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  • Feb 23, 2008, 10:37 AM
    Do White men like dark skin black women?
    I ask this question because I live in New York and I see a lot of black women with white men recently. I think it is great because you would only see black men with white women. It seems as though some white men like dark skin women more than black men. But hey the interracial relationships is a beautiful thing.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 11:14 AM

    To some people it may be the forbidden fruit attraction. Somewhere in there sub-conscious they feel that it is taboo and therefore it is exciting. I would not say that is the case for all interacial relationships. I am sure the reasons vary; however, I believe that at least some of the relationships are as genuine as any. Maybe it is the romantic in me, but I believe that some interacial relationships are just two people that have gotten to know each other, fell in LOVE, and are pursuing that attraction.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 11:53 AM
    Why do some people like pizza and some people don't, it is a matter of taste.

    Within the black community there is often still a degree of beleifs for lighter skin being "prefered.

    I much prefer the darker skin, but then I like pespi over coke, and wendy over McDonalds
  • Feb 23, 2008, 01:46 PM
    Thanks so much for the great responses.
  • Feb 29, 2008, 09:16 AM
    I Fink That's Aswel Because If White Women Loveeeeeee Black Men

    Maybve White Man Sud Loveeeeeeeeeee Black Women

    Im A Black Gyal I Don't Mind Wot Colur You are As Long As Ur A Nicer Person
  • Feb 29, 2008, 09:41 AM
    It is my white husbands fantasy to be with a black woman. For him it is the taboo thing that turns him on but he also finds a lot of darker skinned women attractive.
  • Apr 5, 2008, 10:33 AM
    I think if a white man is going to date a black woman and get all the slack that interracial couples receive, he might as well go for the darkest. The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice! I see a lot of that though, Dark skinned black women and white men
  • Apr 6, 2008, 04:24 AM

    Originally Posted by gneiss
    Do White men like dark skin black women?

    Do you mean that there is a difference other than skin color and (often) social background and level of education?
    People like people. Men like women. What has skin color to do with that?
    Just yesterday we remembered the murdered Doctor Luther King.
    It seems from your question that he died in vain...
    Just that you know : I am as white skinned as one can be. The only real basic difference between white skinned and dark skinned people is that the first group has to use more sunburn lotion when tanning !
    Amazing : nothing seems to have changed there across the big pond...
  • Apr 6, 2008, 06:33 AM
    Very well put Credendovidis!
  • Apr 6, 2008, 09:53 AM
    It doesn't bother me except for one thing does a little bit
    Where I live many of the teen age white girls are literally obsessed and chase after the black boys with the rappy hood style. They even imitate them with the slang and wearing their pants below their butts. I guess it is no worse than the hippie trend or anything else but it worries me because they jump from one guy to the next and have no idea of having a relationship. I guess it is more that the girls are acting like the guys now that bothers me mostly.
    My younger daughter is with a black guy and I even had a feeling when she was two that she was going to be with a black guy. I would never discourage her from being with him. When her dad finds out and flips out on her I plan to have a few choice words with him that he will not appreciate.
  • Apr 7, 2008, 01:05 PM
    Thanks everyone for your great responses in my question.

    No thanks to Credendovis. You obviously did not read my question and statement. There was no form of hate or anything in my statement. I am curious about interracial relationships. Is that wong? So how did Dr. Martin Luther kKng die in vain because of my question/statement? Maybe you're the one with hate in your heart. Learn how to read and comprehend before you automatically assume something negative about a statement.
  • Apr 7, 2008, 03:02 PM
    I like dating interracially and I have dated white men in the past and they always have complimented me on my skin. One of my best friends who is irish/italian always talks about his attraction to dark skin women. And YES people do have preferences.
    Some people like fat, some people like skinny or curvy, some people like dark eyes some people like light eyes, some people like fair skin, some peolple like dark skin people. There is nothing wrong with people having preferences. So was curious to find out what people think.

