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  • May 13, 2006, 09:52 PM
    Black water/sewage in basement
    I have a septic system which was cleaned out and inspected about a month ago, and the pipe from the house to the septic was snaked. Tonight, black sludge and water backed up into my basement from the drain pipe in the basement whenever I did a load of wash. Is there any remedy I can use on my own?
  • May 14, 2006, 06:07 AM

    Originally Posted by mjo1956
    I have a septic system which was cleaned out and inspected about a month ago, and the pipe from the house to the septic was snaked. Tonight, black sludge and water backed up into my basement from the drain pipe in the basement whenever I did a load of wash. Is there any remedy I can use on my own?

    You must first determine where the problem lies. In your house or the septic system. This is easy to check out. Open up the cleanout and cycle the washer while the CO is open. If the discharge backs up and fills or overflows the open CO then the problem is in the septic system. Letr me know what you find and we'll go from there. Good luck, Tom

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