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  • May 19, 2005, 11:22 PM
    Viagra- the only solution??
    Hi all.. My name is Steve, I am 42 years old. Till the age of 40 I had no troubles in my sex life. By jesus grace me and my partner are so compatible with each other, that I really feel that I am very lucky to have her. My sex life was so good, but at one day I met with an accident and that changed my life. I was in hospital for about 2 weeks, and because of that only , my capability of maintaining the erection became reduced. For some time my wife was surprised that why I am behaving in such a manner, but when I told her, she was fine with it, she only said that sex is not the only thing to be in love. But then I always use to feel incomplete. I consulted my doctor and he said that I can take Viagra, and it really proved to be a wonder drug for me. Its really amazing, now I am back to my normal life. But the days I have passed in frustation were really tough.
    I want to know that is by using viagra often, (as it is the only help), would I be able to maintain my erection without it, or I have to be on it forever.
    Sorry for such a long post...
  • May 23, 2005, 12:06 AM
    Don't get depressed
    Dear mike, I think erectile dysfunction is just a problem and not a disease, and is curable Most men experience this at some point in their lives, usually by the age 40.You are not alone if you are suffering from ED. More than 50% of men over the age of 40 suffer from some form of ED. ED affects approximately 30 million men in the United States, so my dear friend just keep your cool :cool: , as far as your erection is concerned without the help of the Viagra, ED can be due to purely psychological or physical causes. Male impotence can be treated. There are a variety of treatments available to treat Sexual impotency. Your choice of treatment depends on your health, medical history and the cause of erectile dysfunction.

    Solutions for ED are :-

    Penile implants: A surgeon places a small, saline-filled medical device that recreates the erectile function. The device transfers fluid to the penis when an erection is desired. The device is totally concealed. This procedure has one of the highest patient satisfaction rates of all impotence treatments.

    Vacuum erection device: The man puts a plastic tube over his penis and creates a vacuum by pumping the air out. The vacuum draws blood to his penis. This makes it erect. He then places an elastic band around the base of his penis to maintain blood in the penis and keep it firm.

    Injection therapy: The man injects medication into the side of his penis. The medication makes the blood vessels widen. As blood vessels widen or "dilate," blood flow increases to create an erection.

    Urethral suppository: The man inserts a soft pellet of medication into his urethra. His penis absorbs the medication. Blood flow increases, creating an erection (similar to injection therapy but without the needle).

    Counseling: Whether ED has a physical cause or not, a man may benefit from counseling therapy that teaches him how to reduce his anxiety about sex.

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