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  • Nov 19, 2009, 06:20 AM
    Pimples,pimples,pimples did I say pimples?
    There's been a lot of going on on my face leatly... I mean a lot of pimples :( does anyone no how to get rid of them so there not so visible?? Or there's not so many of them?? I'm waiting for answers :):):)
  • Nov 20, 2009, 04:09 AM
    Silver Lining

    Pimple Home Remedy, Pimples Causes, Pimple Treatment and Natural Remedies

    *Never try to touch or squeeze the pimples. The more you tamper with them, the more is the risk of getting infection of scar on face.
    * Wash your face regularly since the skin daily comes into terms with every kind of grime, dirt and bacteria. It is always recommended to use gentle and warm water along with medicated soap to treat the face.
    * It is necessary for an individual to understand the skin type to find a suitable product to get rid of pimples.
    * Avoiding the oily food diet also aids in controlling the pimples, since it ends up aggravating problems related to pimples.
    * Ice is one of the best methods to bring the swelling down, since it assists in reducing inflammation as well as shrinks the pores over size.
    * Ground nutmeg blended with fresh milk does wonders to treat pimples.
  • Nov 20, 2009, 04:25 AM

    I used to use an antiseptic cream such as detol on my skin problems as it is so much cheaper than those skin creams that everyone usually recommends. And it wrks good with no stinging.
  • Nov 20, 2009, 08:13 AM
    A lot of break outs are hormone driven. They can occur because of what you eat, etc.
    Make sure you wash your face in the morning and before bed.
    My daughter uses a Salic Acid based cleanser in the morning and a benzoyl peroxide cleanser at night (both by advice of her dr.)
    If you have a flair up - you can also use a cortozone based cream to take the inflammation away.
  • Nov 20, 2009, 12:23 PM
    Morgans on dah

    Make sure you don't touch your face a lot, and wash your face with acne wash 2 times a day at least. If that doesn't work then you probably need a stronger medicine.
  • Nov 21, 2009, 02:33 AM

    Despite what all the pimple companies say, acne scrubs are actually terrible and make them appear a lot worse.

    I used to use a facial scrub for acne (the wash with the tinny gritty bits in it) all it did was make the pimples appear more inflamed and more painful.
    Scrubs are great for keeping your skin clear if it already is but for acne it's awful stuff.

    I wash my face with a cream cleanser (your choice of brand) every day and then once a week I make my own oatmeal face mask.

    It's just oatmeal in a cup with a little water, microwaved for 30 seconds, then you add a little honey and lemon juice.
    Mix it all up until it is a thick paste.
    Smear on your face and leave for 15-20 minutes and wash off.
    Makes you skin feel so nice
  • Nov 22, 2009, 01:14 AM
    [QUOTE=It's just oatmeal in a cup with a little water, microwaved for 30 seconds, then you add a little honey and lemon juice.
    Mix it all up until it is a thick paste.
    Smear on your face and leave for 15-20 minutes and wash off.
    Makes you skin feel so nice[/QUOTE]

    Does this keep for long, like could I make some of this and put it in a tub for use in a few days or a week or something?
  • Nov 22, 2009, 01:44 AM

    Originally Posted by Always_asking View Post
    does this keep for long, like could i make some of this and put it in a tub for use in a few days or a week or something?

    Oh yeah, you can make up a batch and refrigerate it.
    It will most likely go fairly hard but if you take some out and microwave it again it will go soft enough to apply.

    When I make it though I always apply it warm so my pores open up and the lemon juice and honey can work their magic, plus the oatmeal soaks up oils from your skin.

    When I make it I just use one of the plastic cups we used when camping, it's just the right amount for my face.

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