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  • Jan 8, 2007, 08:40 PM
    Am I being haunted
    Im 12 and for as long as I can I rember creepy things have happened to me things ending up wear I did not leave them money in a locked bank and I had the key it looked untouched but when I looked into it nothing was to be found even though I put money in it then I got some more money in it and it was gone again:confused: a few times every thing in my top shelf of my desk would be swiped off by an invisable force acationaly I would see a young mans reflection in a mior of window when I turn around no ones there doors close without warning or wind and I get the funny feeling someone is waching me a lot and even once when I was walking back home with a friend it continued to step on the back of my flip flop and after I detumened no seen force was cosing it we ran to her whimpy boyfriends house and we were so scard and pale windows open and close by themselves and unusual drafts happen were ever I go is this normal to have this many paranormal activity happen to someone and apperantly its standing by my feet because its hott and my feet just when unusualy cold ohh well can someone please explain this

    PS this paranormal activity is happening more and more it used to be when I was alone but now whenever so please help
  • Jan 8, 2007, 08:58 PM
    No, you are not being "haunted". There is no such thing as ghosts and there must be some sort of explanation for this.

    However, if you might be having a problem forgetting things, you should try and be more careful about where you are placing things. Maybe start writing down your actions (every action), then you can determine if there is a problem.

    This has to stop, though. The mind can play tricks on you if you make a big deal about it.

    Therefore, don't be afraid to get an opinion from your doctor. Hallucinations can also occur with a high fever, but you may want your doctor to decide why you are having increased activity of the nervous system and/or severe emotional disturbances.

    Hope this answers your question!
  • Jan 7, 2008, 04:43 AM
    U are being haunted by something but by what I'm not sure. I reconmend reading the book 'The Witch's Shield" by Christopher Penczak.
    Also you should say this Catholic prayer whenever you feel that you are being haunted.

    "St. Michael the archangel
    Defend me in battle
    Be my protector
    Against the wickedness ensares of the devil
    May God rebuke and we humbly pray
    And do thou prince of the heavenly host
    By the power of God
    Cast into hell
    Satan and all the other
    Evil spirits who prowl about the world
    Seeking the ruin of souls"

    If you are having any emotional difficulties, make sure to 1-have a desginated trusted adult to talk to 2-have plenty of exercise 3-have plenty of sleep 4-have plenty of fruits & vegetables 5-learn to meditate, which u can learn in The Witch's Shield.
    At your age, it is normal to have emotional problems. Take care of it now or else it will be harder to deal with later on.
    Entities can be attracted to people who have a lot of psychic abilities-even if the person themselves doesn't know it yet. You don't have to be a witch, just start to do research on what feels best for you. If you feel most comfortable going to church in order to grow spiritualy, then go for it.

    Blessed Be.
  • Apr 9, 2008, 04:31 AM
    Hi I am 14 and I am experiencing different things but I think I am being haunted.
    1. I ALWAYS feel as if I am being watched.
    2. I see shaddows out of the corner of my eye that moves.
    3. doors open and close. (and no it isn't the wind as they are fully shut)
    4. my cat stares at nothing
    5. taps drip electronic appliences 'malfunction' e.g.. Laptop plays radio and it cuts out then comes back.(nothing is on the screen) mobile and portable game concoles freze
    7. I get cold chills all the time, as well as goosebumps
    8. I had a dream once that was so bad I couldn't and didn't sleep that night. It was the scaryest thing I had ever experienced. I could not breath, I felt as if I was screaming ( my friend told me I was just hyperventalating and crying), I saqw something scary but to others it does not seem scary. I saw black shaddows with glowing yellow eyes. And I had the feeling something or someone was trying to escape from my body.