    Like I stated in my original statement: I live in New York City, the city of diversiy and I see more often now that black women are dating white men(which is great), this was something that was rare. Black men have dated white women from the beginning of time(which is also great).

    Not for someone to respond and twist and turn everything I stated.

    Thanks again for everyone who responded with positive feedback.
  • Apr 7, 2008, 03:32 PM

    Originally Posted by gneiss
    Thanks everyone for your great responses in my question.

    No thanks to Credendovis. You obviously did not read my question and statement. There was no form of hate or anything in my statement. I am curious about interracial relationships. Is that wong? So how did Dr. Martin Luther kKng die in vain because of my question/statement? Maybe your the one with hate in your heart. Learn how to read and comprehend before you automatically assume something negative about a statement.

    Agreed Gneiss, and I would wager that this hate only exists here and never, never anywhere else, particularly in the hearts of the self righteous who love to take a shot.

    I believe that candy can be wrapped in any color box...
  • Apr 7, 2008, 06:35 PM

    Originally Posted by gneiss
    No thanks to Credendovis.

    gneiss : just your topic question on itself tells me enough.

    I do not make a difference between a white and a dark skin. For me there is no difference other than the color. Everything else is the same.

    I am not curious about interracial relationships. A relationship is a relationship. I do not make any difference between races.

    Just admit that you were wrong asking that in AD 2008. And don't try to bite me with your nonsensical allegations. Everyone here can read. Including between your lines...

  • Apr 7, 2008, 06:56 PM

    Originally Posted by gneiss
    I think it is great because you would only see black men with white women. But hey the interracial relationships is a beautiful thing.I like dating interracially and I have dated white men in the past and they always have complimented me on my skin.

    I must not be reading in the same context to get the prejudice! :confused:
  • Apr 7, 2008, 07:49 PM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u
    I must not be reading in the same context to get the prejudice! :confused:

    Me neither NoHelp, someone is out in left field it seems...
  • Apr 7, 2008, 07:52 PM
    Guess we are not reading 'between the lines'
    I guess she gets complimented by her white boy friends on her skin being milky white rather than dark skin??
  • Apr 7, 2008, 08:02 PM
    I am confused... such bitterness and anger...
  • Apr 8, 2008, 07:36 AM

    gneiss : just your topic question on itself tells me enough.

    I do not make a difference between a white and a dark skin. For me there is no difference other than the color. Everything else is the same.

    I am not curious about interracial relationships. A relationship is a relationship. I do not make any difference between races.

    Just admit that you were wrong asking that in AD 2008. And don't try to bite me with your nonsensical allegations. Everyone here can read. Including between your lines...



    You obviously need someone to argue with. Go home to your husband,wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, dog, cat…and aruge with them.

  • Apr 8, 2008, 07:37 AM
    Thanks for understanding Stringer and Nohelp4u.
  • Apr 29, 2008, 02:56 PM
    That's an interesting question. White people don't see the color of our skin the same as we do. Or at least that has been my experience. My boyfriend is white and I am black. I am what you consider "brown skinned." My mother is latina and my father is very dark. I am the same complextion as Tatyana Ali for example. But my boyfriend (and my white friends) consider me light skinned. I think they are not just looking at the color of my skin but also at my facial features and hair, which are more "european" because of my mother. Someone fairer skinned than me but with more afro-centric features, whites see as darker.
  • May 26, 2008, 08:42 AM

    Originally Posted by gneiss
    I ask this question because I live in New York and I see a lot of black women with white men recently. I think it is great because you would only see black men with white women. It seems as though some white men like dark skin women more than black men. But hey the interracial relationships is a beautiful thing.

    Having read the previous posts I can see that some people are offended by this question, this says to me that there is still this silly thing about what colour someone one is, WHO CARES...

    My answer to what this question was really about is, yes and vice versa where I come from. I currently work with a young white guy of 18 who is dating an Asian girl, I also work with a white woman who has a black partner and two lovely black children.
    There are many mixed race couples that I come into contact with during the coarse of my day who have many different back grounds, rangeing from african, jamacan, eygption,chinese, japanese,samali it's endless and the majority of them are very lovely people like everyone else, OK you do get those that are extremely rude but you also get that from white people, it's the same with crime and so on, colour doesn't come into it, not in my book, I simply don't see it.

