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  • Mar 17, 2008, 09:46 AM
    Has Obama has jumped ship early?
    Are Wright’s comments really inflammatory, or are they being used out of context, as Obama's Church has claimed?
  • Mar 17, 2008, 09:51 AM
    The key to your answer is to switch the words white and black where they are present in his sermons. Then ask if a white candidate could attend a white separatist church and be seroiusly considered for the Presidency ?
  • Mar 17, 2008, 09:55 AM
    Mods - can we merge these threads before they start spamming the board?
  • Mar 17, 2008, 10:22 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55
    The key to your answer is to switch the words white and black where they are present in his sermons. Then ask if a white candidate could attend a white separatist church and be seroiusly considered for the Presidency ?

    Yea, like Ron Paul.
  • Mar 17, 2008, 10:58 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    Mods - can we merge these threads before they start spamming the board?

    I believe an argument could be made in defense of Wright, his Church and its philosophy. I just wanted to provide an opportunity for a logical argument in favor of that premise.

    Or do you believe otherwise?:)
  • Mar 17, 2008, 11:05 AM
    I don't know that that is an accurate test, Tom, because the black experience in America is unique—it has no real parallel. And black Americans are unique. Just as the Jew wants the world to never forget the German Holocaust, the Black feels equally about its experience.
  • Mar 17, 2008, 11:56 AM
    DC perhaps but until a black candidate moves beyond victimhood then I don't think their full potential will be realized. That is what separated Obama from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. For all of the faults I found in Obama I thought he at least transcended that . But now there is more than suspicion that he is playing a con game with the electorate .
  • Mar 17, 2008, 01:57 PM

    Which raises the question, “Is Wright teaching victim-hood?” Is he teaching youth that they are victims of the white power structure, or is he teaching something more along the lines of the Jews were at one time in Russia?

    "We [Jews] formed the ghetto ourselves," wrote the Zionist leader Vladamir Zabotinsky, "... voluntarily, for the same reason for which Europeans in Shanghai established their separate quarter, to be able to live their own way." [KORBANSKI, p. 8] "The Ghetto was rather a privilege than a disability," notes J. O. Hertzler, "and sometimes was claimed by the Jews as a right when its demolition was threatened." [HERTZLER, p. 73] Boas Evron cites the work of fellow Israeli scholar, Yehezkel Kaufmann, in noting that
    "the popular assumption that external anti-Jewish pressures forced
    Group identify and exclusivity on the Jews is unconvincing, since
    Historical evidence shows that Jewish exclusivity and aloofness
    Preceded outside hostility and were thus its cause, not its result...

  • Mar 17, 2008, 02:43 PM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    Mods - can we merge these threads before they start spamming the board?

    NK, just a short while ago you posted this:


    There's no free exchange from you guys - you just come here to disparage a whole group. It's always negative, you search and dig up negative issues about a group you despise and make threads about it here. That's ALL you do. It's like negative/smear campaigning 24/7 and you're right, it is getting tiresome for the rest of us.
    DC has offered an "an opportunity for a logical argument in favor of that premise." tom has said "For all of the faults I found in Obama I thought he at least transcended" victimhood and suggested black candidates can "reach full potential" if they would only move past that. Sounds like a couple of guys not just trying to smear Obama - and offering an opportunity for a free exchange of ideas to me.
  • Mar 17, 2008, 03:11 PM
    DC, I believe they're entirely inflammatory. I've been in church virtually all my life and these messages of Wright's are not the message of the gospel. Though I understand that I haven't been there, the "black experience" is no excuse, and Wright's admission to the NY Times that Obama may have to eventually distance himself from him tells me that Wright knows this.
  • Mar 17, 2008, 03:25 PM
    It certainly isn't a Christian message of forgiveness. To tell you the truth I was once seduced by the liberation theology that some of the Maryknolls and Jesuits were preaching... That is until I discovered it was just a front for the expansion of global Marxism.

    DC I really don't care if they are modelling their theology along the lines of the Jewish experience . The United States cannot be led by a person who esposes separatism. As it is we already have too much identity group politics.

    I want to know ;does Obama think the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was an act of American aggression ? I think it saved thousands of GIs of ALL COLORS . I want to know if Obama thinks the US invented AIDS to infect the blacks . If he holds these views I think he is disqualified.
  • Mar 17, 2008, 03:26 PM
    Hyperbole I will admit to, and that someone will subjectively be offended I don't deny, Steve.

