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  • Mar 31, 2007, 10:20 PM
    Using a ouija board alone
    Hi, I just purchased a Ouija Board (the glow in the dark one) yesterday; I've never before used one in my life but researched and have some knowledge about it. Why are people not supposed to use them alone? And also, I have what I would call a 'sixth sense' anyway where I see and hear things most people can't (it runs in the family)... would that attract a lot of evil spirits? How do you know what to ask without accidentally inviting bad things? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time!
  • Mar 31, 2007, 10:32 PM
    The ouija board can have dangerous and unforseen results. Read here: T A P S - The Atlantic Paranormal
    You could be inviting yourself to become a medium, not nessicarilly right away, but to a host of evil, tormented, or just plain unwanted entities.
  • Mar 31, 2007, 10:39 PM
    Hey bud,

    Yes, your going to open yourself up. Please rethink using this. It is not worth the risk and it is not to be messed with.

  • Apr 1, 2007, 03:30 AM
    I would never recommend the use of Ouija Boards. By using this device you have no idea who you are communicating with or what will happen.

    That being said the main reason for never using them alone is because of the way they work. You are inviting any spirit present to use your energy to move the pointer. Alone it means you could be drained or that it simply wouldn't work without the collective energy. I would add that alone you are much more likely to get spooked and panic, which is never a good thing with such an ambiguous communication method.

    If you do insist on going ahead with this, either alone or in a group, then please protect yourself as much as possible. Prey for protection, ask for you spirit guides to be with you and never leave the circle open. Always close it down properly.

    Best wishes,
  • Apr 1, 2007, 07:52 AM
    First there are two reasons, first if and when outside spirits don't have a bearing, it works on the vibration of the hands touching it, and it takes two people to give it proper balance for the "trick" of the system to work.

    And other is that in many cases for those looking for spirits, it opens the person up for all sorts of evil to come into their lives. The last thing anyone wants to do is invite evil into their lives
  • Apr 2, 2007, 06:17 PM

    Originally Posted by organizedcruelty
    Hi, I just purchased a Ouija Board (the glow in the dark one) yesterday; i've never before used one in my life but researched and have some knowledge about it. Why are people not supposed to use them alone? And also, I have what i would call a 'sixth sense' anyways where i see and hear things most people can't (it runs in the family)...would that attract a lot of evil spirits? How do u know what to ask without accidentally inviting bad things? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time!

    Take it back. You open yourself up to bad things my friend. You have absolutley no control as to what comes in. GET RID OF IT NOW!!
  • Apr 2, 2007, 07:09 PM

    Originally Posted by organizedcruelty
    Hi, I just purchased a Ouija Board (the glow in the dark one) yesterday; i've never before used one in my life but researched and have some knowledge about it. Why are people not supposed to use them alone? And also, I have what i would call a 'sixth sense' anyways where i see and hear things most people can't (it runs in the family)...would that attract a lot of evil spirits? How do u know what to ask without accidentally inviting bad things? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time!

    heyy , I have a ougiie bored too and although I've tried to use it alone its never worked for me I've tired this multiple times. I had a really old one I bought at value village and found it worked really good no matter who I used it withn but one day it broek and I had to get a new one and no matter what I coudlnt get it to budge. So I think that your new one might not be that realiable to work... if u get one from a second hand store u might be more successful... I don't think if u use it by urslef then anything bad will happen . I thin kcertain people believe that. U can just use it to figure out things about yourself which is pretty cool.. id start with hey . And just have fun with it and be like who will I marry and fun stuff. If your going to get deeper ask the spirit what kind of things they enjoyed doing in life, simple questions, if it starts to get harsh or scary and the spirit is writing vulgar messages then id just stop right then and trhere by saying wel I'm going to go now nice talking to you and end it like that. It might also be easier if you have someone else in the room writing down the letters it points to because someitmes it can be hard to tell what there saying because they use codes
    hope this helps. Message me if u need anything else
  • Apr 2, 2007, 07:18 PM
    Universal Truth
    It's a Ouiji board! Have you ever noticed that it is sold in the board game aisle of toy stores? They tell you not to use it alone because you need someone to push the thing around.

    Paranormal activity has been related to everything but the paranormal. You can't hear things, and you can't see things. It sounds more like your family has a history of neurological concerns than a case of paranormal senses. I suggest you do what any good scientist would... Test it. Ask it an evil question and then ask it a good question. It wouldn't hurt to have a witness either. The only way to find out is to do it yourself.

