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  • Mar 3, 2011, 06:29 PM
    Why he ignores me after an argument
    Every time my boyfriend and I get into an argument he ignores me for long periods.
    Like he cannot talk about things he just ignores me then thinks things are supposed to go right back the way they were without talking about the problem. I don't know what to do. I love this man and feel in my heart he is my soul mate but when we argue I want to talk about it at some point and he wants to just ignore me. This time he has ignored me almost a month over something stupid maybe he just doesn't love me
  • Mar 3, 2011, 06:36 PM

    I'd hate to say it, but it's sometimes what "guys do." I'm guilty of this. I wouldn't say that I do it for days/months at a time, but for a few hours. I do it because I don't want to say things I regret when I'm upset, or because when I can go away for a few hours, I can relax, calm down, and think about it logically.

    A month, however, is a bit too long. You should definitely sit down and talk about this with him, and how it makes you feel... calmly
  • Mar 5, 2011, 05:10 PM

    Maybe he sees no point into having silly arguments over stupid things. Why do you take him back if it bothers you?
  • Mar 6, 2011, 01:23 AM

    If he has ignored you for almost a month, I suggest you take ignoring to a new level and ignore HIM forever.

    Why be in a relationship with a sulking child?
  • Mar 6, 2011, 01:36 AM

    Some people, men and women included just don't know how to argue and/or deal with an argument, so they do the thing they have always done, because they don't know any other way of doing it.

    Try talking about the way you argue and why you argue when things settle down.

    A month is along time to be in a huff over an argument, if he has not calmed down and ready to talk by then id set him free, that is head wreaking behaviour.

    If your willling to make one last ditch attempt, then you need to talk.
    Silence although a useful weapon is SO overrated after a month.

    Unless of course it's a breakup and he just has forgotten to tell you that part.

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