    I don't know what to do and no I do not have any emotional problems, I am not on drugs or take any type of medication.
  • Apr 9, 2008, 09:45 PM
    The more scared a person is, the more energy is given off. That is the energy that makes dogs bark at you. That is also what attracts entities-whether it is a ghost or an entity of some sort.
    I will answer each question in the order it was listed:
    1. Learn to put up shields-but I know, it's hard sometimes. Right now I am trying to ignore the whatever that lives in my closet. It sounds crazy, but I have pictures of it.. I'm not sure what it is. But just mentally say to yourself that you don't want to be watched and to be left alone from anything negative.
    2. Always check to see what it was. It may have been a car moving by the house or some animal going past the window, etc.
    3. If you can get a camera with a camcorder in it, or just a camcorder, set it up at the door where it won't be disturbed and leave it for many hours. This is what ghost hunters do to catch activity on tape. You may have to go through long hours of taping. But if this is possible, this will help disprove that this is the wind or someone else moving the door.
    If you can't set up a camera, just try to get others to watch out for it. If there is a witness then you can prove that the door moved on it's own. One entity that bothered me for a few months made its presence known at my work. It was drawn to my coworker who was sensitive to that sort of thing, so it would make cartoon noises or try to pop off a top to a hairspray. It wanted attention.
    4. Again, take pictures of whatever your cat is staring at. It can show up on film. Hopefully you have a digital camera so you can see something right away. Sometimes you have to search for it... Even then remember that it could be 'anything'. I used to think my cat wasn't that bright because she did the same thing. But she proved me wrong...
    5. This can go either way-either you need a plumber, or something wants attention. I wouldn't read too much into it, though.
    6. It sounds like there is a lot of energy... whether it's coming from an entity or you, I can't tell from just that statement. Something is most definitely there though. Maybe you are just getting freaked out and the energy is messing up electronics. Get an amethyst and put it on the electronic. It should straighten it out. I knew a girl who used to just walk by a computer and it would turn itself off until she started to wear an amethyst. She had that much energy. Learning meditation to find balance would be good for you.
    7. Consider the surroundings-if you are in humid weather and you get goosebumps, it could be something. Take pictures to find out.
    8. This is where it will sound weird, but these actions works wonders! Do not store ANYTHING underneath your bed. If you have any religious/new age material, store it in the highest place in your room. For example, if you have a Bible or tarot cards, but it up on the top shelf in your room or closet. Never store that under your bed because when you sleep, you are trying to go into a 'higher' or state of consciousness. Any material meant to bring you 'higher' should not be 'lower' than where you sleep. Remember what is usually thought to be lower.. Hell.
    The weirdest but best advice I got when I became aware of the activity was to put sea salt around my bed. Put it so that there are NO gaps, around my bed so that the area is encircled. I think you are supposed to crush the salt into the carpet, but then it's unsure to me where the gaps could be. I once had a gap in the circle and I had a dream similar to yours. I felt frozen and I saw something trying to crawl to me. When I became aware of it, I fought to wake up and I did. I fixed the gap and it was fine again. If your parents ask you what you are doing (and they will) just tell them that you have been having bad dreams and you heard that this works.
    I think the entity was trying to get your energy. You may have a lot because you are psychic or maybe it's just because you have a lot of emotions going on (part of being a teenager, it calms down after your mid 20's at the latest).
    I had an incubus problem (look up the term incubus if you want to disturb yourself). I don't have a problem anymore, but that is because I still have salt around my bed. It's silly but it works.
    Look into other crystals for protection. Say a prayer over the one you choose (or charge it if you are Wiccan, etc) and keep it with you.
    Definitely memorize the St. Michael's prayer listed.
    Whenever you don't know what to do about a paranormal problem, research it on the internet. It's good that you found this site, and I hope it helps. Please always try to find logical explanations to something. If you think it's something else, you can freak yourself out. So prove that there is no logical explanation for it-remember when you are tired everything seems strange..
    This situation can stress you out, and it sounds like that is what this entity wants you to do. Stay clear of drugs, etc. Make sure not to eat any weird foods before bed (read:junk). I heard chocolate and other junk can cause nightmares. No caffeine before bed either.

    If this doesn't work, write back on this board and I will try to help. Or at least steer you in the right direction.:cool:
  • Nov 27, 2009, 12:45 PM
    rosie google

    I think I am being haunted but I am not sure. At first I started realizing my cable box showing strange numbers. And I sometimes see glimpses of shadow like figures. Lately my curtains have been flying out of control at random instances, I talked to my mom about it and she said I may be being haunted. I have also heard foot steps and the floor creak in my bedroom when no one was there.
  • Dec 28, 2009, 07:14 AM
    You House Might Be Really Old And That's Why The Floor creeks I Mignt Be Wrong Coz Am Only 12! X
  • Dec 28, 2009, 07:20 AM

