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  • Oct 23, 2006, 04:28 PM
    Beard Problem
    I'm 19 & I do no have any beard on my cheek. Slightly on chin. No hair on chest. Please give me solution...
  • Oct 23, 2006, 04:33 PM
    Solution to what problem?
  • Oct 23, 2006, 05:06 PM

    Originally Posted by silentexplosure
    I'm 19 & i do no have any beard on my cheek. Slightly on chin. No hair on chest. Please give me solution...

    To grow beard! What will I do?
  • Nov 8, 2006, 03:37 AM
    Not everybody can grow a beard and sometimes it takes a while to get some fuzz. There's no secret or guarantee that will make your facial/chest hair to grow faster or thicker and no shaving the area does not make a difference.

    Even people who have facial hair can't grow a full beard or mustache.
  • Nov 8, 2006, 03:46 AM
    What's the problem here?
    ;) count yourself lucky
  • Nov 12, 2006, 06:58 AM
    Being able to grow a beard or not does not make you any more of a man...

    It is how you behave and deal with situations and people that shows maturity.

    Quit worrying too much about image because you will learn that things like this really don't matter. And don't think there is anything wrong with you, some people just don't grow course beards or take a while longer due to hormone levels.

    But there is nothing wrong with you, I'm sure!
  • Nov 12, 2006, 08:09 AM

    Originally Posted by Krs
    Whats the problem here?
    ;) count yourself lucky

    Yes + you save money on shaving gel..

    Seriously, it really does not matter..

    No woman has ever asked me how long my facial hair grows and has never been a deal breaker.

    I sense you are worried that you are less of a man just because you have little facial hair...

    That's Rubbish!!
  • Jun 23, 2007, 06:17 AM
    I'm 21 and I'm having the same problem.
    The problem is that sometimes someone wants to experiment with his looks whether they are hairs or facial hairs. For those who have facial hairs it's not a big deal because they already have it and can do any experimentation any time if they want. But for those who don't, it's a big deal because they feel like something is missing. It's not about chicks or anything, but sometimes people want to create something unique, or create a beardy character. For example did anybody see a friend or someone who was always beardy? And one day he got shaved and you see and say: "ohhh dude, you look terrible!". Whether he looks good or bad it's just an automatic response to a drastical change. This is a situation where non - beardy people envy. They want to have beard whether they want to use it or not (like a tool). I'm not answering neither asking just commenting. I personally regret for not having beard. I feel myself ungrown! And for the matter of fact I'd like that somebody say to me: "yeas you're a bit unlucky!", rather than saying: "it's ok dude, you're lucky for not having beard". No one CAN HEAR YOU'RE PAIN.
  • Jul 15, 2007, 03:41 PM

    Originally Posted by GicaEric
    I'm 21 and I'm having the same problem.
    The problem is that sometimes someone wants to experiment with his looks whether they are hairs or facial hairs. For those who have facial hairs it's not a big deal because they already have it and can do any experimentation any time if they want. But for those who don't, it's a big deal because they feel like something is missing. It's not about chicks or anything, but sometimes people want to create something unique, or create a beardy character. For example did anybody see a friend or someone who was always beardy? And one day he got shaved and you see and say: "ohhh dude, you look terrible!". Whether he looks good or bad it's just an automatic response to a drastical change. This is a situation where non - beardy peopel envy. They want to have beard whether they want to use it or not (like a tool). I'm not answering neither asking just commenting. I personally regret for not having beard. I feel myself ungrown! And for the matter of fact I'd like that somebody say to me: "yeas you're a bit unlucky!", rather than saying: "it's ok dude, you're lucky for not having beard". NOONE CAN HEAR YOU'RE PAIN. facing d same prob... can you give a solution to me?
  • Sep 10, 2007, 02:11 PM
    Hi dude. Look I'm not an expert, I'm a guy just like you, like everybody. I don't find any solution yet nobody I know nkows the ''SOLUTION''. I've made some research in this area and I came up with some crazy idea which I don't think that they're worthy to cite. Do what ever you want or think that it has effect and also don't forget the genes. For example my dad has a lot of beard but in the mean time my uncles don't (my mother's brothers). I'm kind of mixed I took something from my father and something from my mother (like everybody does :D ).

    I heard that the more you shave the more beard comes out. (not proven)

    As you might know there are some pills packed as Hormones *testosterones*. - These pills help the guys *GAYS* to have perfect unhairy body. But unfortunately nobody discovered yet the Real Man hormones which undoubtetly generates lot's of beards. Let us just hope the future will bring us something :D . Maybe gene modification, maybe... whatever.

