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  • Dec 16, 2015, 04:53 AM
    Invisible bugs biting me at night, help!
    I've been having this problem for about a month and a half now and it only happens at my boyfriends new house. Never at my house.
    These "bites" only happen to me and he literally NEVER gets bitten. But he moved there almost 3 months ago? And nothing seemed to happen until he moved his bed to the other side of the room. It seems like it's getting worse because first I would only notice a few mosquito-like bites a while after I woke up the next day but now I will wake up itching myself.
    These bites are raised looking welts and are pretty red. Some have left scars on my body probably because I have sensitive skin. One night I got about 5 bites in a cluster on my upper arm and I had about 25 other little bites everywhere from my feet to random places on my legs and a bunch of tiny bumps on my hands that seemed to come and go. All of these bites usually last about a week.
    I checked for bed bugs and didn't find any. The landowner has four cats but I've checked them for fleas.
    Also, I have never seen ONE bug in his room AT ALL. Although, there are tiny little ants, maybe like sugar or water ants in the kitchen and bathroom but I have never seen them in the bedroom. Even when I woke up tonight in the middle of the night I searched with a flashlight at 5am and saw nothing. They're getting under my clothes sometimes. Most of the bites appear on my feet, hands, upper arms, elbows, and the lower part of my legs. But I've also gotten a couple on my forehead and side of my waist.
    I went to a dermatologist and he said they look like hives from me getting bitten by something but I really don't want to spend tons of money trying to figure this out.
    Has this happened to anyone before? Please help!!
  • Dec 16, 2015, 05:18 AM
    Simply stop sleeping on that side of the room.
  • Dec 16, 2015, 06:44 AM
    There is a good pest expert who frequents this site.
    I agree about moving back to the other side of the room until you solve this. Some boyfriend!

    In advance of the expert, what part of the country do you live in? Are there rugs in the bedroom? When you say the landowner has cats, do you mean your boyfriend, or does the owner of the property live there, such as in a duplex? It isn't always easy to see fleas on a cat.

    You can also wash every possible thing on the bed, and spray the mattress with bleach in the morning and air it all day. Pillows, mattress pads, blankets, everything. From my experience, it sounds like flea bites. When I bombed the whole place, I found dead fleas even between the mattress and box spring, but never found any on top. You could buy bombs for each room. Means washing virtually everything afterwards.
  • Dec 16, 2015, 11:10 AM
    Little bites in a cluster is somewhat typical of bedbug bites, scabies and fleas. Look at the pictures online and see if any match up. Hard to determine and may require a visit to a specialist.

    Picture of Bedbug Bites
  • Dec 16, 2015, 03:08 PM
    The first thing you need to do is get a sample of the insects. There are so many bugs that can bite or cause welts it's impossible to say it's one or the other causing your hives.

    A really good way to catch elusive bugs is with the sticky trays used for mice. If at all possible get the white ones, as the contrast is better. Placing them under your side of the bed at night and on top of it in the daytime may get you some results. Another trap is a white bowl of hot water, preferably just hot enough to mimic body temperature.

    Once you know what you're dealing with, we can help you get rid of them.

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