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  • May 12, 2007, 03:45 PM
    How to increase beard growth
    Hi I'm Abdul. I'm 21 years old. But until now I haven't got any beard on my face. By the internet I found lot of cause for that. Most of all for hormone. So what should I do? Shall I go to an endocrilogist? Is there any medicine in the world that can increase beard growth? Is it possibe to medication this problem by seeing doctor? Please help me.. waiting for reply...
  • May 12, 2007, 04:09 PM
    If you say that you haven't got any beard growth on your face, then I would consult with your doctor as no one here can diagnose a possible underlying cause as to why you don't have any beard growth on your face.

    What is below if from: The Beard Community Bulletin Board FAQ

    Not much, sadly. 90% of how your beard looks is determined by genetics and age, whether it's length, color and texture. However, good alimentation and grooming habits will help maximize what you have, keep the hair in optimal shape. Also, choosing the right style of facial hair can really help maximize the impact of your beard.
    Facial hair is generally one of the last characteristics of physical maturity to develop during adolescence. Many physically mature guys don't finish developing a fully adult beard until their early 20s or even later. If you're still young, remember that your beard may continue to get thicker as you get older. Many guys notice their beards growing thicker, denser and faster when they enter their 30s and 40s. Give it time!

    Some people might be tempted to use hormones or creams or treatments (etc) - to increase their facial hair growth. However, there is NO scientific evidence proving such products have any positive effects on facial hair growth speed, density or anything else.

    For example, Rogaine is marketed as a way to grow hair on your head, but I don't believe it's been formally tested on faces. Keep in mind, this board is not meant to be a source of reliable information about this or any other medication. A medical doctor or pharmacist would be able to tell you more.
  • Jul 24, 2007, 11:59 AM
    Now, what does "sacxascadsssssss" mean?
  • Dec 16, 2007, 07:00 AM
    Dear friend ,I have the same problem and until now I didn't have the solution I believe in doctors but I want the effective one I mean the easy way. If you go to the doctor he going to tell you to take the analyse of your blood and say just blabla .so let's keep in touch in order to have the solution!!
  • Oct 11, 2008, 09:33 AM

    Use medinill
  • Nov 17, 2008, 12:43 AM
    Hi.. I'm mnez (not real name), from malaysia. I want to have beard but unable too. My family members have it, but not in me. It make me sad, in stress sometimes. Could you help me please?I have the same problem with Abdul and looking for solutions. About Rogaine, its not available in Malaysia. So where can I get something like that?
  • Nov 17, 2008, 03:36 AM

    Hi, mnez!

    Did you already read what I posted earlier on this thread? If not, here it is again. Please note in particular, those things which I've made into bold print.



    If you say that you haven't got any beard growth on your face, then I would consult with your doctor as no one here can diagnose a possible underlying cause as to why you don't have any beard growth on your face.

    What is below if from: The Beard Community Bulletin Board FAQ

    Not much, sadly. 90% of how your beard looks is determined by genetics and age, whether it's length, color and texture. However, good alimentation and grooming habits will help maximize what you have, keep the hair in optimal shape. Also, choosing the right style of facial hair can really help maximize the impact of your beard.

    Facial hair is generally one of the last characteristics of physical maturity to develop during adolescence. Many physically mature guys don't finish developing a fully adult beard until their early 20s or even later. If you're still young, remember that your beard may continue to get thicker as you get older. Many guys notice their beards growing thicker, denser and faster when they enter their 30s and 40s. Give it time!

    Some people might be tempted to use hormones or creams or treatments (etc) - to increase their facial hair growth. However, there is NO scientific evidence proving such products have any positive effects on facial hair growth speed, density or anything else.

    For example, Rogaine is marketed as a way to grow hair on your head, but I don't believe it's been formally tested on faces. Keep in mind, this board is not meant to be a source of reliable information about this or any other medication. A medical doctor or pharmacist would be able to tell you more.
  • Nov 18, 2008, 09:10 PM

    Why in the sam hill would you want to be fat? It makes more sense to be strong and physically fit as that is what is enscribed in females to choose the best mate since cavemen days to have the best offspring. And your beard will come. I'm only 21 and mine is barely starting and its already annoying shaving every other day.
  • Sep 3, 2009, 09:14 PM
    :(:I am 30 years old what can I do to grow fast facial hair
  • Oct 11, 2009, 12:49 PM
    Hi guys, I have the same problem :( I'm 21 and I don't have any facial hair... my friends have had beard long since. I was at the doctor, and I took hormones analyse. Everything is OK. My dad, grandpas, uncles in this age have had strong facial hair. What can I do ? Any suggestion will be apreciated
  • Feb 19, 2010, 01:11 AM
    I am 23.. and still no hair growth on my face.. and I look like a small boy or school boy . Which depresses me a lot... I want to show myself matured... what should I do??
  • Mar 9, 2010, 11:31 AM
    Try crazy glue and pubic hair
  • Mar 9, 2010, 11:32 AM

    Try pubic hair and crazy glue
  • Mar 9, 2010, 11:32 AM

    Originally Posted by josejose View Post
    I am 23 .. and still no hair growth on my face .. and I look like a small boy or school boy . which depresses me a lot ... I want to show myself matured ... what should I do ???

    Shave your pubs, and glue them to your face
  • Mar 9, 2010, 05:43 PM

    This is a 3 yr old post but the first thing that needs to be done is a blood test to check and see if the testosterone level is below normal. Typically it is the surge of testosterone during puberty that leads to beard growth. This is the first step.
  • Aug 4, 2010, 07:41 PM
    Hi I am Andy, I am 36 still my hair is not fully grown on my face... I get a thin muschtache and beard on my chin, rest of the place is either no hair or thin hair which can't be noticed... give it time.. less hair might signify you are still young.. and your aging process is slow.. so you can stay younger for a longer time :)
  • Aug 5, 2010, 02:30 AM
    Just so people know who continue to post on this thread...

    It's now very old and archived. So, it's no longer visible on the daily listing of currently active threads.

    If you have a separate question or comment that you might want to be noticed the most, then it would be best to start a new thread in the form of a question.


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