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  • Jul 17, 2014, 10:10 AM
    Currently in labor, and only 1 kitten 4 hrs in! NO contractions!
    Hi. I'm worried. I have an 11 month old cat that went into labor at about 7:30am (which I already hear is unusual for a morning birth). She came into my room after rolling over on my b/f's food to show my him she was in labor. He screamed for me, that she was ready, and she ran right into my room, into the drawer I had ready for her. Didn't take too long to get the 1st kitten out, maybe 10 minutes, 5 w/contractions. That was at around 8am. It's now a little after 1:00pm and no more kittens. Just the one. He's doing good and is nursing and being loved on by mommy. She was panting and out of breath for a bit after giving birth to that kitten, but now has gone back to her normal "pregnant" self. Just cooing at kitten and laying with him and letting him nurse, and being lazy, but purring and looking happy. Is it normal to take so long between kittens? Is it possible she is scared to have people around while giving birth? She's usually a HUGE mommy's girl, so I'm having a hard time believing she won't let me around here. She even comes to my hand when I put it in to give her words on encouragement and love. I'm just worried because I called the local vet, and they said to rush her in that it isn't normal, but reading online, nothings uniform and all births can be different, MOST are easy, but not all. Is this a situation where I should rush her in? She's acting totally normal now and happy; eating and all! Please, someone let me know if I'm safe to just let nature take its course, or if I should seek out professional help for my boor baby! Thannk you in advance!
  • Jul 17, 2014, 10:41 AM
    Leave her alone and stop fussing over her. Do not try to deliver any kittens yourself. It may take hours between each kitten delivery. Your cat is fine and doesn't need human help and hovering. It's a good sign that the first kitten is nursing and getting attention from Mom.
  • Jul 17, 2014, 10:59 AM
    I totally agree. There will be more kittens. Some will come later, this is normal; no hovering as much as you would like to. The queens are very private when they are birthing. You are distracting her.

    Also, absolutely no touching little ones.

    Don't know what the vet means.
  • Jul 17, 2014, 04:07 PM
    As long as she isn't in distress, she doesn't need a vet. Cats can halt labor up to an entire day if they feel unsafe. Just keep a subtle eye on her, to make sure she doesn't seem to be in distress. Don't bother her, and nature will eventually take care of itself. Put food and water right outside of her nest, and a litter box somewhere nearby, so she doesn't have to leave her kitten for more than a minute or two at a time. Making the room darker couldn't hurt, either.

    It is possible that there was only one kitten. If she'll let you touch her belly, you can probe very gently to see if you can feel any more. If her belly feels lumpy, there is still at least one kitten left.

    Everything you read will probably tell you not to try to touch her or her kittens. That is a good rule of thumb, but every situation is different. Most queens won't let anyone near their kittens, and don't want anyone around when they're in labor. However, there are some that don't mind, or even appreciate the company.

    Take your cues from her. If she seems even slightly upset at your presence, back off. Just keep in mind that purring is not always a sign of contentment, cats also use it to comfort their kittens or themselves when they're stressed. Watch her body language. If her ears are back, or down to the sides, back off a little. The same goes for if her tail is twitching or wagging.

    The main thing is, making sure she doesn't seem to be in distress. If she has contractions for more than several minutes without giving birth, seems overly lethargic, seems to be in more pain than she should be, or she starts bleeding, then you should take her to the vet. If she hasn't had more kittens, and you can still feel some, by tomorrow night, then you should take her to the vet.

    I hope, after the kittens are weaned, you plan to get everyone fixed.

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