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  • Jan 12, 2013, 03:54 AM
    Regarding erection.
    I am 25 year old male. I am having some doubt regarding my erection. Story is like this.

    Case 1) I had my first intercourse with my girlfriend at age of 23. Though we were in relationship at the age of 22 we meet daily in a week. and often used to have sex every 1 and half week. I am able to start the course for 3 minutes and used to have huge sperm explosion and we use to take break and again in 30 min my penis has another erection. Is this normal? I used condoms. I feel personally that condoms makes me more excited and I leaked out in minutes.

    Case 2) sometimes we use to try something else. My beautiful girl used to ask me to take it out immediately if I found I am going to leak out. We tried this and we enjoyed intercourse for 30 min. without leaking out my sperms and that to without condoms. We took penetration for 7 times and every time took break of 3-4 min.
    What should be natural one time sperms leaking time..?

    I hope my ejaculation will improve with this rest period.
  • Jan 12, 2013, 05:02 AM
    1. Very normal
    2. not sure what you are asking: what should be natural one time sperms leaking time? Can you explain a little more?

    I will say that having sex hoping you don't leak has about a 1 in 4 chance of resulting in pregnancy, so consider going back to condoms. Even they have a certain failure rate.
  • Jan 12, 2013, 07:36 AM
    What are you talking about ?

    Resting between having sex, yes a few hours helps.

    Not having sex for a week or two , may help with erection if you are having an issue.

    Not having sex for several months will not help make stamina better.

    Good over all health, being fit will help with over all stamina
  • Jan 12, 2013, 11:23 AM
    Dear sir thank you so much for replaying it.
    Sir. I heard that few people can have intercourse for 45 minutes , they keep doing intercourse for 45 min and for several time haviing sperm ejaculation in those 45 min,, is it possible??
    If yes what would be diet and what should be done,
  • Jan 12, 2013, 11:26 AM
    Anything is possible between two healthy, horny human. Some are healthier, and hornier than others.
  • Jan 12, 2013, 11:33 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Anything is possible between two healthy, horny human. Some are healthier, and hornier than others.

    Dear .
    Its like other my desire is to be healthy please suggest me how can I be healthy
  • Jan 12, 2013, 11:41 AM
    I doubt that any diet is going to magically allow you to 'keep doing intercourse for 45 min and for several time haviing sperm ejaculation in those 45 min.'
    That is extremely rare. I doubt that any of the men on this site have ever done that and I as a woman have never encountered it, and why do you want that anyway?
    Some men can maintain one erection for longer than that, but they do so mainly with their thoughts, and resting a bit here and there. Sex may not be as much of a mind exercise for men as it is for women, but lasting a long time is. The standard joke is to silently recite sports statistics to slow you down, but I don't know - I'm not a man.
  • Jan 12, 2013, 07:00 PM
    First sperm come out and leak in the early fluids, so we are talking about ejaculation, not sperm leaking out, since from about the first time you enter, sperm start leaking some.

    I have gone about 45 min before, I feel like I need Oxygen when it is over, and normally my partner is ready to stop by then also. It has really little to do with time, but with doing things properly.

    Also doing sex, and stoping for more play, then going back and having more sex, and taking breaks to massage, snuggle, love talk between actual sex.

    I always thought it was to think about motor mechanics while having sex, to talk mind off it to last longer.

    The real issue is to do foreplay, lots of it, let girl reach climax before you even start with regular "sex"

    I will say that just over all fitness, In the last six months for example here, I changed my diet, no fast foods, all fresh veggies, no canned veggies, very little meat, lots of rice and noddles, very little oil, I have lost maybe 50 pounds, yesterday I rode my bicycle for 4 hours straight, and I can jog up 7 flights of stairs ( that is 142 steps)
    So now I can last for longer than I have in 30 years.
  • Jan 13, 2013, 11:17 AM
    Oh dear I think you are saying be fit is exactly means keep your weight in propertion to height. And used fruits vegetables and keep oil and fat lesser amount... eat healthy and keep yourself away from stress...
    You have shared a valuable information and its really sounds great for me... I am fit enough... I have seen my body mass index. My mistake in past is I looks into sex very very stressfully... wher as I have to add some more fun to it... and have to let my girl do what she enjoys with me... like talk.. funny drama... and forplay,, etc... I have to add sweetness and spicy things in it..

    Thanks alots...

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