    There are many white men who are attracted to middle eastern girls, and I have to say that they are very attractive, whilst there are white women who are attracted to black men, it can be a sort of a fashion statement at the moment, one incident that did make me laugh ; two 5 yearold girls came into the store, one was african and her friend was white but because she wanted to look like her friend she had blackened her face, so's they could be the same, now how heartwarming is that, that's how it should be.Sadley her mother told her off... I could have cried

    It's only when kids get older that they pick up alsorts of bad vibes that can sometimes lead to many prejudices depending a lot on how they are raised.
    Unfortunately many of the older generation will comment and point at mixed race couples still considering it to be unacceptable, saying that they should stay with their own kind.

    I think it's going to be a few generations on before it's accepted fully.

    Personally I think it's fantastic I like to learn about different cultures, I don't care if they are sky blue with pink dots all over, we've all got the same bits inside and and all bleed red .

  • May 26, 2008, 08:55 AM

    Originally Posted by 0rphan
    Having read the previous posts i can see that some people are offended by this question, this says to me that there is still this silly thing about what colour someone one is, WHO CARES............

    My answer to what this question was really about is, yes and vice versa where i come from. I currently work with a young white guy of 18 who is dating an Asian girl, i also work with a white woman who has a black partner and two lovely black children.
    There are many mixed race couples that i come into contact with during the coarse of my day who have many different back grounds, rangeing from african, jamacan, eygption,chinese, japanese,samali it's endless and the majority of them are very lovely people like everyone else, ok you do get those that are extremely rude but you also get that from white people, it's the same with crime and so on, colour doesn't come into it, not in my book, i simply don't see it.

    There are many white men who are attracted to middle eastern girls, and i have to say that they are very attractive, whilst there are white women who are attracted to black men, it can be a sort of a fashion statement at the moment, one incident that did make me laugh ; two 5 yearold girls came into the store, one was african and her friend was white but because she wanted to look like her friend she had blackened her face, so's they could be the same, now how heartwarming is that, thats how it should be.Sadley her mother told her off... i could have cried

    It's only when kids get older that they pick up alsorts of bad vibes that can sometimes lead to many prejudices depending alot on how they are raised.
    Unfortunately many of the older generation will comment and point at mixed race couples still considering it to be unacceptable, saying that they should stay with their own kind.

    I think it's going to be a few generations on before it's accepted fully.

    Personally i think it's fantastic i like to learn about different cultures, i don't care if they are sky blue with pink dots all over, we've all got the same bits inside and and all bleed red .


    A good post Orphan,
  • Jun 4, 2008, 07:08 PM

    Originally Posted by Credendovidis
    gneiss : just your topic question on itself tells me enough.

    I do not make a difference between a white and a dark skin. For me there is no difference other than the color. Everything else is the same.

    I am not curious about interracial relationships. A relationship is a relationship. I do not make any difference between races.

    Just admit that you were wrong asking that in AD 2008. And don't try to bite me with your nonsensical allegations. Everyone here can read. Including between your lines ....


    Well Credendovidis, you get a nice big handclap for not discriminating. Congratulations to you. But there's nothing wrong with asking a question like this, ESPECIALLY in a time like this. Maybe there's no racism or discrimination where you're from, but the last time I checked, America, the "land of equal opportunity", is still just as racist as it was back in Martin Luther King's time. This is a country where little white boys can hang a noose from a tree at a high school as a joke and not get reprimanded. This is a country where, in 2008, we FINALLY have our FIRST African American candidate for President who, during his campaign, received numerous death threats because people don't want to see a 'nigger' in the White House. So check yourself sweetheart. Yes, we have progressed towards being a united nation, but that progress has not gone very far. So, in closing, I think there is NOTHING wrong with your question gneiss. And personally, I've NEVER seen a white man with a black woman in my life, except for on TV, so I'm glad that you even see such a scene in NY.
  • Jun 4, 2008, 07:25 PM
    To me, skin color is just like hair or eye color really, and personality is much more important.
  • Jun 16, 2008, 01:41 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    why do some people like pizza and some people don't, it is a matter of taste.

