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  • May 26, 2008, 07:07 PM
    Conversations being taped without my consent
    I just found out that a girl I used to work with taped every single conversation she and I had about the negative things at the company. She let me know that since I refused to go to court for her over an unemployment hearing that she may or may not use the tapes. I live in the state of New Jersey and the law says that you may not record conversations without consent.

    What can I do here to stop her from using these tapes? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  • May 26, 2008, 07:48 PM
    Actually you are incorrect, I have checked 5 separate web sites and they all say that in New Jersey you only need to have one person with knowledge of the converstation to record it. ** over the telephone.

    So she may use these tapes in criminal and civil court...

    Now if she wants you to go and lie, then she is black mailing you.
    If she wants you to tell the truth, then she is negotiating.
    So assuming she wants you to lie at a unemployment hearing, inform the unemployment office and see if their investigators will get proof of this along with the police for blackmail.

    With that said, never say anything you don't want made public.
  • May 26, 2008, 08:05 PM
    It is an appeals hearing and she missed the first one. The first time around I was told I had to attend because I was named in a complaint from her. She never showed. I told what I remembered that she left due to pressure from a harassment complaint.

    She basically wants me to go in and trash the company. I have no plans do to do so. My best guess is that she also taped everyone else in the office anytime she had a conversation. I did alert our former bosses to the situation since I'm unsure what she is going to do. It felt like a threat more than anything else.

    Its too bad that there is nothing that I can do. I guess privacy is non-existent.

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