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  • Feb 8, 2011, 06:02 PM
    Ahhhh... I think I have a sixth sense... Do I?
    All right, well I think I have a sixth sense, plain and simple. I can like feel emotions that my friends have. Say one of them is really tore up about something, then I would feel tore up because I could feel them that way. And when I'm at softball practice, when one of my friends are up to bat I can feel their anxiety. It's like I'm up to the plate and their not. So, I feel like I can also pretty much read everybody emotions also... I think this is creepy. I just want to know if I'm just plain crazy or if I have a 6th sense... please help me:)
  • Feb 8, 2011, 06:08 PM

    Originally Posted by softballchica02 View Post
    i just wanna know if im just plain crazy or if i have a 6th sense... please help me:)

    Hello s:

    If you can tell what I'm thinking, you ain't nuts...

  • Feb 8, 2011, 07:04 PM
    Comment on excon's post
    Well, its only people that I know that I can do that with, like I have to be with them lol
  • Feb 8, 2011, 07:23 PM

    This is not a paranormal phenomenon, but just a psychological one: you are very empathic. It is very easy for you to "feel with" (em=with, path=feel), to get inside another person's skin. That's why some people do well in customer service or become counselors.
  • Feb 9, 2011, 07:41 PM

    Does this only work on a line of sight level or over the phone too? Many people are sensetive in some way or another to the environment around them. Does this also work with strangers like in a supermarket or mall setting?
  • Feb 12, 2011, 10:48 AM
    The human brain is a very powerful thing, faster than any computer or robot on this planet and can do things that we never really think about. Yet we only use such a small portion of it. I'm just throwing this out there but maybe everyone has a sixth sense we just never have been able to acknowledge it because people aren't used to using that part of the brain. Maybe your one lucky person to be able to use such of a sense. I mean, that's pretty amazing that your able to tell your friends emotions. It might help you save a life one day you just never know:)
  • Feb 12, 2011, 10:54 AM

    Originally Posted by DeMonica16 View Post
    The human brain is a very powerful thing, faster than any computer or robot on this planet

    Hello D:

    Oh, yeah?? Watch Jeopardy this week.

  • Feb 12, 2011, 11:38 AM

    Originally Posted by califdadof3 View Post
    Does this only work on a line of sight level or over the phone too? Many people are sensetive in some way or another to the enviroment around them. Does this also work with strangers like in a supermarket or mall setting?

    I agree, people pick up on others emotions simply by signals that they are receiving from the other person's body language and/or expressions.

    Also you receive some of these 'feelings' from past experiences that you personally have experienced. Example, you have stood at the plate and know the tension so you may be subconsciously picking up on their 'feelings.'

    Cal is correct, if you can feel anything from a stranger on the phone that you have no knowledge of then possibly you have something here.

  • Feb 15, 2011, 06:07 AM

    Originally Posted by DeMonica16 View Post
    The human brain is a very powerful thing, faster than any computer or robot on this planet and can do things that we never really think about. yet we only use such a small portion of it. I'm just throwing this out there but maybe everyone has a sixth sense we just never have been able to acknowledge it because people aren't used to using that part of the brain. Maybe your one lucky person to be able to use such of a sense. I mean, that's pretty amazing that your able to tell your friends emotions. It might help you save a life one day you just never know:)

    I don't understand, we use all of our brain, where did you get the notion that we don't??
  • Feb 16, 2011, 08:04 AM
    Sounds like you may be what some would call an empath. An Empath is someone who can feel other people's emotions as their own: you literally feel what other people feel. I suggest you do a Google search for more information on this and ask our Lord Jesus how you may use this gift for the good of others.
  • Feb 20, 2011, 04:08 PM
    This is tough, because really it could go either way. DeMonica is right, the human brain is powerful and we are not even close to fully understanding it. However, if this type of things begins to develop in any other ways I would be concerned. Onegarry is correct, I would seek Jesus Christ in you life, however, I would not specifically ask to use this gift for the good of others... most of these things are not gifts from God. Some people will mask it under the Gifts of the Spirit, however, the bible is very clear what these are. Psychic phenomena and ESP are not part of God's plan, however harmless it may seem. Whatever good you may think something like that can be used for... it is not from God. Be very careful how you allow this to affect your life at this point on.
  • Feb 20, 2011, 06:51 PM

    Originally Posted by hauntinghelper View Post
    I would seek Jesus Christ in you life,

    You have to remember Hauntinghelper, that this is a global website. And, as such, not all people believe in God, or have other religious preferences. It is best that you keep God out of the boards that do not deal with Christianity. ;)
  • Feb 20, 2011, 07:49 PM
    J_9, I would like to remind YOU that this is a global website and therefore my advice is valid. Your intolerance for my advice, for the sake of being tolerant of other beliefs, is just a little bit backwards.
    Softballchica02 is the only one who can decide if my advice is valid for her life or not. Thank you for your concern. ;)
  • Feb 20, 2011, 07:54 PM

    Originally Posted by hauntinghelper View Post
    J_9, I would like to remind YOU that this is a global website and therefore my advice is valid. Your intolerance for my advice, for the sake of being tolerant of other beliefs, is just a little bit backwards.
    Softballchica02 is the only one who can decide if my advice is valid for her life or not. Thank you for your concern. ;)

    J_9 is a supermod here. And if you choose to argue then it could get deleted just for that reason. The boards here do have a christian section. And you are free to express there all you like. But it seems all your answers are geared to a christian response and that isn't the best we have to offer here.
  • Feb 20, 2011, 08:01 PM

    Originally Posted by hauntinghelper View Post
    J_9, I would like to remind YOU that this is a global website and therefore my advice is valid.

    Yes, this is a global site and your advice is valid for THIS site provided you post on the appropriate board. (For instance, favorite recipes are not posted on the Relationship board even though delicious aromas may help bring healing to a couple in trouble, nor do we post a link to on the Adoption board, even though adopting a dog or cat from a shelter may temporarily alleviate the pain of childlessness in a couple's life.)

    I suggest you start one or more threads on the Christianity board and note here that you have done so. Those interested will gravitate over there to read what you have to say and to add their own thoughts.
  • Feb 21, 2011, 05:34 PM
    I must disagree, those seeking help in the paranormal field, will go to a paranormal board. I'm not here to argue, but like I said... it's up to the poster of the question/need to take the advice given... not the other advice givers. My advice IS valid specifically because it pertains to her need. I'm not just randomly preaching on my soapbox... she has a spiritual issue and I'm giving MY spiritual advice. Softballchica02, I'm sorry these last couple posts have NOTHING to do with YOUR issue.
  • Feb 24, 2011, 02:48 AM

    Originally Posted by hauntinghelper View Post
    she has a spiritual issue

    Some would disagree with that
  • Feb 24, 2011, 07:38 AM
    Comment on Capuchin's post
    Yes, some would... and I allow them than as others can allow my opinions. We all know there are many people out there that have different beliefs. As I said above, it is up to her to allow which advice she listens to and follows. The above is my opinion.
  • Feb 24, 2011, 07:41 AM

    Originally Posted by onegarry View Post
    ... and ask our Lord Jesus how you may use this gift for the good of others.

    How would he answer?
  • Feb 24, 2011, 01:01 PM
    Comment on NeedKarma's post
    Try reading the bible FIRST... that usually answers 99% of the questions.

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