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  • Nov 4, 2008, 08:24 AM
    Doubt about getting help, which kind of doctor?
    Because of a series of factors I think I have SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder,) or AvPD(Avoidant personality disorder), this week I come to the firm resolution that
    I need to see a professional about my problem. But I don't know which doctor I should see.

    I'm a little scared of talking with someone about it and all the therapy methods I've been reading.
    But I'm trying to keep it away from my mind, I'm trying not suffer from future happenings.

    My real problem is that I don't know which doctor so see, and don't know how to find out.
    I'm worried that a psychiatrist will only drop me medicines and I don't think it will help much,
    But I'm worried that a psychologist isn't the right person to deal with the problem.
  • Nov 4, 2008, 10:33 AM

    You can't just make an appt with a doctor on your own anyway; you must go through your regular doctor for a referral to a specialist that he thinks is the best way to go.

    These two conditions that you mention SAD, which is a seasonal affective disorder whereby a person becomes depressed a particular time of the year, every year, same time. AvPD is avoidant personality disorder which displays a pattern odf social inhibition, in other words, feelings of inadequacy in a social environment.

    You could not have known about these two disorders without going through the net and reading and picking them out. You have no idea that is what is wrong with you.

    Start with your own doctor, talk, explain how you feel and let him make an imformed decision on what you need, who you need to see.
  • Nov 4, 2008, 11:08 AM

    Sorry by SAD I mean Social Anxiety Disorder, no seasonal disorder...

    For more explanation on AvPD

    First thank you :)


    You have no idea that is what is wrong with you.
    That's why I'm wanting to check a doctor, I don't want to make assumptions, I've seen so many people taking meds without prior prescription.


    Start with your own doctor, talk, explain how you feel and let him make an imformed decision on what you need, who you need to see.
    It would make it very hard to conceal it from family and friends.
    I'm very very ashamed even of looking for it, people WILL ask things I don't want to answer. It would lead to certain embarasment :(

    I know its sounds lame, but I can't help, last time I made an appointment was an oftalmologist and I almost had an attack in the waiting room.
  • Nov 4, 2008, 12:51 PM

    I personally think you should try a psychiatrist. Yes, they do prescribe medications to help deal with anxiety or depression, but they also will listen and do counseling if you let them know what you are feeling. Open up to them just like you open up on this forum and they will reach out to you. You may even have to see several different ones before finding the "right" one for you. Its all trial and error.
    I myself have a severe anxiety disorder and am a complete hypochondriac, but making that first appt. with my psychiatrist was the best thing I ever did. Some people will tell you to steer clear of all Benzo drugs, because of their addictiveness, but you have to be in control of the drug. Not the other way around. It isn't there so you can deal with life, it is there to help. You cannot allow yourself to become dependent upon the meds, just use them when needed to help you realize that life isn't that bad and that you can control what happens in your life.
    It is in the end what you want to do, but I think you should make that call and see what it does for you. The worse that can happen is you are unsatisfied and then you know it wasn't what you personally need.

    Hope that helps some

  • Nov 4, 2008, 04:13 PM

    Eriklynn23, we need to watch our manners on this board. I do have medical background. I am a certified Personal Support Worker working with people with medical conditions and disorders. I am not saying I know everything, but quite a bit. In my neck of the woods, you absolutely cannot make an appt. with a specialist without going through your family doctor.

    For the record, regarding SAD:

    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or, less frequently, in the summer[1], repeatedly, year after year. The US National Library of Medicine notes that "some people experience a serious mood change when the seasons change. They may sleep too much, have little energy, and crave sweets and starchy foods. They may also feel depressed. Though symptoms can be severe, they usually clear up."[2] The condition in the summer is often referred to as Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder, and can also include heightened anxiety.[3]

    There are many different treatments for classic (winter-based) seasonal affective disorder, including light therapies with bright lights, anti-depression medication, ionized-air administration,[4] cognitive-behavioral therapy, and carefully timed supplementation of the hormone melatonin.

    Your comments were uncalled for and out of line. And by the way, do you have any credentials for your assertions.

