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  • Feb 3, 2008, 05:18 PM
    Trying to get pregnant
    Me and my husband has been trying 8 months to have a baby. Im 27 and he is 25. Of course we use no form of protection and we have intercourse about 2-3 times a week. I recently got off the birth control in June of 2007. We already have two children.. my oldest is going to be 6 soon! In June of 2007 I had a LEAP procedure done due to abnormal cells which was a high risk for cervical cancer. Now I go and get exams every 3 months to monitor it and so far since the procedure my exams resulted normal. I was wondering if that has anything to do with having a hard time getting pregnant. With my two children I conceived really fast and never had to wait and keep trying. I know that there are only 1-2 days out of the month that you ovulate.. but I've been doing ovulation tests and every time it says that I'm ovulating we have intercourse but never can get pregnant. We have been calculating approximately 14 days until my cycle starts to have intercourse... and my cycles have been pretty much normal since I got off the pill 8 months ago. Me and my husband are just worried that I might not be able to get pregnant again. And we don't know if its him or me! Do you have any advice for me?
  • Feb 3, 2008, 06:47 PM
    I was diagnosed with CIN 3 and I had the LEETS procedure done ( in Australia this is what its called) it was to remove abnormal cells from my cervix. I was worried that I may have trouble having any more kids.

    We have 2 daughters and last week we found out we are pregnant!! So be strong it will happen, just try not to worry!

    Best of luck
  • Feb 4, 2008, 11:00 AM
    Try not to worry too much. Every pregnancy is different so even though the others happened quickly, there is no promise that you will conceive quickly again. After coming off BCP, your body could be a bit off for several months... having a period does not = ovulation. While timing at 14 days is okay... some women ovulate sooner. Some as early as day 10.

    If you're using ovulation kits, that is a good sign, but remember that is a miracle that those tiny sperm find that tiny egg at all so trying for 8m - 1yr is very common.
    Just relax and have fun! Good luck!

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