    Hello x
    Am I Being Haunted Because I Was In The House On My Own And A Man Walked Through My Kitchen And Past Me And Dissepeard At My Living Room Window:Also I Was Asleep On Day Because I Went To Sleep Really Late And It Was About 11 and I Have A Bunk Bed Anf My Ladders Started Shaking And Then It Stopped And I Heard Little Girl Giggles And Me And My Mum Were Looking At Something On The Pc When A Bottle Of Purfume Came Flying Off My Desk In front Of Us Also Strange Things Appere That I Don't Have And My Things Go Missing! X
  • Jan 26, 2010, 01:45 PM
    Okay, I have tried to answer your question 3 times telling you of what's happened to me and something is not leting me. Every time I get close to finishing, it takes me off this page and back the list of websites on paranormal. So something doesn't want me to tell you of my experiences... I've had a lot... like voices in my ear... pushes and touches, doors opening on their own, knocking on shelves when no one is there... like it was punched when I get close, growls... and a lot more... but let me stop before I piss it off... I'm sending before it won't let me.
  • Jan 26, 2010, 01:45 PM
    Okay, I have tried to answer your question 3 times telling you of what's happened to me and something is not leting me. Every time I get close to finishing, it takes me off this page and back the list of websites on paranormal. So something doesn't want me to tell you of my experiences... I've had a lot... like voices in my ear... pushes and touches, doors opening on their own, knocking on shelves when no one is there... like it was punched when I get close, growls... and a lot more... but let me stop before I piss it off... I'm sending before it won't let me.
  • Jan 26, 2010, 02:08 PM

    Let me try this again...
    You're not alone in things weird happening to you...
    1. while laying on the bed.. alone.. I have been pushed up against the wall.
    2. again, while laying on the bed alone, I felt someone lay down (my eyes were open) felt their head lay on the pillow where my elbow rested, no one there.
    3. I've heard voices in my ear, growls, words I can sometimes make out but sometimes can't.
    4. Had my rump.. backside.. brushed up against when no one was in the room with me.
    5. I've had a shelf make a knock sound like someone punched it, many times as I curved around the end of the living room to go into the kitchen, this shelf is against the wall right at the entrance to the kitchenl
    6. I've seen shadowy fuzzy figures move around the room, my boyfriend has seen them too, so I know I'm not going crazy or losing my mind or such.
    7. I had a football come flying at me from across the room, I had a plate with a knife sitting on it to the side of me on the edgge of the bed and so happens it hit the corner of the bed where that sat... my boyfriend tried to rationalize it saying it lost it's air and fell and hit something causeing it to bounce my way,. it just seems too odd... but okay, I guess.
    Doesn't explain the other stuff though... does it... Hmmm. I don't know.
    8. His birds sometimes chirp like crazy looking all around the area where that shelf is, just inside the kitchen, but I don't see anything there. I try to calm them down, and can't.
    9. Also, I don't know if I have an ora around or near me or something, cause at times I go up calmly to talk to his birds... they go crazy... screeming and dancing around the perch, not a normal mad screem... but an off scream.
    Sometimes they're fine when I come up to talk to them.
    10. I get chills sometimes when it's hot in the room.
    11. There's a lot of times I will be in a hyper, happy go lucky mood.. like nothing could bother me... I go into the bedroom, alone, and feel a heavyness... sort of like I'm being watched or like something is going to happen... then I go out of the bedroom back into the living room and it's fine.
    12. The other night, I was sitting on the bed... across the room, watching TV which is on the side of the bed on a table... and on other side of the room is the bedroom door with a large mirror hanging on it... a few feet in front of it is the computer desk... >>>
    I had the computer desk light on... as I use it as a night light so I can see what is in the room with me... or at least hopefully see...
    That night, I saw a shadow in the mirror on the door... like something had just walked in front of the desk and kept walking... as if.. when there's a lamp on and someone walks in front of it it'll show a shadow on the wall as they pass by... that's what happened.
    I brushed it off and tried not to let it bother me.
    13. There was a night about 2 weeks or so ago, where I was sitting on the living room couch watching TV and my boyfriend was laying on the bed watching TV with the door shut all the way, no windows open, it was a calm night, no wind anyhow, we were both watching our own show, and all of a sudden the bedroom door started opening... he lay and watch it very very slowly open until it was opened all the way... as if for someone to come in. He asked me if I had opened it... about 20 minutes ago... I said no, I was on the couch watching my movie... it just now went to commercials when I came in right now. I was wondering why it was open because you always close it when you're in here.
    I hope this has helped you, by letting you know that you're not the only one that this is happening to.
    Don't let your fear get too high though, I hear it feeds off that... the energy you kick off from it. That may be my big problem... I'm a scaredy cat. LOL.. I can't help it, I spook easily
    But I don't want mine to go away just yet. I'm curious of who or what it is... and what else it will do... haha... call me crazy if you want... but I want to know.
    Good luck... follow that lady's advice on the salt and all... and good luck. Take care.
  • May 12, 2010, 01:30 PM
    Hi There
    Pink Roses36 You Are Being Haunted. Meditate 11pm - 12 noon every night - In Deep Meditation Ask The Demon To Leave. I Am Mentaly Telepathic And I Know This For Real. Every night I Will Communicate To You And Ask The Demon To Leave Together. I Have Almost The Same Hantings As Yourself.
  • May 12, 2010, 01:30 PM
    Hi There
    Pink Roses36 You Are Being Haunted. Meditate 11pm - 12 noon every night - In Deep Meditation Ask The Demon To Leave. I Am Mentaly Telepathic And I Know This For Real. Every night I Will Communicate To You And Ask The Demon To Leave Together. I Have Almost The Same Hantings As Yourself.
  • Jul 12, 2010, 04:44 AM
    Last night I was cleaning my room and someone was walkind up the stairs but my mum and bro was down stairs and I was up stairs cleaning my room and today at dinner time something grabed hold of my leg and no one was there so is that a sigh.
  • Oct 12, 2010, 12:53 PM
    Same thing happened to me everything I have goes missing ! I fell like somebody's watching me, I see people right next to me then they just disappear when I try and look at them properly, and a couple of months ago I was on my bed reading and something pushed me but when I looked to see who did it I'm the only one in the room

