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  • Jan 5, 2007, 05:42 PM
    Irregular period and brownish discharge
    Hi, I have been on the because pills and later changed to the patches. However, the whole reason of getting on because pills was to make my menstruations regular. I have been off the patches for some time now, and My husband and I are trying to conceive.Well, I haven't had a period for 6 or more months, and I started to cramp around my back and lower abdomen. The next day I started seeing a kind of red brownish discharged that lasted for 5 days. Could I be pregnant!

    Thanks,:rolleyes: Kami
  • Jan 5, 2007, 05:49 PM
    Maybe that is the start of your period, because of being on different kinds of medications it may take a while to actually have a full, normal period. Just in case though, especially with bleeding and you trying to conceive I would make a appointment for yourself just to be sure. So please see the doctor and I wish you the best in baby making! (:
  • Jan 14, 2007, 05:51 PM
    Hi , About a month ago,after eight months or more waiting on a period. It finally came, but it wasn't what I expected. It was brownish and lasted for 5 days. It's the new year and still waiting on my period. It is 2 weeks late. I'm feeling unbelievably exhausted and having extremely bad headaches followed with nausea. Could I be pregnant!:confused:
  • Apr 15, 2007, 02:57 PM

    Originally Posted by kami1980
    Hi , About a month ago,after eight months or more waiting on a period. It finally came, but it wasn't what I expected. It was brownish in color and lasted for 5 days. It's the new year and still waiting on my period. It is 2 weeks late. I'm feeling unbelievably exhausted and having extremely bad headaches followed with nausea. Could I be pregnant!:confused:

    Please seek the guidance of a OB/GYN. Your health challenges could be harmonal related, thyroid related or other. The thyroid causes irregular cycles, fatigue, hair loss, weight loss/ gain, cholesterol issues, etc. The browninsh color after a cycle is usually due to small amounts of old blood from the uretha. But asking via internet isn't the best or suggested method of finding answer to your situation. Health issues should be addressed in a doctor's office - especially womens' health issues.

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