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  • Aug 24, 2005, 03:59 AM
    I'm thinking about using a ouija board...
    Me and my two friends did one two days ago but we didn't do it right and I looked it up on the website and I now know how to do it.
    I was just woundering what everyone would say about it though, as I have heard that they aren't always safe!
    I have tried talking out loud but that didn't work either, so we have decided on the board.
    However I need advice on whether or not this is the right choice to make!

    Please help
  • Aug 24, 2005, 01:56 PM
    I would say not. What is your main purpose for doing this? After you respond then I will tell you why it isn't a good idea.
  • Aug 26, 2005, 11:23 AM
    Not by yourself
    Definitely don't use it by yourself. I've heard freaky (bad) things come to people who use them alone. If you remember the movie, "The Exorcist", the girl played w/ a ouija board by herself. The movie is based on a true story, but it involved a boy. I wouldn't even use one w/ other people, frankly.
  • Mar 8, 2007, 04:13 PM
    Umm okey I agree don't do it by yourself.. I have the board and I've had death expiernces/./.. and you put two fingers on the piece.. you ask or say or comment things out loud wait up to one to five minutes.. if it don't move ask a new one or ask it again.. when you are done take a cloth or something. To smear it... just wipe the board with it.. like if it had pop on it to wipe it up.. that ssoo spirits don't get cloged in it.. watch what your saying and don't make them mad... they know the future I would rather not having you ask when you are going to die. It will freak you with the answer.. they told me I was going to die tonight.. but that was last weekend and I didn't die.. but watch out all right
  • Mar 9, 2007, 04:27 PM
    DO NOT DO IT!! I know that ouija board is a piece of mass produced plastic but I urge you to not do it. You don't know what the results could be. As a sensistive, I have never liked those things.
  • Mar 15, 2007, 02:15 AM
    I've never seen one before, BUT I've read advice to only do it with a person experienced with them, and who can perform a protection spell on your house. So if you are going to do it, only do it with a professional or bad things may happen
  • Mar 15, 2007, 05:13 AM
    It opens up doors to the spirit world, once open it will be hard to close. There are low spirits, evil spirits and others that come through and it is best not to play with it.

  • Mar 15, 2007, 06:02 PM

    Originally Posted by SophiE
    me and my two friends did one two days ago but we didn't do it right and i looked it up on the website and i now know how to do it.
    i was just woundering what everyone would say about it though, as i have heard that they aren't always safe!
    i have tried talking out loud but that didn't work either, so we have decided on the board.
    However i need advice on wether or not this is the right choice to make!

    please help

    Please do not use the board... you open yourself and those that use it with you to all kinds of spirit creatures to contact you... in my teenage years I tried it and when my mom would use it with me it went crazy... thank God nothing happened to us. After I read about bad experiences happening when people used it... I destroyed mine and recommend to anyone to never get one or to use one!
  • Mar 20, 2007, 08:27 PM
    Try and shield yourself make sure if you have a funny feeling not to do it don't do it and never use it alone
  • Sep 6, 2007, 07:00 AM
    I say go ahead. Its just a silly game. Haven't you noticed they sell them at ToysRUs. I have one and have played it many times in haunted houses or graveyards. Ive never "opened" myself or any of my friends to anything evil. Have fun with it. Personally I believe that it is all in your mind and subconsciously YOU are the one moving the board. So don't be scared of anything it says ITS JUST A GAME.
  • Sep 7, 2007, 12:20 PM
    It is all in the mind, like everything else. If you believe it will work - it will work, your body will unconciously make sure of that.

    Can someone explain to me how a piece of wood/plastic and a silly pointer was decided as the best way to communicate with dead people?

    miranda_is_hot got told that she would die, she didn't die and still believes the stuff? As with a lot of beliefs, people ignore the facts that don't support their theories! You can't tell them. You can try, like me, but they never go for it.
  • Sep 7, 2007, 12:47 PM
    Don't believe them. If you go to toys r us website and look at this objects features they tell you that you communicate with evil spirits. The other guys don't know what there talking about.
  • Sep 7, 2007, 12:49 PM
    Comment on Whatsmyage's post
    Toys r us tells you what they contact the dead and sometimes evil spirits
  • Sep 8, 2007, 02:57 AM
    HI... You are asking us if should I play with it or not and if it's going to hurt you or not... as if you are saying am going to play with fire is it going to hurt me or not!! I STRONGLY ADVISE YOU NOT TO USE IT WHETHER ALONE OR WITH SOMEBODY... by using it you are opening yourself, house, family to evil entities...

    If I were you I would think 100 times before doing it...

    Ms. Redrose
  • Jul 20, 2011, 01:03 AM
    I don't know what to believe about the ouija boards. It is for entertainment only but I have heard creepy stories. The mind does crazy things so maybe its just in your head.
  • Aug 13, 2011, 03:43 AM
    I actually don't know.planning to make it tonight! :) well I have done a loads of search upon this topic.
    One of my friend tried it a week before.. he was quite successful in contacting a spirit but he said the sequences were worse as he asked for some physical appearance.well I would rather suggest you to go for it cause I think its actually cool and beside all I believe in god.take some precautions.pray to your spirit guides/guardian angel or whatever you call it.CONCENTRATE AND DO NOT CRACK ANY JOKE DURING THE SESSION! Best of luck :)
  • Apr 28, 2012, 03:10 PM
    DON'T use it, if your wondering why you didn't hear or see anything when you were asking out in the open it's because you need audio equipment such as a digital voice recorder or if you have a laptop just download audacity it's free and it works. I caught some amazing EVP's on it.

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