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  • Oct 21, 2016, 08:03 PM
    2016 Democratic Election Fraud
    James O'Keefe's investigative journalists reveal huge 2016 election fraud, which was likely sanctioned by the White House and Hillary Clinton:
  • Oct 21, 2016, 08:11 PM
    I tried to watch, but was immediately turned off by all the obscenities. If he can't make a case in plain, educated English....
  • Oct 21, 2016, 08:17 PM
    Instead, watch this video:

    Clinton Election Theft Plan Discovered! James O'keefe Reports » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
  • Oct 21, 2016, 08:21 PM
    Ummmm, we all know Alex Jones is a self-described conspiracy nut.
  • Oct 21, 2016, 08:32 PM
    For those of you who are prejudiced against Alex Jones, I presented the original work by Veritas, which implicates Obama and Hillary in 2016 election fraud.
  • Oct 21, 2016, 08:33 PM

    Originally Posted by TxGreaseMonkey View Post
    For those of you who are prejudiced against Alex Jones, I presented the original work by Veritas, which implicates Obama and Hillary in 2016 election fraud.

    Alex Jones HIMSELF says he's a conspiracy nut!
  • Oct 21, 2016, 08:40 PM
    You are like a broken record--look at the facts (video) yourself and see how voter fraud has taken place. It has already forced major resignations in the Democratic Party. If you won't view the video, you should move on.
  • Oct 22, 2016, 04:59 AM
    There has been a LOT of voter fraud at least the last two presidential elections too... when you have a precinct with statistically impossible numbers ( ZERO Republican votes its blatant. Then there were the numerous precincts that had more votes than existed adults of legal voting age residing there much less registered to vote.

    The left were bashing them as Conspiracy theorists, WIKILEAKS however has proven its happened and the DNC has a major hand in it. And of course... that they rigged the Primary to push out the wining candidate to put the Hildebeast in. I'd like to know what Bernie was promised by them to placate him after that.
  • Oct 24, 2016, 01:36 PM
    There's even more illegal activity going on:

    Rigging the Election – Video III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Involvement | Project Veritas Action
  • Oct 24, 2016, 02:14 PM
    Wow, everything this guy does borders on despicable:

    How anyone can be in his camp as a source of anything is beyond me. There's not one of his projects not is not fraught with deceit. He's basically the right's smear artist.
  • Oct 24, 2016, 05:08 PM
    As opposed to most of the Media who are working under direction of the DNC on behalf of Hillary protecting her and smearing Trump.. The main stream media has NO credibility left... nowhere in the world. PRAVDA used to be the running joke under the USSR, Wiki-leaks and other events have proven all the rest are just like them.
  • Oct 24, 2016, 06:19 PM
    Voter fraud is well known. The cemetery vote in Memphis is well known.
  • Oct 24, 2016, 06:19 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    As opposed to most of the Media who are working under direction of the DNC on behalf of Hillary protecting her and smearing Trump.. The main stream media has NO credibility left... nowhere in the world.

    Trump is his own worst enemy. No smearing is needed.
  • Oct 25, 2016, 02:44 AM

    Originally Posted by smoothy
    most of the Media who are working under direction of the DNC on behalf of Hillary protecting her and smearing Trump.. The main stream media has NO credibility left... nowhere in the world.

    That's quite a wide-ranging conspiracy theory you got going there. So the DNC pays off the world media? Do you hear yourself?
  • Oct 25, 2016, 09:05 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    That's quite a wide-ranging conspiracy theory you got going there. So the DNC pays off the world media? Do you hear yourself?

    The "world media" are overwhelmingly controlled by left wingers who no thinking person believes doesn't go out of their way to defend toe socialist/communist ideals they stand for, and demonize all others. Spend some time around the inner workings of government and time abroad to see how the media distorts events into something that never actually happened as reported. Then you will "get it". There is no legal or moral requirement for the media to be even remotely honest.

    Thats a shame, because they are using "freedom of the press" to publish fantasy and fiction and pass it off as reality and fact when it isn't.

    The Washington Post and New York times both , two of the most left leaning publications out there only mention Hillarys crimes as a footnote when they bother to comment on them at all, while dedicating entire pages to libel and slander Trump for allegations made with NO proof.