    Good bye.
  • Sep 11, 2007, 05:36 AM
    Genetics... nothing you can do but glue on a fake beard if it means that much to you.
  • Sep 13, 2007, 05:38 AM

    Originally Posted by silentexplosure
    I'm 19 & i do no have any beard on my cheek. Slightly on chin. No hair on chest. Please give me solution...

    Well I am 50 and I still can't get hair to grow on my cheeks. However I can shave without the use of shaving cream. I do have a great looking mustache, but the indian genes in me leave me with a clean chest and clean cheeks. There are a lot of women who are turned on by hairless chest, find one of them and have a great life together.
  • Dec 6, 2007, 09:30 AM
    First off, I was born with an extra X (female)chromosome, and was NEVER able to grow any body/facial hair until I was diagnosed at age 38 and prescribed testosterone shots twice monthly.

    After a few months I started growing light 'fur' on my chest, back, bum, and noticed I had to shave more regularly. Previously, I'd been able to get away with shaving twice a week.

    Now I've been taking the testosterone shots for 10 years (and 8 months), and I have a full beard/moustache. I start growing the beard every year around September, as I get to be Santa Claus for a number of kids parties..

    Increased male hormone will cause more hair growth, although I don't know how available male hormones are without a prescription.. there were other sided effects too, but not related to this question..

    Mike (Santa) LOL
  • Dec 7, 2007, 11:30 AM

    Originally Posted by GicaEric
    I'm 21 and I'm having the same problem.
    The problem is that sometimes someone wants to experiment with his looks whether they are hairs or facial hairs. For those who have facial hairs it's not a big deal because they already have it and can do any experimentation any time if they want. But for those who don't, it's a big deal because they feel like something is missing. It's not about chicks or anything, but sometimes people want to create something unique, or create a beardy character. For example did anybody see a friend or someone who was always beardy? And one day he got shaved and you see and say: "ohhh dude, you look terrible!". Whether he looks good or bad it's just an automatic response to a drastical change. This is a situation where non - beardy peopel envy. They want to have beard whether they want to use it or not (like a tool). I'm not answering neither asking just commenting. I personally regret for not having beard. I feel myself ungrown! And for the matter of fact I'd like that somebody say to me: "yeas you're a bit unlucky!", rather than saying: "it's ok dude, you're lucky for not having beard". NOONE CAN HEAR YOU'RE PAIN.

    Big deal... you can't have a Barry Gib (of the BeeGees) hairdo if you don't have that hair thickness and type.

    You do what you can with what you have. Most guys can't grow a Chuck Norris beard... and most don't obsess over it because they can't.

    If you are bald you are bald... A short fat white guy can't whine because he wants to look like Michael Jordon for example.

    Do yourself a favor and be happy with what you got. Because that's what you have to live with.
  • Jan 1, 2008, 01:20 PM
    Today I read an article from "Details" magazine and notice that it is very suitable with the problem that we had here. On page 72, they have four product. 1st: ZIRH wash; Fragrance, Cosmetics & the Finest Facial Skin Care Product Selection at 2nd: skin tonic; Leaf & Rusher. 3rd: the art of shaving moisturizer; And 4th: kiehl's hair conditioner and crooming aid; Kiehl's | Welcome. These help you how to grow the beard, how to trim the beard and how to taking care of it. If you have any questions and want to obtain a free copy of this page. Please email me. I will scan this page and send it for you. Here is my e-mail: [email protected].

  • Mar 7, 2008, 10:35 PM
    I'm not answering this question because I have the same thing happening to me. Im 20 now and I have no hair on my cheeks which is really odd since my dad has facial hair and its easy for him to grow a beard or even have a 5 oclock shadow. I just wonder when it will actually come in or even come in at all. What if I eat a lot of protein or even eat healthy would that make a difference? Just tell me what you would do if you didn't have that much facial hair and wanted to grow more. Would something work like Flex seed oil? How about rogain ( or however you spell it)? Is human growth hormones a solution to grow facial hair. I just don't understand why it is like this. Help a brother out. Thanks
  • Mar 10, 2008, 10:52 AM
    You are still 20... some guys don't get the Chuck Norris beard until they are 30 or 40 if they ever do.

    Point I want to make is life is short... there is no reason to waste any of it fixating on things you can't change. Make the most of what you have. And enjoy life.

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