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  • Jan 25, 2009, 11:25 AM
    The stone movie
    There is this movie I watched when I was ehh in middle school around 1999... and it had carrie russell in it I do believe. It was about this town and this guy going back there and he had family that use to live there eand everybody new him in that small town. But then he figured out that when they don't like someone they sit them in the middle of a park or something and kill them by throwing stones rocks etc at them. But they did have him locked up for a while because they thought he would find out. And he had a flash back of watching his mother get hit with the rocks. And carrie russell was the girl he liked at that town. Please help sorry if I did a bad job I don't really remember it
  • Jan 25, 2009, 11:37 AM
    Quinn F

    The Lottery (1996) (TV)
  • Jan 26, 2009, 10:14 PM

    Omg thank you thank you thank you.. you are the very best!
  • Jan 27, 2009, 07:26 AM
    Quinn F
    You're very welcome :)

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