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  • Jan 30, 2007, 03:28 PM
    Jack_Jack 238
    My mom and Step mom in hate!
    My mom and step mom are not getting along. It all started with a stupid gift card! Out of all things. My card only had $3.45 on it and my brother only had $.19 on his. The cards were soposed to have $20.00 on it. My mom and step mom live one house away from each other and then they just get into this big huge fight calling each other names and now we are going to move away! I can't take this stress anymore and I do not know what to do about it!
  • Jun 11, 2007, 10:28 AM
    Rina _4
    I would think that the fighting should end since you are moving away?
  • Jun 13, 2007, 11:22 AM
    I recommend that you make sure your Mom understands that you know she is your one and only mother. This is about her fear that she's going to lose you to the other mother figure that was brought into your life against her wishes.

    As for the fight, leave it alone and stay out of it. Moms and step moms don't normally like each other - they both have reason to not want to be close and you can't change that.

    See them separately, and again, make sure your mom knows you are aware who your real mom is.
  • Jul 8, 2007, 04:08 PM
    I don't completely agree with tootruetooblues advice, yes your mom is upset that you have someone else in your life filling a mother like role, however telling your mom she is our one and only mother is a bad idea, it is just going to make things worse, yes she is your biological mom, but that doesn't mean your step mom can't be a mom too. Whether you mom likes it or not someone else is in your life and she has to accept that, that also goes for your step mom she can't ignore the fact you already have a mom that she will never be able to replace, but that doesn't mean she can't be a mom to you. Really the only thing you can do is not to add fuel to the fire, don't play favorites, and don't play the relay game none of this she said, he said business it just ends bad.
  • Oct 5, 2007, 06:38 PM

    Originally Posted by pimelfmallet
    I dont completely agree with tootruetooblues advice, yes your mom is upset that you have someone else in your life filling a mother like role, however telling your mom she is our one and only mother is a bad idea, it is just going to make things worse, yes she is your biological mom, but that doesnt mean your step mom can't be a mom too. whether you mom likes it or not someone else is in your life and she has to accept that, that also goes for your step mom she can't ignore the fact you already have a mom that she will never be able to replace, but that doesnt mean she can't be a mom to you. Really the only thing you can do is not to add fuel to the fire, dont play favorites, and dont play the relay game none of this she said, he said business it just ends bad.

    I agree with pimelfmallet.:)
  • Nov 6, 2007, 11:40 PM

    Originally Posted by Jack_Jack 238
    My mom and step mom are not getting along. It all started off with a stupid gift card! Out of all things. My card only had $3.45 on it and my brother only had $.19 on his. The cards were soposed to have $20.00 on it. My mom and step mom live one house away from eachother and then they just get into this big huge fight calling eachother names and now we are going to move away! I can't take this stress anymore and I do not know what to do about it!

    These credit cards are subject to problems like this.Its best to give a walmart gift card of some other store gift card.
    My stepson bought bank gift cards for his sons in Ohio.Somehow when they got there they were already used.Hackers or someone at bank had card number.
  • Nov 10, 2010, 03:22 PM
    Well yes,stay out of the fight you never want to get into that it just puts stress on everyone,and think about how those moms would feel.and if you do not want to move tell your guardian I do not suggest saying that you do not want to live with her because this will cause stress and custody issues :(
    When it comes to fighting get them together and cut to the chase STOP FIGHTING!!
    Tell them nobody needs it and remind them that they have their reasons for not getting along but that the fight started because of two lousy gift cards.seriously this does not need to happen especially not because of such childish actions. But remember to tell this to them respectfully (obviously not in my exact words.)

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