    And as for Stratmando, well, he has an axe to grind but it doesn't mean he has to call down another long time member of the forum. Comments like his would never occur to me, especially in front of a new member.
  • Nov 4, 2008, 04:27 PM

    Originally Posted by Jonny_br View Post
    It would make it very hard to conceal it from family and friends.
    i'm very very ashamed even of looking for it, people WILL ask things i don't want to answer. it would lead to certain embarasment

    How would your family and friends find out unless you told them? The doctor would not reveal anything. Confidentiality and privacy are vital in the medical profession.
  • Nov 4, 2008, 04:59 PM

    Hi, Jonny, there is considerably more information on this website dedicated to AvPD

    Avoidant Personality Disorder Home ( AvPD )
  • Nov 4, 2008, 05:17 PM

    Certainly be aware of conditions and disorders and their syndromes and certainly be aware of your symptoms (write them down), but please don't diagnose yourself.

    If you are under a health care plan, it is usually set up that you start with your primary doctor who refers you to a specialist. The specialist might be a psychiatrist who interviews you and gives you a prescription, and then refers you to a social worker or a counselor for therapy (set goals, have someone to be accountable to).

    The psychiatrist can counsel you instead of a counselor, but at the rates he/she charges, you would be better off with the counselor who charges much less and who would consult with the psychiatrist to get you feeling and doing better.

    The psychologist can counsel you (at fairly high fees) but cannot dispense meds, if that's what you need initially to level out your brain chemistry.
  • Nov 4, 2008, 06:18 PM
    Please don't put up a fight in the treat, let's forget it OK? Please.

    I greatly appreciatte all your help :), thanks

    I'm from Brazil , so I guess the rules on seeking medical help are very different, I don't have to go through another doctor prior to getting a appointment on a specialist, unless I'm trying to get there through "social security" or a health care plan...

    I would be far more assured if I could count on a so called "family doctor" , because of the trusting factor, but the closest thing I have is a GP (google translated sorry), who attend on public service, which will probably tell me that I just need a warm bath or will stuff me with prozac. They will only send someone to a mental health doctor if the person has visible harmfull issues , like willing to suicide or are with uncontrollable rage attacks.

    Mental health here is highly underated and is very hard to find any public service that will help, the truth is that they are totally unprepared and the service is "overloaded".


    How would your family and friends find out unless you told them?
    like I said the closest to a family doctor is the public service and if I go there the whole place will know - it's a small town - then they will start to ask. But I know its lame, sooner or latter they'll find out or I will live in total recluseness forever, my choice...
    The problem is that they tend to think I'm don't have any problems, to them it's the sole fact that I go to work 6 am and come back 6 pm is a resassuring, I'm the awkward guy who don't talk - I don't have a problem with my personality as long as it don't keep my life from going ahead - which is exactly what's happening. I'm full of living my life like this, it's like being the guess actor on my own movie. (venting again... )


    Hi, Jonny, there is considerably more information on this website dedicated to AvPD

    Avoidant Personality Disorder Home ( AvPD )
    I've been through great resources on the web, an much people often say I shouldn't self diagnose, but I think it's useful to have a slight ideia from what my problem could be, it helps understanding a little more and convinced me of getting help.



    I personally think you should try a psychiatrist. Yes, they do prescribe medications to help deal with anxiety or depression, but they also will listen and do counseling if you let them know what you are feeling. Open up to them just like you open up on this forum and they will reach out to you. You may even have to see several different ones before finding the "right" one for you. Its all trial and error.
    I myself have a severe anxiety disorder and am a complete hypochondriac, but making that first appt. with my psychiatrist was the best thing I ever did.
    In the beginning I really thought I had Social phobia, but now I *think* of AvPD, because I don't show my anxiety often, just in extreme cases... I'm always hidding , always looking for a way out, away trying to avoid potential embarasment, potential in my disturbed point of view. I'll try to accept things I'm told even if they're wrong just to avoid a fight, I'll not say no because it could potencially offend someone, and the list of things go on.

    But I don't want to affirm myself this or that issue, I want to put my problems out, ask what is it, and how I get rid of it. I don't really want to keep and unending talking about my life, I just don't want to keep myself from living like this.

    I personally think it will exausth myself if I had to put a trial and error :(, just looking for names on the phonebook makes me nervous and embarrassed (even when there's no one to make me embaressad)... but well, I have at least to try, I can't keep thigs this way.