    Within the black community there is often still a degree of beleifs for lighter skin being "prefered.

    I much prefer the darker skin, but then I like pespi over coke, and wendy over McDonalds

    Hi there fr chuck! Lol, am I dark enough for you? Hehehe
  • Jun 16, 2008, 01:44 PM

    Originally Posted by SweetSoliloquy7
    Well Credendovidis, you get a nice big handclap for not discriminating. Congratulations to you. But there's nothing wrong with asking a question like this, ESPECIALLY in a time like this. Maybe there's no racism or discrimination where you're from, but the last time I checked, America, the "land of equal opportunity", is still just as racist as it was back in Martin Luther King's time. This is a country where little white boys can hang a noose from a tree at a high school as a joke and not get reprimanded. This is a country where, in 2008, we FINALLY have our FIRST African American candidate for President who, during his campaign, received numerous death threats because people don't want to see a 'nigger' in the White House. So check yourself sweetheart. Yes, we have progressed towards being a united nation, but that progress has not gone very far. So, in closing, I think there is NOTHING wrong with your question gneiss. And personally, I've NEVER seen a white man with a black woman in my life, except for on TV, so I'm glad that you even see such a scene in NY.

    Wheres the rate question,because I totally agree! I met a guy who actually confirmed he knew people that would take the presidential candidates life if he was elcted,but in Iraq,every American of all colors,and ethnicity is fighting for out country,we should all make a difference!
  • Jun 21, 2008, 05:12 AM

    Originally Posted by SweetSoliloquy7
    ... the last time I checked, America, the "land of equal opportunity", is still just as racist as it was back in Martin Luther King's time.

    Is that not very sad to acknowledge? So many people who THINK that their country is "great" , while in effect it is just a basically uncivilized country of extremes, from utter wealth to bitter poverty, from assumed "free for all" to the residues of slavery and actual racial inequalities !


    Originally Posted by SweetSoliloquy7
    ... I've NEVER seen a white man with a black woman in my life, except for on TV, so I'm glad that you even see such a scene in NY.

    Here in W. Europe I see many couples being mixed. Nothing special anymore ! England, Holland, Belgium, France are full of them !

    As to the question by gneiss : when writing my previous response I felt that in 2008 it isn't a valid question - based on what I see around me here. Sadly reading SweetSoliloquy7's reaction I have to accept instead that in the US it SHOULD not be a valid question, but it is !

    You got that, gneiss ???

    To close : I am a "white" man, who likes dark skin black women just as well as I like light skin "white" women. All that holds me back is my wife...

    :D ;) :p :rolleyes: :D

  • Jun 21, 2008, 07:26 AM
    Well first I will say that no anyone that thinks America ( US) is as bad as it was in the 60's did not live in the 60's. Blacks do not have to use separate bath rooms, they do not have separate water fountains and they most certainly don't have to go to the back door or a eating place to get something to eat.

    Is there always going to be some people who don't like others of course.

    And as far as death threats there are threats against every President candidate for many things, after 9/11 people even threatened Jimmy Carter. ( I did part of his security detail in Atlatna)

    But I will be very direct as someone who is in a mixed marriage, we get a lot more discrimination from the black community than we ever get from the white community,
  • Jun 21, 2008, 08:03 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    But I will be very direct as someone who is in a mixed marriage, we get alot more discrimination from the black community than we ever get from the white community,

    If you mean with that, that you have a mixed race marriage, you gain even more my respect !

  • Jun 21, 2008, 08:20 AM
    Yes, sory Credendovidis, after so much of the hate emails I get, and some were even emailing my wife with threats and hate mail I droped a lot of her links from my links. I forget not everyone knows all of my history.

