Are there any trucking companies out there who are willing to hire felons... give us a chance to get back into society, gainfully employed, clean and sober. I am looking specifically in the Houston, Harris County area for local work. :cool:
Are there any trucking companies out there who are willing to hire felons... give us a chance to get back into society, gainfully employed, clean and sober. I am looking specifically in the Houston, Harris County area for local work. :cool:
Hey dude have you tried (Truck Driving Jobs | Trucking Jobs | Owner Operator | Local Truck Driving Jobs )they have a multitude of jobs for felons all over the united states... I have been online for the last hour and have found schneider national. And they say they will take felons if it has been over a year... well lets see if that is true because they may take certain types of felons and not other ones like in my case being a drug felon from 6 years ago.
Well it's a shot if anything... navigate the site and you wiil also find small companies of 2 to 20 trucks. Well wish me luck and good luck to you. Jim
Well i guess it has to be at the smaller companies. i'm a six and a half year drug felon, with two year recent local driving and ive been lokking for 4 months with no luck! Drug felons seem to have it harder. The market is an employers market right now so its even harder. Why hire us when some border brothe will do the same job for 25% less andbe cheaper to insure. Hind sight is 20/20. We should have acted right before and we wouldn't be blogging about our woes!! :eek:
Ive been told there's not really a high demand for truck drivers because of the abundance of felons. There seems to be a good list of other jobs for felons here: Top 10 Jobs For Ex Felons
Are there any companies that are giving felons a second chance in the truck driving industry? If so, please list all companies that believe in second chances for felons, driving or non driving positions.
Are there any companies that are giving felons a second chance in the truck driving industry? If so, please list all companies that believe in second chances for felons, driving or non driving positions.
Are there any companies that are giving felons a second chance in the truck driving industry? If so, please list all companies that believe in second chances for felons, driving or non driving positions.
Are there any companies that are giving felons a second chance in the truck driving industry? If so, please list all companies that believe in second chances for felons, driving or non driving positions.
Are there any companies that are giving felons a second chance in the truck driving industry? If so, please list all companies that believe in second chances for felons, driving or non driving positions.
Are there any companies that are giving felons a second chance in the truck driving industry? If so, please list all companies that believe in second chances for felons, driving or non driving positions.
Try prime, and arrow trucking
Swift and CRST will hire felons so go on their website and apply and contact then as much as possible
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