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  • May 25, 2018, 09:27 PM
    What to charge for kitchen renovation?
    I'm skilled at the work but not in knowing what my time/experience is worth...
    Can y'all help me get ballpark numbers for how to charge? I live in a Philly suburb and do this work on the side for family/friends. I'm not licensed/insured/bonded and work alone.
    Itemize or give one number for everything. On some things, I'm not super quick so I'm hesitant to bill hourly. Room is 19'x13'. I have the right tools or am borrowing them

    Tear out cabinets
    Remove drywall, outlets, plumbing in a load bearing wall and replacing with recommended LVL beams
    Drywall new opening and misc patches
    Paint kitchen walls and ceiling
    Wire 6 recessed lights, add 3-way switches, reroute wires from wall I removed
    Removed old tile floor (tiled on concrete slab)
    Tile floor
    Install cabinets/trim/knobs
    install base molding
    Kitchen design, shopping for supplies.


  • May 26, 2018, 08:48 AM
    Greg, if you have done each of these before, then you CAN be a good estimator. Just sit back, close your eyes for each line item, and visualize yourself doing it. The second one is a doozy. So here's what I would do: charge by the hour for the first 2 and for removing the old tile floor. Don't forget dumpster rental. Don't forget waiting for the inspector if you are getting a permit.

    Quote on the rest. You can do it.
  • May 26, 2018, 09:17 AM
    2 Common ways is T&M(time and materials), Not to be confused with T&A.
    I charge my Hourly and add 20% to Materials. I give Customer the option to buy the Materials, Need to get paid for my Time. Many charge a higher percentage.

    Many insist on a Total Price, which you may need to allow for the Unexpected, once you open the walls. Rot, Broken beams, anything. Tell them the price is for what work you are doing, unexpected work may need to adjust price?
  • May 26, 2018, 09:58 AM
    How long do YOU think this job will take, and what hours will you work? Keep in mind these folks will have no kitchen until you're done. I'm sure they've asked how long along with how much. What have you charged for big complex jobs before? Do they already have a list of materials or are you doing that too? To make a plan you need a lot more details than just a list of the jobs but the materials too. So put a time with your lists, and what materials for each job and that should give you an idea of the costs and man hours.

    You can always Google costs of kitchen renovations to get an idea of what contractors charge and for what.

    This link even has a local look up for any area in the country.
  • May 26, 2018, 11:05 AM
    I consider myself a pretty experienced DIY'r. I have built most of my house, numerous Habitat houses, pulled wiring for my children, did plumbing etc. I see a couple of things that raise a red flag. Doing it for friends for $$ is fine BUT;

    Not licensed/insured/bonded and work alone.
    Remove a load bearing wall and install LVL beam.
    Wire 6 recessed lights, add 3-way switches, reroute wires from wall I removed.

    You are accepting a lot of liability and if a permit is being pulled, you may have issues with wiring, plumbing and removing load bearing walls.

  • May 27, 2018, 05:41 PM
    Fair observations. The load bearing beam will be my biggest challenge. I've received the right advice on the LVL dimensions I'll need from someone who did the load calculations and am bringing help when it's time to install the beam. I am working within my experience in both the electrical and plumbing areas.

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