    But yes, I am white and my previoius wife was black ( she passed away) and my current wife is black. We have lived though all sorts of issues, and of course yes there are some of both races that have issues, but no more of one than the other,

    But there are people on both sides that are still teaching hatred to the other, here in Atlanta we have a Church called Church of the Black Madona that teaches if any black person has any dealings with a white person they are a trader to their race. They teach that all white people are satan helpers and the real black Jesus will come and save the pure black race. They are no worst of course than some of the white hate groups except of course they are considered a church and get all of the tax breaks and status of that.

    But we often get the issue of "are we together" now of course I am a lot older than she is also. And we have had the issues in places like Shoney where we sat for a long time and enver got waited on. Now if most know my personality, I went behind the counter and started getting my own stuff
  • Jun 21, 2008, 11:02 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    yes, sory Credendovidis, after so much of the hate emails I get, and some were even emailing my wife with threats and hate mail I droped alot of her links from my links. I forget not everyone knows all of my history.

    But yes, I am white and my previoius wife was black ( she passed away) and my current wife is black. We have lived though all sorts of issues, and of course yes there are some of both races that have issues, but no more of one than the other,

    But there are poeple on both sides that are still teaching hatred to the other, here in Atlanta we have a Church called Church of the Black Madona that teaches if any black person has any dealings with a white person they are a trader to thier race. They teach that all white people are satan helpers and the real black Jesus will come and save the pure black race. They are no worst of course than some of the white hate groups except of course they are considered a church and get all of the tax breaks and status of that.

    But we often get the issue of "are we together" now of course I am alot older than she is also. And we have had the issues in places like Shoney where we sat for a long time and enver got waited on. Now if most know my personality, I went behind the counter and started getting my own stuff

    Hi, FR Chuck... having just read your post, I am totally shocked at the treatment you and your wife have had to put up with, I admire that you as a couple have had the strength of character to stand up to those that have threatened and abused you... HOW DARE THEY, I AM ABSOLUTOLY FUMING...

    The hatred you describe is totally alien to myself, although I do witness similar racists remarks and behaviour every day because of the area I work in, but nothing as severe as you describe, in this country they wouldn't dare, they'd be before a court before they could repeat their accusations.

    Sadley we do have a housing problem, also jobs that will give you a descent living are being given to imigrants, which means the regular guys are being sacked then replaced by the immigrant requiring a lesser wage.

    This as you can imagine causes all kinds of back lash, as do the new houses that have been biult then awarded, not to disabled or people who have been waiting maybe 5 years but to the imigrants who have just arrived, so yes I can see the problem there, which is where the root is, at the end of the day it's down to our excuse for a government.

    I personnally have no problem with them at all, there all lovely people, OK as you say you still get the nasty jibes said under their breath, even racist remarks to the whites, so some do not do themselves any favours.

    The hatred that you write about is not here, if any race, no matter what colour or creed they are, we welcome them with open arms, all we ask is that they try and mix in with our community and obey the laws of the land, this would apply where ever you lived in the world.

    These people that are still teaching this hatred must have been brain washed, they need to be stopped before they do the same to the next growing generation.

    All I can do for you and your wife is apologize to you both for this dreadful way that you have been treated and give assurance that these people who have issuse are few...


  • Jun 21, 2008, 11:08 AM
    Sorry not a lot of racial hate emails, but a lot of them from people that don't like my stand on gay rights, abortion and other issues,
  • Aug 14, 2008, 05:10 PM
    I think that this is a very sad question. God doesn't care what color you are, if you are in love it doesn't matter in my opinion. And black men are excited about white women because just like asian women they are more humble. African -American women don't want to deal with all the crap that, that most " Brothers" but women through. I love all cultures and people and you all should to lets move on from this life is just to short!! :) [F][COLOR="Navy;)
  • Dec 24, 2008, 05:07 PM
    [QUOTE=godislove;1215956]I think that this is a very sad question. God doesnt care what color you are, if you are in love it doesnt matter in my opinion. And black men are excited about white women because just like asian women they are more humble. African -American women dont want to deal with all the crap that, that most " Brothers" but women through. I love all cultures and people and you all should to lets move on from this life is just to short!!!!!!!!!!:) [F]

    If you don't like the question. You don't have to respond to it. No, it is not a sad question, you obviously did not read through the entire thread. Lets not act like people do not have preferences and there is nothing wrong with that. I NEVER said at any point that I did not like other races. I like every race.

