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  • Sep 4, 2012, 06:53 PM
    Bob Stoney
    Name that movie help
    Ok I saw this movie in the video store and didn't rent it and now I can't remember the name. Its something about people get new younger bodys when they get too old and for a short time at night when they are asleep the former owner of the body wakes up and can think for themselves. I really would like to check this movie out so if anyone knows the title please let me know. Thanks!!
  • Jul 5, 2013, 06:28 PM
    It could be Transfer from 2010. It screened at Fantastic Fest in that same year. Rich old folks use some advanced technology that allows them to beam their consciousness into the bodies of exploited and desperate Third World immigrants, who only have control over their own physical form for four hours a night when the minds of the geezers go offline as they sleep.

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