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  • Aug 21, 2010, 09:52 AM
    How do u know if u have a ghost in your house
    I like to know how do you know if you have a ghost in your house is because the start of the year I had a brown cat siting outsite of my place looking though my window it was late at night it happenda few times and then things happened to me my boyfirnd cheart on me then I go in the longroom siting there watching TV I get a cold chill come over me now I have my next door car comes to my front door siting there a few times then it gos away tonight it come back so my daughter let it in so we what to see whatthe cat dose so the cat look around but walk up the hall way but it would not go into my daughters bedroom so it sit there for abit then walk away and then it went and sit outside of my bedroom but it would not go in and just look so after that the cat walk back outside and take off you may think I am mad but I feel there is someone watching me etc I don't know the sgins of if you have a gohost or something like that etc
  • Aug 21, 2010, 10:01 AM

    Do I have this right?

    You think you are haunted because cats looked through your window, eventually came inside and wouldn't go into any bedrooms and then went outside again; your boyfriend cheated on you (what does this have to do with a ghost?); a chill came over you when you were watching TV; you feel like someone is watching you - ?

    No, I don't think you're haunted.

    Be very careful or you are going to frighten your daughter.
  • Aug 2, 2011, 01:02 PM
    I was laying in my bed the other day and I am only 13 and I heard scratching on my door so I got up and opened the door there was nothing there, then I got back into my bed and I have a v-neck pillow by my door and ten minutes after I got back into bed it fell on the floor and I don't have no windows open I'm scared and haven't been able to sleep at my own house ever since! Helppp! X
  • Aug 11, 2011, 04:55 AM

    A good way to determine if you have ghosts or a ghost is to set a bunch of cotton balls in a small room (like a pantry or small bathroom) and if the next day the cotton balls are scattered, you probably have ghosts. Or you could hang a magnet from somewhere and NOT TOUCH IT. If it spins,sways, or swings you most have a ghost.
  • Oct 8, 2011, 09:38 AM
    I only 13 and what if you hear scratching from Ur attic but there is nothing there and what if you hear something tapping on the wall and there's nothing there and I not afraid but I would like to now if it's a ghost or not a ghost.
  • Mar 4, 2012, 11:45 AM
    U do have a ghost because lastnight I was sitting on the stairs and I heard 3 big bangs and I got scared and den I was running and I just triped for no reoson and I got scared then when I was cleaning the kitchen and look in the mirror in the living rooom and I thout I was being wacth by a ghost
  • Jun 22, 2012, 08:33 AM
    Hi I am 13 and I went to my dads and I put a book on his book shelf and it just fell off and none was there was that a ghost
  • Jun 22, 2012, 08:47 AM
    No, it was not. I don't know why it fell. How old are you?
  • Aug 25, 2012, 07:20 AM
    What if there is just a weird energy in your house and it is like 100 years old and your friends are afraid to go in it and you always have to look over your shoulder?
  • Aug 25, 2012, 07:33 AM

    Originally Posted by marbug View Post
    What if there is just a wierd energy in your house and it is like 100 years old and your friends are afraid to go in it and you always have to look over your shoulder?

    What's the question?
  • Aug 31, 2012, 10:34 AM
    I don't think you had a ghost. You had a brown cat in your yard and you let him into your house then you let him out of your house. Your boyfriend cheated on you which boyfriends often do. You got a chill because, well, people get chills sometimes. You are clearly looking for signs of paranormal activity and letting your imagination run away with you.

    As for the other things - sometimes things fall and we don't notice the cause. You can have an object on top of a bookcase or your bed or wherever and if it's not completely secure, as in laying perfectly flat, it can move very slowly - so slowly you don't perceive it. You may think the bookcase is perfectly flat but it's actually very slightly leaning because most houses are not perfectly square - even if they are perfect when built, they settle over time. With such an object, it reaches a point where the balance is significantly off and then it falls. Or weight can cause this. Over the summer, my son put too many clothes on his closet bar. It did not fall right away but several hours later it came crashing to the floor, when nobody was even in the room. It was not paranormal - the screws were simply very slowly pulling out of the drywall from the weight and when they got to a point where they were not in deep enough to support all the weight, the whole rack fell in a big crash.

    As for sounds, a lot of things in your house can cause sounds. A branch outside, even in a different area of the house, can scratch against the siding or window and because of the accoustics in the house, can sound like it's in the wall or attic. In my old house, I could perfectly hear my neighbor's conversations when I was in my dining room and they were in their detached garage - it was just how the sound waves travelled, which was determined by the position of the houses and garages, though it certainly was very weird. A small animal such as a mouse can make such sounds, but then scamper off so it's not there when you go to look. Temperature changes, even when not noticeable to you, cause everything - every single thing in our environment from our skin to a fork to the wood in our homes - to imperceptably expand and contract and this can cause all sorts of things in your house - pipes can make pinging or rattling sounds, walls can creak, nails can pop out of wood and walls and so on, which makes little noises which appear to have no cause. It normal.

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