    I saw a shooting in Baltimore back in the 80's. ( the victim survived)...took the ambulance 15 minutes to get there, it took the Police 45 minutes to get there, they stayed all of 10 minutes and left...I was there for another hour sitting where I was when it happened less than 20 feet away..the only non-involved witness to the event. Nobody ever asked me what happened...when I finally got up and left, get home then listened to what the media reported, not one single news program had it even remotely right...they all talked about a riot that ensued and how long it lasted, when in fact it was a fight that never involved more than 3 people and lasted only a few minutes before the shooting when 2 of them ran off. The only other witness was the guys wife/girlfriend and the guy who got shot was the one who started the fight in the first place.

    And I could go on and on about other events not just here but in Europe in the years after that eye opening event.

    The worst informed person is those who think they get the facts from the newspaper, radio or TV. They all tell you what they want you to know. Which is not what actually happened.

    Do I see everything they report? Of course not, but when 95+% of what you do see is grossly misreported...its a rational thought to believe most of what you don't is being distorted as well.
  • Oct 25, 2016, 09:20 AM

    Originally Posted by smoothy
    The "world media" are overwhelmingly controlled by left wingers

    Where do they get all the money? Why doesn't the right do anything about it?


    Originally Posted by smoothy
    Spend some time around the inner workings of government and time abroad

    I work for the government and I have travelled extensively.


    Originally Posted by smoothy
    while dedicating entire pages to libel and slander Trump for allegations made with NO proof

    Well we know that Trump LOVES to sue people, this should be a slam dunk, no? But yet Trump hasn't done that. What do you think that means?
  • Oct 25, 2016, 09:20 AM
    smoothy, the media quotes Trump. Nothing more is needed. His quotes damn him. (And I'd had such great hopes that he, an outsider, would succeed at this....)
  • Oct 25, 2016, 09:39 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Where do they get all the money? Why doesn't the right do anything about it?

    I work for the government and I have travelled extensively.

    Well we know that Trump LOVES to sue people, this should be a slam dunk, no? But yet Trump hasn't done that. What do you think that means?

    You don't have to "PAY" true leftist believers... Doe China pay everyone, did the Soviet Union? Did Cuba? We All know leftists everywhere will excuse ANYTHING Hillary does because she is one of them. And about what "Trump said".. Did you and other learn NOTHING about how the media selectively edits peoples words to change what they are saying. Naming just one.. how the 911 call George Zimmerman made was edited to completely chage the character of what was reported... but then... they left only survives by lies, deception and misrepresentation. They do that by editors in the media controlling what will be reported and how... and hiring only those politically sympathetic or getting rid of those who they find out aren't already. THis might be news to those who get everything they know from the media.. but its common knowledge to those who have seen what they do to "facts".


    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    smoothy, the media quotes Trump. Nothing more is needed. His quotes damn him. (And I'd had such great hopes that he, an outsider, would succeed at this....)

    Wondergirl... did you not learn from what the media did editing the 911 call George Zimmerman made so they could paste the call as something totally different than what was actually made? That wasn't an isolated event...
  • Oct 25, 2016, 09:59 AM

    Wondergirl... did you not learn from what the media did editing the 911 call George Zimmerman made so they could paste the call as something totally different than what was actually made? That wasn't an isolated event...
    Ummmm, I watch and listen to Trump in real time. No one is changing his words. Again, he is his own worst enemy.
  • Oct 25, 2016, 03:02 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Ummmm, I watch and listen to Trump in real time. No one is changing his words. Again, he is his own worst enemy.

    So you've met him in Person? A highly biased media does creative editing all the time... and when they aren't doing that they are constantly trying to tell you what they want you to believe the other person was thinking. Sorry, I've seen the media stretch the truth and flat out lie so often in the last 35 years I can't trust them when they give the weather report any more.

    It hasn't been Journalism in a very long time...its Propaganda dissemination.

    Notice how they avoid all of Hillary's frequent gaffs and open mouth, insert foot moments. Or her frequent Tirades and angry rages she is famous for by anyone who has been anywhere near her.

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