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  • May 24, 2007, 06:58 PM
    Repeated Bed Vibrations
    Ok I have noticed a weird phenomena happen at random points in the night. I will either be asleep and wake up or I will be falling asleep when my bed vibrates. Sometimes it's a light vibration and sometimes its strong enough to knock my headboard against the wall very quickly. And its not my body because I've risen in bed and the shaking has continued.

    This occurrence is extremely sporadic occurring sometimes two or three times a week and then I'll go months and months without experiencing it. I've lived in four different locations in the past five years and this phenomena has occurred at every location even with different mattresses so I can only assume that I'm the source or something is following me.

    The last occurrence was about 2 weeks ago and as it happened (note I live in a 3 bedroom apartment and I have a bathroom that connects our rooms) so I called my roommate to come in and I told him to feel my bed. He placed his hands on the bed and asked why my bed was vibrating. I told him I didn't know. So I have witnesses to this strange occurrence.

    What I'm wondering is how and why this is occurring. I used to know a psychic (as I was on a paranormal investigation team) and she told me its because I'm psychic. I'm skeptical about this so I was wondering if any of you know anything about this. I'm 25, male, 192 pounds, and healthy so what the heck is happening because I have no clue. :confused:
  • May 24, 2007, 08:05 PM
    She may be on to something, sometimes people that are psychic can create disturbances. They don't always know they are the cause, but they can do it at times. It could also be someone trying communicate with you because they know you can communicate with them. Also, it could be a piece of furniture in the bedroom or house that is causing the disturbance, there are many stories of haunted items. Sprinkle a ring of salt all around the bed, a complete circle, no gaps. This may help temporarily, until it finds another object. Try getting the house blessed, and get baptized if you are not already. You can also try asking it to stop, it's a longshot but has been known to work a time or two. Good Luck! I was the subject of hauntings from age 3 yrs old until 3 years ago, I am now 32. There were times I was scared to get out of bed at night. God Bless, and I wish you the best!
  • May 25, 2007, 01:10 AM
    The answer above may be the way to go.
  • May 25, 2007, 07:15 AM

    Originally Posted by Ladyviper
    She may be on to something, sometimes people that are psychic can create disturbances. They don't always know they are the cause, but they can do it at times. It could also be someone trying communicate with you because they know you can communicate with them. Also, it could be a piece of furniture in the bedroom or house that is causing the disturbance, there are many stories of haunted items. Sprinkle a ring of salt all around the bed, a complete circle, no gaps. This may help temporarily, until it finds another object. Try getting the house blessed, and get baptized if you are not already. You can also try asking it to stop, it's a longshot but has been known to work a time or two. Good Luck! I was the subject of hauntings from age 3 yrs old until 3 years ago, I am now 32. There were times I was scared to get out of bed at night. God Bless, and I wish you the best!

    Thanks for the advice I'll try some of them. :D Though it's not the house as I've lived in multiple places and this has always followed me. I've never been afraid of it just curious as to what's going on and has anyone else experienced something like this...
  • Jul 13, 2008, 05:47 PM
    I have experienced it, too. I don't know what causes it, but I'm sure there's a "normal" explanation, even if we don't know what it is.
  • Jul 14, 2008, 04:31 AM
    A more rational conclusion would be to assume that the source is you.

    Sounds like something that happens in a certain state of sleep for you. Just a neurological thing. Nothing paranormal to see here.
  • Jul 14, 2008, 05:57 AM
    When you open yourself to the spirit realm you can open yourself to bad spirits.
    Especially if you are astro projecting/o.b.e.
  • Jul 14, 2008, 06:52 PM

    Originally Posted by TFallenOne
    I'm skeptical about this so I was wondering if any of you know anything about this. I'm 25, male, 192 pounds, and healthy so what the heck is happening because I have no clue. :confused:

    There are many possibilities and for more information, you might wish to visit the following website that has a great discussion on this very subject!

    Shaking bed? - Shamanism -

    Interested in the November presidential election? Have you heard? They're trying to take Hillary's delegates away!
    Just Say No Deal!

    P.U.M.A: Howard Dean Schemes To Shut Down Democratic Convention

    And for ALL Obamanots:

    Nobama Network - Dedicated to Unity Democrats, Republicans, Independents Election 2008

    Welcome to
  • Jul 14, 2008, 07:01 PM
    I also wanted to let you know that the pseudonym you have chosen for yourself to post here does not appear to be one that would carry a very good vibration thus, it may be attracting the wrong kind of energy that can only help to augment these experiences. If there is no real need to keep that name, perhaps you might wish to consider changing it to something more Positive that reflects the Light. That could begin to open up an entirely new spectrum of Positive vibrations in your life.

    Interested in the November presidential election? Have you heard? They're trying to take Hillary's delegates away!
    Just Say No Deal!

