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  • Jul 14, 2004, 10:00 AM
    I'm a very picky eater.. and I don't get enough iron or vitamins.. and I don't like to eat meat that much.. and I've been getting really dizzy.. and I've had to give blood because I almost fainted.. and I keep on getting really dizzy when I get up or when I start walking around.. and I'm not sure if I need to be eating more iron and take vitamins.. or if I'm anemic.. my mom has ask the doctors and they don't no what it could be..
    I want to no if anyone else has had this problem?
  • Jul 21, 2004, 06:11 AM
    Re: Nutrition/Vitamins
    It could be that you have two problems.

    1. dizziness when standing up out of a sitting or lying position
    2. anemia

    2. If you had to be given blood for the anemia, and you do not want to eat meat, you should take an iron tablet, unless there is another cause for the anemia (e.g. blood loss, for example when you are a woman).

    1. dizziness at getting up is called orthostatic hypotension and can go together with seeing little stars or dots before your eyes, fainting or vision blackouts.
    Recent research suggests, that drinking lots of fluids (2 liters) during the day can solve or lessen the problem in most cases. This is a simple and cheap remedy. Choose drinks that you like (chocolate milk, fruit juice, mineral water, tea)
  • Feb 8, 2005, 06:32 AM
    Reliv For All

    You 'might' have Vertigo. My mom has this problem and Reliv's patented nutrition has helped her a lot. You mentioned vitamins that is why I have brought up Reliv -- complete and balanced nutrition.

    Check to read more about it.

    Hope this helps.
  • Feb 20, 2005, 08:01 PM
    Are you by any chance living w/the feeling that you weigh too much and just don't eat? That is anorexia. Should this not be your problem then I would get another opinion from another doctor to rule out any serious medical conditions.
  • Aug 10, 2005, 09:36 AM
    Why do you think whey is so important ? What does it contain that makes it an indispensable product from your breakfast menu? Do you take it in its normal form or as a supplement pill ? Thanks.
  • Aug 10, 2005, 09:40 AM
    I have dizziness in the morning or immediately after I eat something... if this is your case then you must check with your doctor for gastro-intestinal problems. It seems that I have an incipient gastritis...
  • Sep 3, 2005, 11:04 AM
    Doug Crf
    How do you know you do not get enough Iron? I once found out I had too much Iron.The way I found out was I was going to donate blood and they do an Iron count check first.Mine was to high.Well I found out the reason being that I was taking a multivitamin not listed for men.I did a little research and found that most all mens multivitamins have no iron.
    Women get rid of Iron in there blood when they are on there... period so there multivitamins have iron.
    I am not saying I know why you are low on iron and I do not even know if you are a female but I do know that if you are low on iron it would be crazy not to start by taking an iron supplement to start with.That would be like having a car overheat and saying I know it is low on water but do you think that is why it's over heating,Well put water in it and find out! I really myself do not know if iron can even cause dizziness but there is a range that your iron should be within and you should try to keep it within the range.
    Sometimes I will go to a doctor and for a problem and it sounds like they know how to fix my problem so the perscribe me something or tell me something's to do to solve the problem and I leave the doctors only to find out a bit later that what they perscribed or told me to do is not working.Well be persistent and go back and if after the second time the same thing happens then go to a deffernt doctor because doctors are far from having the same knowlage.
    I donate blood every once in a while that is relaxing and I get my iron and vital signs checked and even a free t shirt to get greasy at work all for free.
    Take care of yourself and if you know your lacking something in you body start by fixing that problem first.And do more research online I find out a lot of stuff on hear but be carfull not to research all your time away I catch myself doing that pretty often.
    Again take care of yourself
  • Sep 10, 2005, 01:28 AM
    Wow. Thanks Doug. Its amazing how much stuff one has to know in order to keep his body healthy. I wonder how our ancestors lived without doctors :)
    In fact, after my last post, I went and tested my blood. :D
    I found that my levels of calcium are very low and I should get a treatment from my doctor really soon. I didn't test for iron though. :(
  • Sep 10, 2005, 02:57 AM
    Blood tests
    I am so glad you went to a doctor that had a blood sample taken. This is the first thing that should have been done; checking various levels of Iron, Calcium, Red and White blood cell count, etc.
    A good doctor would have done this first thing.
    Best of luck,
  • Sep 12, 2005, 12:05 AM
    You are probably right. A good doctor would not talk about your symptoms without your tests paper in front of him/her.
  • Oct 11, 2005, 08:30 AM
    First things first
    We have heard "you are what you eat" so often that perhaps we don't believe it anymore. But it is 100% true.

