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  • Dec 5, 2007, 11:56 AM
    Baby measuring smaller/doctor update
    Well guys I had my second doctor visit today! The baby is too cute and looks more human and we could see the heart beating... doctor said we would listen to it next time! It measures 27cm crown to rump! The only thing that bothered me a bit was that the doctor said the baby measured to be at 9 weeks and 4 days but according to my LMP(Sept. 25) I am 10 weeks and 1 day? Is this normal... could this be a potential problem. Worried! :confused:
  • Dec 5, 2007, 12:05 PM
    Prsonally id say don't get yourself in a state that's like 4 days difference big woop try having a baby that's measuring 4 weeks smaller that's when you worry hunn.
    If there were a problem they would have told you.
  • Dec 5, 2007, 12:09 PM
    True, I just needed to hear it from some of you guys! I feel better now. Guess I got my undies in a wad a little too quick :P Thanks bunches CBW!
  • Dec 5, 2007, 12:11 PM
    Hehehehehe its OK I understand why your scared only natural hunn but trust me if there was anything wrong you would know ;)
    My first was born at 32 weeks and she stopped growing at 28 I'm now at 32 weeks with this one and feel bloody vile I never got this big its very odd and every day I think cripes is everything OK its just your normal instinct.
  • Dec 5, 2007, 12:19 PM
    I get scared over everything, haha! We all do huh! Wow she stopped growing at 28 weeks huh! Well I'm glad she's healthy and happy now. Guess you are getting the full affect this time around, hehe! I love the word cripes, lol, too cute CBW!
  • Dec 5, 2007, 12:25 PM
    Sweetie, 4 days does not a difference make. How much did you weigh when you were born? How much did your hubby weigh? We have to take that into account too. The major portion of the growth occurs during the third trimester, right now baby is just developing his/her healthy organs.

    That's WAY more important than how much they weigh, or how long they are. Hun, don't look for the weight and length at yet, as that will come in time, just make sure you have a good strong heartbeat and that doc does not see any anomalies on the ultrasound.
  • Dec 5, 2007, 12:29 PM
    If it makes you feel any better I'm 30 weeks and my baby is measuring at 27 weeks so I am having to see the specialist once a week to check her update and will continue to go until she's born...
    I'm not to worried because so far both of my other children measured small and they were both 5lbs 14 oz so it's probely just by boding not allowing me to have big kids they were both health at 38 weeks so don't get to worried yet it may just be normal for your body
  • Dec 5, 2007, 12:33 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    Sweetie, 4 days does not a difference make. How much did you weigh when you were born? How much did your hubby weigh? We have to take that into account too. The major portion of the growth occurs during the third trimester, right now baby is just developing his/her healthy organs.

    That's WAY more important than how much they weigh, or how long they are. Hun, don't look for the weight and length at yet, as that will come in time, just make sure you have a good strong heartbeat and that doc does not see any anomalies on the ultrasound.

    Wow, thanks J9! This really makes a lot of good sense and eases my mind SO MUCH! I was a pretty small baby... about 6lbs I think... not sure about hubs. The heartbeat looked good so... yay... that's great! Thank you so much!! :o :o :o
  • Dec 5, 2007, 03:08 PM
    Wow rankrank 55 your baby is due the same day as mine! My lmp was 25th sept to!
  • Dec 5, 2007, 03:23 PM
    Wow, isn't that great melissa!! We need to keep each other updated!!
  • Dec 5, 2007, 03:26 PM
    Got my scan on Wednesday 12th really excited but am a little worried I'm going to go and there not going to be a baby inside me lol which is prob a stupid thing to think, I haven't had really any symptons just really sore boobs
  • Dec 5, 2007, 03:56 PM
    That's great! Good luck! I had the same fear, haha, but don't worry your going to get their and see and little mini human wiggling around! Let me know how it goes!
  • Dec 5, 2007, 03:58 PM
    Will do! Am really excited xx good luck with your pregnancy we will have to keep in touch and let each other know what's happening xx
  • Dec 5, 2007, 04:00 PM
    For sure! Thank you... cheers to a happy and healthy pregnancy!
  • Dec 6, 2007, 09:45 AM
    Rankrank, every time I have an ultrasound the baby measures a few days or even a week away from what I should be according to my lmp. My doctor said this is completely normal and nothing to worry about. She has left my due date the same because she said a few days or a week doesn't really change anything. She said it could be different with every ultrasound. Every baby is different and has their little growth spurts when they want to. That just shows us that even at this early stage they are going to express their independence and keep us on our toes.

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