    I'm an empirical learner. I don't believe in magic. I don't believe in ghosts. I believe in science, physics, biology, and math. Psychology is not a science, it's the lack of proper research and the formulation of an explanation. I think I'm going to go buy a board and do it myself.
  • Apr 2, 2007, 07:57 PM

    Originally Posted by organizedcruelty
    Hi, I just purchased a Ouija Board (the glow in the dark one) yesterday; i've never before used one in my life but researched and have some knowledge about it. Why are people not supposed to use them alone? And also, I have what i would call a 'sixth sense' anyways where i see and hear things most people can't (it runs in the family)...would that attract a lot of evil spirits? How do u know what to ask without accidentally inviting bad things? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time!

    A friend of mine used it in college as a "game" with a group of friends. He said that he felt something on his person when he got home and couldn't shake it. It felt as if something followed him home. So my advice is to leave that alone. It's a shame that they sell that in toy stores. I wanted one when I was little and my mother told me "no" and I never asked again. She (my mother) tried it in college and she said it was not a game.
  • Apr 3, 2007, 03:44 AM
    As a kid, I owned a Ouija board. It was a gift to me. Don't remember from whom. Used it with many friends. The damned thing worked! I kept it through the years, never using it again. Eventually, as an adult, I broke it into pieces and threw it away because it was obviously some kind of channel device to the spirit realm. No telling who or what I would encounter there - there is no certainty as to who or what you have really contacted.
  • Apr 3, 2007, 08:47 AM
    THROW IT AWAY... Better Yet... BURN IT!
  • Apr 3, 2007, 08:52 AM
    Apparently, the vote is a majority... BURN IT... leave it alone. Science isn't a valid source of opinion in a case of spiritual matters
  • Apr 3, 2007, 08:52 AM
    The only risk is that others may think you are crazy. Is this the Parker Brothers version?
    I can assure you that the only "spirits" are holy ones.
  • Apr 3, 2007, 09:00 AM

    Originally Posted by Matt3046
    The only risk is that others may think you are crazy. Is this the Parker Brothers version?
    I can assure you that the only "spirits" are holy ones.

    That's the advice that gets folks in trouble...
  • Apr 3, 2007, 09:29 AM

    Originally Posted by organizedcruelty
    Hi, I just purchased a Ouija Board (the glow in the dark one) yesterday; i've never before used one in my life but researched and have some knowledge about it. Why are people not supposed to use them alone? And also, I have what i would call a 'sixth sense' anyways where i see and hear things most people can't (it runs in the family)...would that attract a lot of evil spirits? How do u know what to ask without accidentally inviting bad things? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time!

    Please do not use that thing!! That would be something very hard to get rid of it because of the simple fact that your welcoming evil spirits into your home.Trust me that's real,I beg if you have played the little game or whatever get rid of it and have someone anointed come to your house and bless it to rid of the evil spirits.You will have things happen to your life that are so not right!!
  • Apr 3, 2007, 11:26 AM
    Many have said don't use it.
    I will tell you the same. We said this only for your own good.
  • Apr 3, 2007, 11:34 AM

    Originally Posted by Matt3046
    The only risk is that others may think you are crazy. Is this the Parker Brothers version?
    I can assure you that the only "spirits" are holy ones.

    If you can assure me that "the only spirits are holy ones", I'd like some evidence to back that up
  • Apr 3, 2007, 12:24 PM
    I can assure that they are not.
    I have a friend who practices bioenergy. I know he wouldn't lie to me or made things up.
    He had an encounter with an evil spirit, wich attacked them in sorth of a dream. He saw it and "fought with it". During this he passed out. His wife passed out. When he woke up he had marks all over his body.
  • Apr 3, 2007, 12:39 PM
    All of you are forgetting one thing: it's a toy. It's sold by Parker Brothers. Now, don't get me wrong. You can believe what you want, but where is the scientific evidence? There is more scientific evidence against it then for it.

    Here is a link to wikipedia. Scroll down to "Usage" and see for yourself.

    What really is happening is the ideomotor effect.

    I know some of you disagree with my opinion, but before you can really judge me you must give evidence for your opinion. I have given evidence to you.
  • Apr 3, 2007, 12:58 PM

    Originally Posted by worthbeads
    All of you are forgetting one thing: it's a toy. It's sold by Parker Brothers. Now, don't get me wrong. You can believe what you want, but where is the scientific evidence? There is more scientific evidence against it then for it.

    Here is a link to wikipedia. Scroll down to "Usage" and see for yourself.

    What really is happening is the ideomotor effect.

    You may also add this:
    Scroll down to this on wikipedia:
    Alleged Consequences of Usage

    Look I am not saying that you are wrong, just it is a thing that in common sense you don't want to temp with.

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