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  • May 25, 2009, 02:49 PM
    I clogged up a double sink with disposal and dishwasher
    When I run the disposal, water spurts into the other sink. I think I put too much food down the disposal. I was making soup, and threw the greens from the leeks down the disposal.

    I have already tried:
    Stuffing up one sink with a rag and plunging the other one.
    Plunging both sinks at the same time.
    Boiling water and plunging.
    Drano Max Gel.

    From reading other posts, I am thinking I have to take the thing apart and clean out the big pipe in the back of the tee going into the wall. I live in a condo. I do have a pipe wrench and some teflon tape. Which pipes come off first? Do I turn off the water under the sink?
  • May 25, 2009, 03:17 PM

    No need to turn off water. Just need to dissasemble trap on the side of sink that doesn't have the garbage disposal. Then auger the drain for about five feet with a small cable. If this doesn't fix your problem, you will need to auger the drain from the kitchen sink vent on the roof. Depending on how high your roof is, I would put in at least thirty feet of 1/2 cable from this point. Or even more, more won't hurt. Or you may even find a cleanout for ks drain in the basement or crawl space(if you have one) and auger from here. Good luck and please let us know how things work out.
  • May 25, 2009, 03:33 PM

    I am on the 4th floor of a 5 story building. There is no basement. I can buy an auger and try that. Girly question. What's a trap? Is that the "U" shaped pipe?
  • May 25, 2009, 03:39 PM

    Yes, the u shaped pipe. Just need to get access into the pipe that goes into the wall. Then auger and hope for the best.
  • May 26, 2009, 05:45 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    My take on this is that the stoppage's in the horizontal pipe in the wall that leads to the stack vent. Remove the right hand "J" amd send a snake up into the wall, (see image) You will run into a bend about 8 inches in but once around that you only have to put out 6 nore feet of snake.
    Good luck and let me know how you make out. Tom
  • May 26, 2009, 07:16 AM

    Originally Posted by speedball1 View Post
    My take on this is that the stoppage's in the horizontal pipe in the wall that leads to the stack vent. Remove the right hand "J" amd send a snake up into the wall, (see image) You will run into a bend about 8 inches in but once around that you only have to put out 6 nore feet of snake.
    Good luck and let me know how you make out. Tom

    I think you guys are right. I didn't remove the "J" and only could get the auger in around 24 inches. It seems like the clog is right near the wall. The auger I bought is pretty lame. Do I need to get a power auger?
  • May 26, 2009, 07:24 AM

    I am with Tom but you do not need a power auger just yet. A 1/4" snake that is inside a drum auger should be just fine, twist and push a you go. Cobra at Lowe's: 1/4" x 20' Metal Drum Auger
  • May 26, 2009, 07:54 AM
    Milo Dolezal

    Garbage Disposer is a good invention. However, you have to be very careful what you put in it. Then, you have to use lots of hot water to flush the grinded food as far to the drain as possible. Otherwise, you will be clogging drains in your house...
  • May 26, 2009, 02:44 PM

    I think the clog is right in the wall. I bought a big auger.

    I keep hitting some brown fibrous stuff and can't get any farther. I saw a compressed air thing at Home Depot. Should I buy it or is compressed air a waste of time?
  • May 26, 2009, 03:08 PM

    Just keep working the auger you have in opposite directions, I know it can get tiresome. Sounds like you have a pretty good blockage, renting a power auger may be your next step.

    Also, nice paint job on the nails.
  • May 26, 2009, 03:11 PM

    One more thing... I got the auger in, finally! I got some black goopy stuff. Should I keep augering and wiping off the goopy stuff? I got it in around 10 feet.
  • May 26, 2009, 03:15 PM

    You've just made headway. Good job. The black goopy stuff is normal on kitchen sink drains. Now that you have gotten it in this far, put trap back together, run water for a minute or so and see if it backs up. If it doesn't, then fill both sides of sink with hot water and let them go at the same time. This will flush the black stuff down the drain. Remember to have a long rubber glove handy to pull the sink plugs, so you don't get burned when you reach your hand in.
  • May 26, 2009, 03:56 PM
    I think it's fixed:)
    Now, how do I go about giving you guys positive ratings? Thanks for the help! After looking into my cabinet, I noticed the faucet is leaking at the base, clear through to the cabinet. I think I'll just put some plumber's putty in there for now ;)

    Thank you!! AND I am glad you like the nail polish :)
  • May 26, 2009, 04:01 PM
    Milo Dolezal

    GirlyWrench: I like you've picked color of the snake that matches your toe-nail-polish ! Way to go !:D

    ( now fix that electrical conduit connection at the bottom of your Garbage Disposer before you get electrocuted... )

    Glad you managed on your own ! Good luck... Milo
  • May 26, 2009, 04:25 PM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Hey Girly,
    Those air thingys are a rip off. They only work until the air hits a vent. Then all the push goes up the vent. And nice toes Girl! :rolleyes:
  • May 26, 2009, 05:19 PM

    Keep using what you have there. A larger powered auger will have trouble getting past the 90 degree turm 6 inches inside the wall.
  • May 27, 2009, 02:52 PM

    Glad you got it draining, let us know if you need help with the leaky faucet.

    They make many different sized power augers and cables. If you ever need to use one, make sure to get the right one for the job.
  • May 27, 2009, 06:12 PM

    You guys are the best! Thank you. I was looking for the "rate this answer" button, but I don't see it.

    I was reading about toilets, and how you need a special auger -- I'm feeling bold, now! I have a toidy that sometimes flushes, sometimes needs plunging.

    Specs on the faucet: I bet it would probably be easier just to install a new one. But I'm game for fixing the old one.

    It's just like this one Moen Chateau Kitchen Faucets Single Handle Kitchen Faucet - Chrome - 7425 at

    The leaky place is where the swivel faucet meets the rectangular base.
  • May 27, 2009, 06:51 PM

    Betcha the next time Ton, Bob, MGD or Milo come back on, they are going to tell you to call 1 800 BUY MOEN and ask for "O" rings for you spout. The Rate button is the orange button in each persons answer. I think they all deserve a "greenie".
  • May 28, 2009, 06:23 AM
    #1. I know Moen is the worst, and mine may not be Moen, but is similar in cheapness. I did NOT put that faucet in ;)

    #2. I know because Moen's corporate headquarters were here in Illinois at one time, and I worked there as a temp. Moen at that time was poor quality.

    #3. I do landscaping. I will not buy homeowner's quality as a rule of thumb. Waste of money. I try only to buy professional tools or at least semi-decent quality. Yeah, I know, I broke my own rule with that first auger I bought. :)

    Thanks again for all the help, guys! Y'all are the best.

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