    P.U.M.A: Howard Dean Schemes To Shut Down Democratic Convention

    And for ALL Obamanots:

    Nobama Network - Dedicated to Unity Democrats, Republicans, Independents Election 2008

    Welcome to[/quote]
  • Jul 12, 2010, 06:31 PM
    I have experienced the same on several occasions. From feeling like someone kicked my mattress to total vibration. I live in the country a 1/4 mile from either of my neighbours and the road, no tracks, no big trucks etc... along with hearing voices (several of us, me twice clear as day) and my nefew talking about people in his room to my brother (the sensitive) describing the same people coming to him in dreams and my animals doing the oddest things, and footsteps. In 4 years here they have not hurt me, and now being pregnant it may be startling, but know who you are dealing with... mine... can be violent (especially to my animals) but are resonable when you ask them to stop. I have a friend who congradulated me 1 week before I found out I was pregnant, and he says there is no one attached to me, but my house may be a different story... they are attached to the land. Good Luck!
  • Apr 10, 2012, 12:57 PM
    I googled this subject seeking answers for myself as this has happened and continues to happen to me. I used to associate it with "demons" as I was raised under a particular influence, but now that I meditate and seek the "numinous" as a lost child, under grace,seeking its mother, I think that for me it may be more of a "gate". Maybe some sort of turbulence of the mind as the world we seek is trying to sync with our consciousness. I don't know, of course, but I think that its something along those lines. Because for me it happens more often than not when I'm insome sort of sleep paralysis/ trance state. I'm very lucid and I feel that I've been awakened because the bed has started to vibrate. And its like right then and there I get the overwhelming feeling of a choice: to proceed into the unknown or shake myself out of it. And I have to muster strength and shake myself awake. It's a very long story and I wish there was someone to really speak to about this phenomena
  • Apr 10, 2012, 01:45 PM

    Originally Posted by sevendustsolja View Post
    i googled this subject seeking answers for myself as this has happened and continues to happen to me. i used to associate it with "demons" as I was raised under a particular influence, but now that I meditate and seek the "numinous" as a lost child, under grace,seeking its mother, I think that for me it may be more of a "gate". Maybe some sort of turbulence of the mind as the world we seek is trying to sync with our consciousness. I don't know, of course, but I think that its something along those lines. Because for me it happens more often than not when I'm insome sort of sleep paralysis/ trance state. I'm very lucid and I feel that I've been awakened because the bed has started to vibrate. And its like right then and there I get the overwhelming feeling of a choice: to proceed into the unknown or shake myself out of it. And I have to muster strength and shake myself awake. Its a very long story and I wish there was someone to really speak to about this phenomena

    What you describe is most commonly referred to as an out of body experience. The vibrations are your bodies way of shedding so you may continue. If you studied meditation you might want to look into that side of it. Your giving a near exact description of the experience of starting an OBE.
  • Apr 10, 2012, 07:22 PM
    This may have something to do with your involvement with the paranormal researchers. You CAN bring stuff home with you. Califdadof3 is right in that your experiences seem related to OBEs. My personal view on that is more like something is trying to contact and influence YOU rather than it being anything you are doing. Be careful.
  • Jun 13, 2012, 08:00 PM
    I was at a friends two bed flat & at about 2-3am the single bed I was in started to vibrate, this was moderate viberating which lasted for about 40 minutes ! There was no noise of washing machines etc just the ticking of a clock in the kitchin & silence. I even turned over to my other side yet the vibrateing continued !
  • Feb 4, 2013, 09:41 PM
    I just had something similar occur last night. I am a psychic person and am very spiritual. Many strange phenomenas have occurred in my life. Last night while in bed but not asleep with my eyes closed I felt this very strong vibration near my face following 2 light footsteps onto my bed. The footsteps were as light as a small animals wouldve been but no one but I was in the bed. Whatever it was it gave me a very good peaceful feeling. Although it was dark, I felt there was light around me. When I got up this morning my bottom lip was swollen and a dead moth was laid out at the edge of my bed. I looked up the meaning of having a dead moth in your room and most people believe it means that a dead relative as visiting you. I definitely think it has to do with spirits. I would only worry if you got a bad feeling from it.
  • Nov 10, 2013, 04:35 AM
    I also experience this not while I'm in the process of going to sleep, but while I AM WIDE AWAKE.It would be very helpful if someone with knowledge of this type would please explain. Thank-you
  • Nov 17, 2013, 07:27 AM
    There's not much to explain. Spiritual forces reach out in many different ways. They want you to know they are there. They use this technique to install fear and confusion in you. They may use it to get you to begin trying to contact them back. It's the world of the unknown and they want you involved in it... which is a very dangerous place to be.

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