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  • May 16, 2009, 12:31 PM
    How long is pot in your blood and urine?
    Hello everyone!

    I have a drug test coming up.
    -- The last time I smoked pot was about 3 or 4 weeks ago. I guess I consider myself an occasional smoker.
    The facility may take my blood and/or urine... Does anyone know how long it takes to get out of your blood and urine? I just want to be prepared. The test is going to be in like 2 weeks or so. I heard it can stay in your system up to 2 months though, so I just wanted to get everyone's opinion.

    Thank you much,
  • May 16, 2009, 12:44 PM

    You had best read through this website regarding blood and urine testing for cannabis - 40k
  • May 16, 2009, 04:51 PM

    As a occasional smoker, it can stay up to 10 days, and yet in some people it can stay with you 3-90 days after smoking. A lot of things have to be taken into consideration, body weight, health, metabolism, fluid intake, amount of Cannabis, and it's quality. Cannabis is fat soluble so this means it is stored in your fat cells, brain, liver, kidneys and other major organs. SO.. keeping all this in mind... there no clear cut answer, truthfully
  • May 16, 2009, 04:57 PM

    The quality is top of the line too. Haha. Oh boyy..

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