    What are we made of, if not the food we eat?

    The human body is astounding. It takes 45 essential nutrients out of our food, and turns them into over 100,000 other things that we need. As long as the mechanisms are working right (and they usually are!) if we take in those key nutrients, we will thrive. There are no essential foods, only essential nutrients.

    If you are not eating right, you will be short of one or more of those nutrients, and can expect to suffer for it.

    Dizziness, weakness, fatigue would be among the first signs of malnutrition.

    My best,
  • Oct 11, 2005, 09:28 AM

    Originally Posted by Shidoshi
    Wow. Thanks Doug. Its amazing how much stuff one has to know in order to keep his body healthy. I wonder how our ancestors lived without doctors :)
    In fact, after my last post, I went and tested my blood. :D
    I found that my levels of calcium are very low and I should get a treatment from my doctor really soon. I didn't test for iron though. :(

    Our ancestors did not live as long as we do today with all the new technology and pharmaceuticals available. Their life-expectancy was a little shorter. However, even before doctors, man survived by the body's signals when a certain nutrient was lacking, they had 'cravings'. This is the same with children - when a child starts eating 'dirt' it is a signal the body needs certain types of minerals - to put it bluntly. The body today still sends out signals but we sometimes don't listen or are too busy stuffing it with fast food. Fast food is OK every now and then, as some have the 'basic' groups, bread, milk, veg, and meat products, but does not need to be every day. Sometimes it does not hurt to listen to the cravings of your body, be it a 'sugar fix' or wanting something salty, or being very thirsty all of a sudden. 'Nature' still has a say in our evolutionary travels. May I advise that when you look for calcium, use the OS (oyster shell) instead of the one made from four footed animals.
  • Oct 12, 2005, 12:30 PM

    Originally Posted by Chery
    The body today still sends out signals but we sometimes don't listen or are too busy stuffing it with fast food.

    I totally agree but don't forget about the other "signals" like the craving for tasty stuff (chocolate, pudding and other good stuff) that has nothing to do with the lack of vitamins. :)
  • Oct 12, 2005, 12:59 PM
    Craving tasty stuff
    There is a good reason why we get cravings for some things, and if they are cravings for sugars or simple carbs the reason might be that we are looking for a lift in our mood.

    When we eat sugar, insulin is released into the blood to deal with it. The insulin clears the blood of all the amino acids except Tryptophan. The trypto can then cross the blood/brain barrier and make serotonin, which is the basic "feel good" neurotransmitter. Most of the SSRI's like prozac, zoloft and paxil work by slowing the reabsorbtion of serotonin, making up for a lack of it in the first place.
    There is a good amount of tryptophan in turkey, but there are also other aminos that compete with it to cross the BBB... so that's why it's a good idea to have that big hunk of pie. Pecan pie is what I recommend. Lol...
    Have two pieces... and claim it's for "medicinal purposes".

    The conversion of tyrptophan is also dependent on a few key vitamins, too. If you don't have enough B3 (niacin), the trypto will convert to B3 first. About a hundred years ago, there were over 100,000 asylum beds in the US filled with people suffering from Pellegra. Pellegra was recognized by the "three D's"... dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia. What was found is that these folks were terribly deficient in Niacin, which disrupted the tryptophan/serotonin/melatonin system. Once they got the niacin, they recovered.

    My best to you,
  • Oct 12, 2005, 01:12 PM

    Originally Posted by Shidoshi
    I totally agree but don't forget about the other "signals" like the craving for tasty stuff (chocolate, pudding and other good stuff) that has nothing to do with the lack of vitamins. :)

    It's all part of it because chocolate is good for the muscles and during female PMS, pudding has milk product and sugar, etc. One just has to know the limits and not stuff it all in.
    I'm sensitive to niacin and zinc so I have to watch those in the supplements, but let my cravings take care of that with just a little amount. So it all comes down to the control one has over the cravings, but you still should listen to them. There's no sense in stuffing chips, candy, etc and drinking diet soda, is there? Have a Good One...
  • Oct 12, 2005, 01:15 PM
    To solarboy, Pecan logs and Pecan Pies are my favorite. I lived in Georgia for years, but still kept control. Love your 'medicinal purposes', that was good.
  • Oct 12, 2005, 01:29 PM
    Wow... very nice explanation solarboy.

    You are a walking enciclopedia and that's great. Good for you.

    BTW: You scared me a little with those B3 deficiency problems ? Do you any products that contain the vitamin B3?
  • Dec 11, 2005, 01:23 PM
    Is it true that D3 vitamin can be compensated by using artificial tanning sunbeds ?

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