    So your probably haunted
  • Oct 30, 2010, 04:50 AM
    Yes you are being haunted and it is the most earlist warning signs. Trust me it happened to me.I left it a lone and ignored it and it stopped happening so I recomened you ignore it but all ghosts are different.some are evil and some will protect you. I know cause I had been haunted for a while with an evil and a good one at different times. The good one switches pesonalities with you and disiplines you and the evil makes you do horrible stuff. So ignore it and it will wear off. That's my final awnser.
  • Nov 16, 2010, 02:05 PM
    Grrr I have those same things happen, like my door slams shut and I'll look at it and be all ***? And then whenever I lose my shadeand I leave they shoot open when I'm gone (im home alone a lot so yeah) , I feel lik I'm being watched , I had one dream that showed a young boy maybe around 15 or something w/ black hair and clear blur eyes (pssh let me say I was scared because of how close we were but lol was he hott! ) , then one time it felt like someone was sitting in my bed with me , and I talk to myself ALL THE TIME! I mean like it's like someone is responding to me as I talk because I talk to myself non-stop , at school I used to have a boyfriend that he and I just broke up (YAY!) and he hates me now as well as I do to him and he so rude but I feel as if someone's always with me protecting me from the horrible things , and like I don't know it but my emotions will just change randomly as if someone else is feeling the same , and I hear whispers like legit whispers in my ear! Like last night (mondaay 15th) I heard two male voices one sounded lik a 15 year old and the other sounded old old! And I told my mom and we walked around the house turning on all these lights with a huge steak knife , sometimes I see the silioutte of a boy and I freak out , one time walking home I felt lik I was being followed , I've woken up at night to hear people like whispering in my room or talkuing it would be female and male and I'd get scraed , one time my shade flew up and I was textingone of my guy friends and I threw my phone well I certainly didn't throw it and my phone brkee >:( but I gots a new onee! :D but anyway yeah I could tell more but too much typing and ifeel weirrd (: buht yeahh you and I people we stick together through our hauntings... imma find out if my haunter is female or male.
  • Nov 17, 2010, 12:33 PM
    It's getting worse,I was in school and my desk started shaking and even when I got up to go to the teacher it was still shaking and one time I was about to fall asleep and SOMETHING whispered my name
  • Nov 17, 2010, 12:37 PM
    Same thing happens to me, when I close my eyes I feel like somebody is watching me and sometimes I feel a really cold draft on my it was almost like breathing
  • Jan 23, 2011, 08:45 PM
    Yes, and it will kill you


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