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  • Jan 11, 2007, 10:53 PM
    Melissa Robbyn
    Landlord won't make other tenants clean up...
    I live in Hot Springs AR. In an old house that has been converted into 5 apartments. Out of 5 apartments 3 of them are pigs. They have dogs and never clean up their poo. The smell of their dirty apartments are seeping into the main hallway. They have the typical hillbilly yard, Old cars, random junk etc is strewn all over the yard and again the dog poo from 5 very big dogs that has not been picked up in at least 6 months. These people throw their trash on the ground and the dogs drag it everywhere. I have put forth the effort to keep it clean but the very day I get everyone's mess picked up someone brings home more trash to litter the yard. I would love to move but that is not an option at this time... so the question is: Is there some way that I can legally force the landlord to make these tenants to clean their space and keep it that way?
  • Jan 12, 2007, 09:50 AM

    Originally Posted by Melissa Robbyn
    Is there some way that I can legally force the landlord to make these tenants to clean their space and keep it that way?

    Hello Melissa:

    In the real world, the answer is no. Yes, there are things you can do to cause your landlord trouble, but all he has to do is give YOU a 30 day notice, and then he can live in peace with all the dog poo.

    Don't ask me why people live that way. I do have a question for you, though. You didn't notice the smell before you moved in?

  • Jan 12, 2007, 11:19 AM
    excon has hit it on the head, you can complain to the city Zoning, and I know or at least knew Hot Springs some years ago, and I am not sure they will even drive past to see, but you can report them. You can report them to the city, you can check to see if the property is even zoned for a romming or apartment house.

    If there are lease laws you can call the animal control on the people in the apartment and the such.

    But in the end, most likely all you do is get yourself evicted.

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