    I really think this is the wrong mindself but it's VERY VERY frustrating to take my hard earned money to cure myself from something that my mind is doing, the stupid part is that I have money to expend because I won't use it , the only thing I do in my life is paying the bills and the food I eat, I can't even open a account in a bank to put my savings.

    I'm really thinking about a councelor, but I don't know where I can get one (I went out of college last year), and I don't know how to find one (partially because I don't know how they name "councelor" here :o)
  • Nov 5, 2008, 06:08 AM

    Omg how could I write that much!

    Bottom line I want to get help but I want to be as straight as possible or I'll lose my motivation.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 06:19 AM

    As you say you live in Brazil , our resources are limited to help you find a solution to your problem because we are probably worlds apart to find you the proper counselling. I will continue to search on line to see what I can find but you must realize the more you dwell on this problem, the worse it is going to be for you. I do wish you would try to move on from it for the time being, be strong, stay motivated and try to stay positive in your abilities as a mature person.

    I like your statement 'be as straight as possible or I'll lose my motivation'. Perfectly true and exactly what I mean. Good for you !
  • Nov 5, 2008, 06:29 AM

    A person suffering from a mental hangup has a few problems.

    They ask themselves,"Why would I need to seek help, what makes me so weak as to need outside help,what is wrong with me..."

    Is this rational thinking?

    In my experience,NO, it isn't rational,its my sick mind telling me to keep in the fold of insanity,the comfortable,familiar dread.

    That is the power of mental illnesses,they keep us in the sickness,not the move forward to recovery.

    It makes us believe the lies we invent in our minds,keeping us under their disguise of normalcy.

    Let me ask you this: Do you want to continue to question your motives,actions,behaviors... etc. or do you really want to feel better?

    Change isn't always comfortable,sometimes it is a necessity.

    The definition of insanity,short form:

    To do the same things, expecting different results.

    A mental illness would like you to believe this,expecting you to fall prey to its comfortable,familiar outcomes.

    Are you sick and tired of the same old behaviors?If so, make the effort to change.Have you attempted to make those changes in the past?And what were the outcomes?Same old same old?

    Who suffers more if you see a therapist,psychologist,or psychiatrist?You, for the possible embarrassment(lame excuse... your own words) or your phobias?Are you willing to address them for what they are? Just ideas,ideas that are stopping you from being the person you want to be?

    I have been in your shoes,making the decision to seek help,feeling lame for the need to ask for help,losing the familiar for the unforeseeable,accepting someone in the professional worlds remedies for what ails me.

    At first I didn't think medications would help,just as you think.

    I was wrong.

    Sometimes we need to trust those with more knowledge than us, to make the decisions for us,just because... Its called blind faith.

    My decision to accept their doctoring has made this world a better place for me, and those around me.

    Are you really ready for a change? Then get the help you deserve,throw caution to the wind,and do what you need to do to LIVE free of this monkey on your back.

    Don't read into some horror story about how this medication made them feel,or this doctor treated them for this or that and might have been wrong, that was them,not you.

    For every successful remedy/treatment 10 people will hear about it.

    For every unsuccessful remedy/treatment 100 people will hear about it.

    This is a universal fact,we,as humans, thrive on the negative,and mental illnesses like to cling to the idea that something won't work because of...

    I know, a little long winded, but I think I got the idea across.

    Hope to hear back from you soon,

  • Nov 5, 2008, 06:42 AM

    First I will be a little blunt,

    You have no idea what you have, it may just be depression, or it may be something medical causing a mental issue.

    You are only guessing what it could be, in the middle of having it, which is not always a clear view.

    So you need to see a doctor, and starting with a family doctor is not ever a bad idea, they are in our culture the first place to always start.
  • Nov 8, 2008, 04:29 AM

    If your community has a Social Services, you could probably find the right person there. You can still call your former college and ask for advice on how to find the type of service you want.
  • Dec 3, 2008, 09:11 AM

    I greatly apreciatte all your advice, I made my first appointment with a psycologist and it's already having a great outcome, I happy the way I'm taking.

    I understand your concerns, but if I haven't made that decision I don't know if I would have had the strength to do it anytime later.

    The sole fact that I made a appointment and went there by my own, have made me feel much better.

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