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  • May 12, 2004, 04:17 AM
    Strange emotions
    I have a very weird problem - I am overcome with a sort of negative emotion that I can't describe whenever I see a particular thing. Of the many things that will bring this on, some of the worst are the angle of the sunlight, certain old cars, tall trees, wood panneling, old houses, children, public libraries, flag poles, mountains, and especially cemeteries. Sometimes I cry for absolutely no reason - there are no negative feelings but the tears come when I see or think about these things and I can't stop them. Also, certain smells will trigger this reaction in me - the worst being the smell/flavor of a blue candy-cane that I don't know the name of. I believe I may be either insane or schitzophrenic because things have progressed to the point that I have to explain to people why I'm afraid of parks, balloons, etc. Seeing a counselor has made things worse. I guess this post is a last-ditch effort to see if maybe someone out there can help me, or at least sympathize. Thank you.
  • May 22, 2004, 05:30 PM
    Strange emotions
    I can't help, but I want you to know you are not alone. I want you to know that more people than you could ever imagine are going through the same thing. I am not going through that exact thing, but I know how it is to be down.

    Just the other day I had another "fit". I can't begin to describe what I see in my head when I yell out and hit myself. I have gotten better, but I still hit and scream. I leave plenty of bruises.

    I started tot hink that I might be schitzophrenic, but someone said that I was OK because I knew I had a problem. They said if I had more of a problem that I wouldn't be aware I even needed help.

    I think it is the same with you. You are OK. Are you or have you ever been on medication? I was on Zoloft and it was great. I was almost too cheery at times, but I could control my feelings a bit more. It was easier to deal with the way lows and the minor lows were easier to turn into good times.

    I took myself off it because I thought it was a "false happiness", but I was wrong. I need it now and I son't have the insurance to get it. My point is that if you can, take advantage of medication. If you are on medication, please see about changing the type or dosage.

    You are not alone. Please feel free to email me if you need someone to talk to. I read it each day. So even if I am not able to write you back write away, it will be within 24 hours. I will listen and if you need advice or information, I will be happy to help ouyt there as best I can. Smile for me!
  • Oct 24, 2004, 09:56 PM
    Hi there here is an answer
    All aberration stems from a single source... the reactive mind. It is removable. So you don't have to suffer with any of those diseases.
    The reason psychiatry has failed to solve them is simple.. any computer tech could tell you the answer. You cannot fix the computer hardware and resolve a software problem and that is what psychiatry has been trying to do. Electro shock, drugs and psychosurgery do not work. They damage the hardware which is running correctly. The software (mind in this case is non physical) it has to be done in a particular way.
    Dianetics can fix mental illness really fast, hours instead of months or years, no drugs or hypnosis. And the kicker is that every hour of Dianetic auditing gives you a point of IQ, so it can make quite a difference.
    Emotion and the amount of reactive mind are linked, negative or mis emotion are part of being on the lower end of the scale, (having a lot of reactive mind) higher emotions are less reactive (see the emotional tone scale.
    Also physical diseases become more pronounced with more reactive mind. Depression is part of this and easily removed.
    As I said it can be removed. You can do some of it yourself or have a professional auditor do it . Once it is gone it is gone permanently.
    There are millions who have done this before you. But remember this if you have taken or are on psych drugs you will not be able to audit. You must be weaned off them carefully first.
    For more info on that write me again.
    visit to find out more info or to find an auditor in your area.
    See also or
  • Sep 30, 2007, 04:15 PM
    I really don't know the answer to your question but I sympathise with you as I have emotional issues but its my child not directly causing mine I have no feelings for her at all and too think I'm weird or strange

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