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  • Apr 9, 2013, 08:35 PM
    What can I do about my neighbors verbal abuse and throwing water over my fence on me
    Every time I let my dogs out in the back yard my neighbor stars cursing and calling me bad names. Then he throws water over my fence on me. Sometimes he curses and throws water over my fence while I am out walking my dogs . I am not even home and other neighbors tell me he is doing this. I have called poliece but they tell me they don't handle dog problems. The dogs aren't the problem it is my neighbor cursing me and throwing water over my fence. He does it even when I have company and I am sitting on my patio. The dogs are in the house he still curses me and throws water over the fence. I have taken many videos and have prepared paperwork for a restraing order. I am concerned it will not be approved because he lives next door and cannot stay over 100 ft away from me at all time. This has been going on for over 2 yrs now. I am a single female. I live alone and I am very afraid of the neighgor. I am afraid to go out in my own yard.
  • Apr 10, 2013, 03:24 AM
    Stand by your guns. A restraining order does not just prevent a person from coming close to you. It can also restrain them from certain behaviors.

    You are being harassed by this person and you have a right to quiet enjoyment of your home. Throwing water on you is assault. Throwing water on your property is harassment. Verbal abuse is harassment.

    If you have videos and testimony proving this the court will issue a cease and desist order. If he continues this behavior he can be jailed.
  • Apr 10, 2013, 06:36 AM
    I am on the verge of doing the very same thing. I have a neighbour that backs on to my property. He moved his van into his back yard up against his fence, and every time 'a' dog barked- most of the time not mine- he would remotely hit the panic button on his key fob.

    He has done other things despite me tearing a strip off him. All the neighbours are afraid of this guy.

    I called the police and they came out, and immediately went and talked to him. He moved his van, and was 'cautioned', and a report was drawn up. Further behaviour WILL result in a restraining order.

    Go after him. He is a coward and a bully and has gotten used to getting away with very bad behaviour. You've let him get away with this far too long as it is.
  • Apr 10, 2013, 07:26 AM
    Since this isn't in the legal section I wanted to add something here... Not only do I agree with Scott and Jake but I think you should do something else.

    You said when you call the police, they tell you they don't handle dog problems. When you call them, don't even mention walking the dogs or the dogs being outside. Simply mention how he is cursing at you and throwing water on you. When they do come out to talk to you, then you can give the full details that they will need for their report.
  • Apr 10, 2013, 09:06 AM
    I had a very similar problem and I've posted this before. I had a neighbor who some years after he was were forced out of my neighborhood went to jail for physically assaulting his "new" single female neighbor.

    But when he was "here" and the neighborhood terror and I was alone and afraid I retained an Attorney and he sued for intentional infliction of emotional stress. My proof was videos and voice recordings.

    I also purchased and installed a very inexpensive "surveillance" system and got written statements from my company which saw some of the behavior.

    His homeowners insurance, of course, got involved, then decided it didn't cover intentional acts, and then dropped his coverage. Once I took a stand other neighbors took a stand and he eventually moved.

    I found that the Police were pretty much useless because, as they put it, they had bigger problems to solve.

    I'd hire an Attorney -
  • Apr 10, 2013, 09:52 AM
    I had a neighbor who would never have assaulted anyone but he was a property line nut. We all had 50 x 100 lots in the city. He ordered everyone around. He thought we were on 2 feet of his land by an old agreement with his wife's uncle who had left them their house. So he swept 2' of my driveway once a week, and moved my van by pushing it down the drive. When I proved that it was the neighbor behind him, not me, he got mad at me for 'causing trouble' and also mad at the other neighbor, and took a chainsaw to 2' of that guy's shed. The story escalated from there... finally they moved.

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