    YOU obviously have a misconception about many races, NOW this is SAD: Your ignorant statement "And black men are excited about white women because just like asian women they are more humble. African -American women dont want to deal with all the crap that, that most " Brothers" but women through".
  • Dec 31, 2008, 04:37 PM

    I don't know why but I live in NY and my fanceis white. My family is from Guyana and I've a peanut butter complexion. When were in public nobody really pay us any mind because I guess New Yorkers are use to it but when we go down south sometimes people stare at us as if were aliens.

    However we don't care and is getting married and just expanded our family.
  • Feb 23, 2009, 01:36 PM
    Well I am black but brown skin and one of my friends came to visit and she's very darkskinned nigerian Igbo girl, not like noami campbel or gabriel union but like alec weks colour or darker, but she's very pretty and very slim and tall.
    She got abit worried because when she went out she got a lot of white guys and girls staring at her and got followed or asked out by white guys on a daily basis, even some asking her to marry them, lol ( she's already married to a black guy , so she nicely turned it down). Well she said a lot of them kept saying they loved her colour and how it is hard to see a very pretty girl like her.
    I think white guys like the very dark black women, the darker the berry the better.
  • Apr 18, 2010, 05:54 AM
    What a lovely statement,these are my thoughts exactly,I am a white English man and have always worshiped dark skinned black women,even when society didn't accept it,now they do and I see quite a lot of lucky white men with these black beauties,I'm jealous, it's such a lovely site to see,who knows maybe one day I will meet a lovely dark skinned black lady who will become my girlfriend,one can only hope.
  • Jun 28, 2010, 04:17 PM

    Originally Posted by cyclekarl View Post
    What a lovely statement,these are my thoughts exactly,I am a white English man and have always worshiped dark skinned black women,even when society didn't accept it,now they do and I see quite a lot of lucky white men with these black beauties,I'm jealous, it's such a lovely site to see,who knows maybe one day I will meet a lovely dark skinned black lady who will become my girlfriend,one can only hope.

  • Sep 18, 2010, 02:06 PM
    Sorry Orphan I know you mean well but I have to disagree with you that in the UK there is not much racism. I don't know where you live but I don't believe that at all! From experience there is. I have experienced it a good few times just last month my sister and I were called "wogs" as a car filled with young white boys drove passed us. Then the month before my boyfriend was on the train with our mixed race daughter and a white guy shouted back to him" er I think you have the wrong baby mate" because she is brown skinned. I was furious at this. I am clearly not racist as my boyfriend is white. But you know what you will unfortuanetly get people that are rude and ignorant in all countries but the difference is how you deal with it. Just because you don't experience it it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist! I think it will always exist! The reason is because some people are just so ignorant and selfritious that they don't want to intergrate and broaden their horizons, and that is people from all cultures. I know of people that are racists to all kinds of cultures and races. I don't think it is just down to what colour your skin is.

    I think if we look back at the original question without taking it out of context too much. I think its definitely good that there are visibly more interacial couples in NY. In fact I won't lie, I said the same thing myself a few months back, because I am in a interacial relationship myself. But I think it was just that I was less ignorant and maybe just noticed it more. If you think about it the fair skinned (or as some say brown skin,) black people that are in the Caribbean, Africa,etc. think about where their ancesters came from? Trust me interacial relationships are simply becoming more noticable/obvious and more widely accepted (despite some people still finding it hard to swallow... but you know what that is there business) And you know what a final note... MY DAUGHTER HAS THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS!

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