    However, for instance- in Wrights mind and the mind of his Church members who he is speaking to when he uses the term “America,” he is not referring to all Americans (Which should be obvious to anyone) but rather the 'White Power with capitol' who has governed in America since day one-and suppressed Blacks in America.
  • Mar 17, 2008, 03:45 PM
    Yes Tom, even the Catholic Church appeared to buy into it in South America for a short time, and then renounced it.

    An important point is what we mean when we use the term “Separatism.”

    There is a great deal of controversy about whether the “Bomb” was necessary on Hiroshima and especially Nagasaki.

    What are the Blacks to think as compared to white and Asian Americans, they're doing less well economically, more of their men are in jail, more of their girls have sexually transmitted diseases, few of them do as well in school, etc. How does one account for these myriad failings?

    Even Liberalism has failed them… John Doggett when defending Clarence Thomas said: When I started my career as a legal services attorney in 1972, I thought that liberals really cared about the poor, the oppressed and people of color. Twenty-six years later, I have learned that while some have good intentions, many liberals are closet racists. They claim to be “sensitive, progressive and concerned,” while in reality far too many of them truly do not believe that blacks or Latinos are as smart as they are. In fact, their liberal orthodoxy cannot exist in a world where blacks and Latinos no longer “need” their help.
    So separatism might appear to be the only way out for them.
  • Mar 17, 2008, 04:06 PM
    But DC that argument completely disregards the advances that many Blacks have achieved (although I think you are correct in that the most successful appear to have rejected the paternalistic social contract of the libs) . But it is very disturbing that the Rev Wright rejects what he calls "middleclassness" ;the very formula to lift themselves up . Instead he champions victimhood as if he has a vested interest in preserving the status quo . Obama represents (supposedly ) moving forward. The Rev. Wright appears to me to be diametrically opposite. So then I have to ask Obama... if you espouse the philosophy of Rev Wright then how does it square with your positive message of change??
  • Mar 17, 2008, 04:10 PM
    Why don't we let Mr. Obama speak for himself and judge by his actions, as he has never espoused anything the Rev's Farrakhan, and Wright, have said quite the opposite. So to try to make that mud stick, is a useless ploy, that plays on FEAR, and a smokescreen for a deep desire for him to fail. It would probably help white people to investigate, before they start to speak for the rationale of others. Until you sit in this mans church, and can speak about it, why even give credence to those political sound bits, intended to slow his momentum down?
  • Mar 17, 2008, 04:15 PM
    How could he sit in the church for 20 years listening to this stuff ;calling this minister his spiritual mentor ;contribute to his church and not believe what the Reverend says ? Can you answer that ? I can't
  • Mar 17, 2008, 04:37 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55
    Can you answer that ? I can't

    We know you can't so stop trying.
  • Mar 17, 2008, 05:38 PM

    Originally Posted by Dark_crow
    Are Wright’s comments really inflammatory, or are they being used out of context, as Obama's Church has claimed?

    Are you asking in subject to Wright's opinions or that of "Black Theology?"
  • Mar 17, 2008, 05:47 PM
    Well I do have issues here myself, he goes to and uses this church as a reference to show his christian belief, the church until this week has its princiiples posted on the internet ( but has since taken them off the interent) Obama references these in his previous book as major factors in his life.

    The church has given Farrakhan, a achievement award ( guess no body told Obama about that either) So did he ever really go to church ?
    Did he never look at his churches web site?

    And if he disagreed so greatly with the churches teachings why did he stay a member all of those years.

    I do believe he needs to address this, and yes, he may not believe what his pastor teaches ( but why have him as part of your campaign if you don't) I guess he needs to change his voter message, to at least I am not Hilary.
  • Mar 17, 2008, 05:58 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    I do beleive he needs to address this, and yes, he may not beleive what his pastor teaches ( but why have him as part of your campaign if you don't) I guess he needs to change his voter message, to at least I am not Hilary.

    Fr_Chuck, do you think it's possible that some of your congregants don't agree with you, but still share some respect for other things you do? Enough to attend your services once in awhile? Hello! Obama already addressed the fact that he doesn't agree with Wright's comments and opinions. What else is he suppose to do? Obama's not running for pastor of a church. If this was the criteria than McCain wouldn't have a snow balls chance in Hagee's anti-Catholic hell of being elected.

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