Very Late Period/Negative Results
    I stopped taking my birth control pills the first week of January 07. I had my normal January period, which started on February 2, 2007. Here it is March 22 and I have not had another period. I have taken several home pregnancy tests that have all come out negative. Only a couple were taken with first morning urine, and that was almost two weeks ago. I called my doctor after I was a week late and the nurse told me over the phone that if I haven't had a period by May to call back. She said that missing a period after stopping the pill is normal. I am pretty sure that I have just skipped the February period and am hoping my period will return this month, since we are trying to get pregnant. I was a little confused as to why my doctor didn't at least suggest a blood test and also wondered if anyone else had ever found out they were pregnant even though the home tests were still negative six weeks after their missed period? I am just curious, like I said I am pretty sure that I'm not pregnant and the missed period is due to stopping the birth control. I am supposed to start again, counting two months from my last period, on March 30, so hopefully I will get some answers then. I know it will happen when it is supposed to happen, but there is still a small part of me that has to wonder. Any help would be great.
  • Mar 22, 2007, 03:33 PM
    My friend experienced the same thing except she was 4 months far along when she finally found out that she was actually pregnant. She had to stop taking BC because the side effects were too much for her towards the end and it turned out that she was really pregnant all along. Her Doctors were like, no no missed period is normal, and blah blah. It was crazy.

    To get pregnant while on BC pill was very rare but I think the alcohol that she drank blocked the BC or something? Just a thought, you should probably go in and insist for a blood test in couple of weeks or so. It is hard to get that set up if not for several weeks.

    Myself would be about 12-13 weeks far along if I turn up postitive from the blood test. (my appt is April 2nd) Good luck, and I figured that this might help u 2 not feel alone in this situation?
  • Mar 22, 2007, 05:52 PM
    Thanks. It is just confusing. I know it would be very unlikely that I am actually pregnant and still coming up negative on the home tests and I am sure it is just in my head or wishful thinking, but I can't stop thinking that I might still be pregnant. It would have been nice if the doctor's office would have considered a blood test, especially since we are trying and it is possible to be pregnant. If I don't start next week I am going to call them back and insist on a blood test. Thanks for your support.

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